Remarkable achievement by Smt Binsi Mohan of Kerala Circle in the national sports arena:

Remarkable achievement by Smt Binsi Mohan of Kerala Circle in the national sports arena:

JTO BBM, Kandassankadavu, Thrissur, BA Smt Binsi Mohan who is an active Member and office bearer of AIGETOA family, clinched a remarkable 4 gold medals at the national masters athletics meet in Goa. Dominating the 200m and 400m races, along with exceptional performances in the 1004 and 4004 relays (35+ age category), she represented Kerala state .

As we revel in her success, Binsi Mohan is gearing up to carry the Indian flag 🇮🇳 at the international Masters Athletics Meet in TAIPEI 2025.

AIGETOA congratulates Smt Binsi Mohan on achieving this remarkable feat. We are proud of her and wish our good luck to her for achieving more and more such accomplishments in future.

Click here for the Photographs

Update on GTI (Group Term Insurance) Negotiations :

For last three days, back to back meetings have been held for negotiations on GTI. The meeting was attended by AIGETOA all India President Shri Veerabhadra Rao and Finance Secretary Shri Badri Kumar Mehta.

While LIC team once again presented a very high initial quote of Rs 3 per Thousand of GTI, team AIGETOA has categorically clarified that any rates above the initial 2019 rates of Rs 1.6 per thousand are not acceptable as the claim ratio has gone down substantially. The team AIGETOA insisted to revise the quote and has negotiated firmly on the matter. The LIC team will revert with their fresh quotes in a day or two.

We extend our thanks to all India President Shri Veerabhadra Rao and Finance Secretary Shri Badri Kumar Mehta for firmly negotiating with LIC team.

Let’s hope for the best. But one thing is very sure that in the absence of proper rates quoted by LIC, the team AIGETOA is not going to accept will insist upon further negotiations

Reservation in Promotion for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs) – Compliance with DOP&T Letter :

The BSNL SCT Cell has explicitly endorsed to all the Circle Heads of BSNL the DOP&T letter (DOP&T O.M.No.36012/1/2020-Estt.(Res-II) dt. 28.12.2023), emphasizing the strict compliance and prompt action in line with the directives laid out by the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) vide its letter No. DPE-GM/43/2014-GM(FTS-1899) dated 23.01.2024. It is imperative that BSNL adhere to these guidelines to ensure inclusivity and equal opportunities for all employees, including those with benchmark disabilities.

Click here for the Letter

Calling Off the Lunch Hour Demonstration on the appeal of BSNL Management :

Dear Members,

We are pleased to inform you that following a series of productive discussions and meetings, the recent organizational action notice issued by AIGETOA CHQ has been withdrawn. We would like to extend our gratitude to all members for their patience, cooperation, and support throughout this process.

A brief overview of the developments leading to the withdrawal of the action notice is as follows:

Re-conciliatory Meeting with Management:

A meeting chaired by the Director HR, with the presence of PGM (Pers) and PGM (SR), was held on 2nd February 2024. Management acknowledged the concerns raised by AIGETOA and assured prompt and appropriate action on the demands raised, particularly demand number 1.

Assurance on Provisioning of adequate resources and Revision of various Allowances:

Management committed to revisiting the issues related to resource allocation, revision of TA/DA, accommodation, mobile reimbursement limit, Pan India Laptop Policy and other allowances. These matters were slated for detailed discussion in the agenda meeting scheduled for 9th February 2024.

Thereafter an appeal was issued by management for withdrawal of the organisational action program. However, we expressed our unwillingness on the withdrawal in the absence of firm actions from management especially on the issue number 1.

Click here for the Appeal by Management

Meeting with UP (West) Circle Management: Following the issuance of an appeal by management, another meeting was held on 02.02.2024 wherein it was informed that UP West Circle has been directed to investigate and act urgently on the matter. The UP (West) circle management thereafter convened a meeting with AIGETOA at Ghaziabad which was attended by the BA head of Ghaziabad, Representatives of UP West administration, Representatives of Ghaziabad BA admin and District/ Circle office bearers of AIGETOA and CHQ nominees from AIGETOA.

Click here for the Meeting Notice

In the bilateral discussion, the issue was discussed in detail and was resolved to the satisfaction of both the sides.

Follow-up Meeting with BSNL Corporate Office:

Subsequent to the bilateral meeting held at Ghaziabad BA, the report of the UP West Circle was forwarded to BSNL CO along with the minutes. Thereafter the CHQ officers of AIGETOA along with GS had another meeting with Director (HR), PGM (Pers), BSNL CO and PGM (SR), BSNL CO on dated 05.02.2024. The updates of the action taken by UP (West) circle administration and also the issue of lack of resources were discussed and the assurances given on 2nd February 2024 were reaffirmed.

Click here for the Minutes of the Meeting

Withdrawal of Organizational Action Notice:

In light of the positive developments and reaffirmed commitments from management, AIGETOA CHQ has decided to withdraw the organizational action notice. We remain hopeful for further positive outcomes, including the consideration of the revision of TA/DA/Allowances in the upcoming agenda meeting on 9th February 2024.

Click here for the AIGETOA Letter with respect to the withdrawal of lunch hour demonstration

Friends, it’s the matter of fact and record that AIGETOA is never hesitant in raising the issues of genuine concern and we once again re-affirm that whenever the need arises, we will be there standing firmly with the executives on the genuine issues. However, at the same time we believe that the approach should be pragmatic and result oriented and give all possible chances to amicable resolution with pointed discussions across the table.

