Update on AGM/CAO Promotion and efforts made by AIGETOA:

Update on AGM/CAO Promotion and efforts made by AIGETOA:

AIGETOA is religiously pursuing for issuance of AGM/CAO Promotion especially after the judgment of Apex Court on 28.01.2022 and executive instructions issued by the DOP&T on 12.04.2022 in the matter of Reservation in Promotion. Association is continuously trying and exercising all its endeavors to find the way forward for the promotion knowing fully that aspiration of executives is running high. The organization equally needs officers in these grades to man various positions got vacant after massive departure of employees from the organization through VRS in Jan-2020. Everyone understands need of these promotion except BSNL management, who is not finding way and keeping the issue under stalemate on the name of consensus between associations and management citing Judgment delivered by Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh in OA No.60/750/2018 {Ramesh Kumar Vs BSNL – Court puts all AGM Promotion of June-2018 as provisional and questioning methodology adopted in the said promotion}, which has been challenged by BSNL at Hon’ble Supreme Court, whose decision is awaited from the Apex Court.

Since the issuance of instructions by the DOP&T, AIGETOA has held several meetings both individually and jointly with all authorities in BSNL including CMD, Dir HR, PGM Pers, PGM SR, CLO on multiple occasions. Series of joint meetings have been conducted between three associations and management to break the deadlock. One such meeting was conducted after issuance of DOPT OM dated 12.04.2022 to deliberate the procedure to be followed for implementation of reservation, which were attended by three associations namely AIGETOA, SNEA, SEWA BSNL and PGM Pers, PGM SR, CLO and other officials from management under the chairmanship of Director (HR). A minute of the meeting was also issued signed by three associations declaring clearly to implement DOP&T Order dated 12.04.2022 and OM-1997, which was signed by PGM SR and CLO on behalf of the management.

Click here for the Minute

Despite issuance of minutes, management didn’t move ahead on the promotion and continued further deliberation. Even then AIGETOA extended its full support in the dialogue process considering that some way forward will be achieved. But BSNL management continued its insistence to either wait for judgment of BSNL’s SLP or signing of new declaration clearly outlining the methodology to be adopted for reservation in promotion, which couldn’t move ahead due to non-agreement by one of the association. The methodology suggested by the management is to fill 22.5% Reserve Roaster Points with Reserve Candidates first and then 77.5% Unreserved Roaster Points by the remaining candidates of the seniority list irrespective of their category.

In the meantime, AIGETOA CHQ conducted protest on 23rd June in BSNL Corporate Office to attract the attention of management on the crucial issue but management kept its rigid stand for written declaration by all three associations on the consensus methodology to be adopted in view of the Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh verdict and pending BSNL’s SLP at Hon’ble Supreme Court.

In last two weeks, a series of meetings were held to break the stalemate by joint sitting of OBs of three associations individually as well as with management but no fruitful decision could be achieved. Even the discussion of three General Secretaries in last two days of last week individually as well as with management couldn’t bring the desired result. Despite of so many meetings, BSNL Management is still insisting for written joint declaration from three associations on the methodology to be adopted, citing the judgment of Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh and pendency of BSNL’s SLP at Hon’ble Supreme Court, which has not been agreed by SEWA BSNL. This has created a complete deadlock and much awaited promotion is hanging in balance despite of so many meetings and discussion held till last week.

This has created serious resentment across the BSNL and AIGETOA has conveyed the growing anger in clear terms on multiple occasions to the management and apprised that the derailment of promotional avenues can’t be accepted any more. A window for AGM/CAO Promotion has been opened after much awaited judgment delivered by the APEX Court on 28.01.2022 on the common issues in the matter of Reservation in Promotion in Jarnail Singh & Ors Versus V. Laxmi Narain Gupta Case & Ors (Civil Appeal No 629 of 2022 arising out of SLP(C) No 30621 of 2011). This opportunity can’t be allowed to derail and it’s the management responsibility to ensure promotion by either way. Association is exercising restrain and giving dialogue full chance to break the deadlock on the matter. It seems management is treating the restrain as our limitation and so we would like to apprise that injustice will not be tolerated any more.