We sincerely appreciate the efforts of all involved parties in resolving these issues amicably. We express our gratitude to Hon’ble Director (HR), PGM (Pers), PGM (SR) and CGM (UP–West) for their active involvement in resolving the issue to the satisfaction of all concerned. We also express our appreciation for our CHQ nominees Shri A A Khan and Shri Vaibhav Goyal, Circle AIGETOA Team of UP (West) under the leadership of Shri V K Yadav CP AIGETOA, Shri Nageendra Pratap Yadava, CS AIGETOA and the District Team of AIGETOA Aligarh Shri Vikas Kumar for handling the issue in perfection. We also express our gratitude to the leaders of Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) for their active support, guidance and involvement in the matter.

Let us continue to work together towards the betterment of our beloved organization BSNL and the welfare of all members.

Countrywide Notice for Lunch Hour Demonstration on 6th Feb 2024 served by all Circle Bodies of AIGETOA :

Notice for Lunch Hour Demonstration on 6th Feb 2024 served by all Circle Bodies of AIGETOA across the country in response to the AIGETOA CHQ notice dated 24.01.2024 for LHD.

Zone wise Notice Served by All Circles :

Central Zone

Chhattisgarh. Click here for Notice

Madhya Pradesh. Click here for Notice

UP East. Click here for Notice

UP West. Click here for Notice

West Zone

Gujarat. Click here for Notice

Maharashtra. Click here for Notice

Rajasthan. Click here for Notice

East Zone

Andanam & Nicobar. Click here Notice

Assam. Click here for Notice

Bihar. Click here for Notice

Jharkhand. Click here for Notice

North East-I. Click here for Notice

North East-II. Click here for Notice

Odisha. Click here for Notice

North Zone :

ALTTC. Click here for notice

Delhi CO. Click here for notice

Haryana. Click here for notice

Himachal Pradesh. Click here for notice

Jammu & Kashmir. Click here for notice

NTR – Delhi. Click here for Notice

Punjab. Click here for Notice

Uttarakhand. Click here for Notice

South Zone :

Andhra Pradesh. Click here for notice

Chennai Telecom District (CHTD). Click here for notice

Karnataka. Click here for notice

Kerala. Click here for notice

Telangana. Click here for notice

Tamilnadu. Click here for notice

AIGETOA countrywide Lunch Hour Demonstration at BSNL CO, all Circle Headquarters and BA Headquarters by executives on 6th February 2024 highlighting the critical issues impacting the working environment and resource allocation within the organization.

Click here for the notice for Lunch Hour Demonstration

Special CL approval for PWD Employees – BSNL issued orders, PWD Commission Court Mandates BSNL to Grant Additional Special Casual Leave, Upholding Rights of PWD Employees :

Congratulations to all…💐💐

AIGETOA first of all congratulates Sh Ketan chauhan for fighting case in PWD commission court which forced management to accept the rightful need of Disabled employees…Even though management was adamant on 8+4 theory with false explanation, PWD court directed them to implement 4 additional Special CL.

The issue has been lingering for long and despite several times discussion on the matter, management was reluctant to issue the order. In fact, even after getting a positive verdict from PWD commissioner court management was showing unwillingness to implement the same. The issue was raised by AIGETOA CHQ in the recently held meeting with Hon’ble MoC also wherein we apprised him of this injustice to the PWD employees of BSNL. The issue was being consistently pursued by AIGETOA CHQ team at various levels and today finally the rightful due has been extended.

We take this opportunity to once again thank Shri Ketan Chauhan for getting the things in favour from the Hon’ble Chief Commissioner Court for Persons with Disabilities.

We also assure one and all that the issue of reservation in promotions is being actively pursued by AIGETOA CHQ Team and we remain committed to ensure that the rightful promotions are extended to one and all. We are prepared to take this matter at all levels including with Hon’ble supreme court also, if the rightful due is denied to the PWD candidates in ensuring the reservation in promotions from 30.06.2016 i.e. the cut off date stipulated by Hon’ble Supreme Court.

Click here for the orders issued by BSNL CO for 4 additional special casual leaves

Click here for the order by Hon’ble Chief Commissioner Court for Persons with disabilities

Team AIGETOA Himachal Pradesh Meeting with Hon’ble MP Sh. Suresh Kumar Kashyap Ji, Hon’ble Lok Sabha Member, Shimla Constituency, HP at Shimla on dated 25th Jan 2024 :

Team AIGETOA met with the Hon’ble Member of Parliament Shri Suresh Kumar Kashyap Ji at BSNL BA Office Shimla to apprise BSNL employees related with the Pay, Promotion, Pension and Profitability of the organization. The Team comprises of CS AIGETOA HP Sh. Chander Singh Negi, CP AIGETOA HP Sh. Birjesh Negi, ACS AIGETOA HP Sh. Mohit Kashyap and Sh. Arjun Chauhan, DS, DP and ADS Shimla BA Sh. Daya Nand Sharma, Sh. Naresh Sharma, Sh. Bhaskar Dutt Sharma, Executive Members Sh. Surender Kumar, Sh. Rajesh Negi, Sh. Devender Verma and Sh. Virender.

CS AIGETOA HP Sh. Chander Singh Negi Submitted Memorandum and apprised to Hon’ble MP regarding non implementation of 3rd PRC, Pay scale issues and pension benefits (SAB) to directly recruited employee approx. 38000.

The Hon’ble MP listened to all issues patiently and assured to raise BSNL officials Pay revision and Pension issue in upcoming parliament session.

The meeting ended on a positive note.

Click here for the Memorandum submitted

Click here for the Glimpses of Meeting