Here, we assure one and all that association is committed to safeguard your interest and don’t fall prey to the rumors in the social media platform. Association has pledged to render justice to all SDEs completed their residency period especially in view of the seniority of the earlier vacancy years distorted for LDCE qualified SDEs of 2006-07 onwards. Similarly standard pay scale and pay loss issue are continuously neglected by the management. Despite of our best efforts management is neither putting adequate efforts in the DoT for approval of the Scale nor extending interim arrangement for pay loss issue. So, we call upon our all rank and file to be prepared to fight back for our legitimate rights, which is long due i.e. Pay, Promotion or Pension.

DOP&T Promotion Order. Click here

In the meantime, DOP&T has also issued Promotion Order on 30.06.2022 in the CSS and other Cadres and so the association will appraise it to the management and it will give last opportunity to the BSNL authority to move ahead on the issue in the light of the issuance of the promotion order by the DOPT. If management still doesn’t move ahead, association will take a call on the further strategy after mid July, as per the decision taken in the CHQ Meeting conducted on 03.07.2022.

Technical Details on AGM/CAO Promotion – Matter of Reservation in Promotion:

Promotion in the grade of AGM/CAO has not been carried out after 2018 despite organization needed it badly to man various positions, which got vacant after massive exodus of employees from BSNL through VRS in Jan-2020. Despite of the availability of about 4900 Eligible SDEs and sufficient Posts in the AGM/DGM Grades to cater the needs of these eligible officers, management took shelter of court case all these time citing pendency of judgment in the matter at Hon’ble Supreme Court. In this regard, following details needs to be enumerated:

  • After the SDE to AGM Promotion issued in BSNL in June-2018, one case was filed at Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh through O.A. No.60/750/2018 challenging the reservation extended in the SDE to AGM Promotion by making CMD BSNL and Dir HR as respondents. Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh pronounced the verdict in the OA No.60/750/2018 on 25.02.2020 as below:

1. The respondents, in general shall take a policy decision indicating the parameters for introduction and implementation of the reservation in promotions, which shall include:

  • The verification of the representation of the category of Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribe employees in the post or cadre for promotion to which, reservation is sought to be effected and the resultant effect of any on the efficiency of the administration;
  • The manner in which the concept of creamy layer shall be applied in enforcing such reservations in promotions; and
  • The duration up to which the promotion shall be in force.

2. Unless and until a decision at the highest level is taken as regards the implementation of the reservation in promotions, the same shall not be affected.

3. If any promotions have taken place contrary to the law as it exists now, it shall be open to the respondents to take corrective steps. Pending such action, the promotions so made shall be treated as provisional, without giving rise to any right to seniority in the promoted post.

Click here for Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh Judgment

• BSNL challenged the judgment dated 25.02.2020 of CAT Chandigarh to the Hon’ble Supreme Court, which tag the case with ongoing Civil SLP on the Matter of Reservation in Promotion of Jarnail Singh & Ors Versus V. Laxmi Narain Gupta Case & Ors (Civil Appeal No 629 of 2022 arising out of SLP(C) No 30621 of 2011).

• Hon’ble Supreme Court delivered judgment on the matter of Reservation in Promotion on dated 28th Jan’2022 in Jarnail Singh & Ors Versus V. Laxmi Narain Gupta Case & Ors (Civil Appeal No 629 of 2022 arising out of SLP(C) No 30621 of 2011) giving direction to operate the Reservation in Promotion. Hon’ble Supreme Court also states in the order that “It is made clear that we have not expressed any opinion on the merits of any individual case as we have only answered the common issues that were formulated after hearing the parties”. It is on record that still bunch of Cases totaling Eleven SLPs, which are part of the individual cases are still to be heard and decided by the Hon’ble Court. BSNL’s SLP at Hon’ble Supreme Court, challenging the decision of OA No.60/750/2018 of Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh dated 25.02.2020, is also pending with these bunches of cases.

Click here for the Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgment

• In the light of decision of Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 28.01.2022, DOP&T has issued instructions to operate the matter of Reservation in Promotion vides OM number 6012/16/2019-Estt. (Res.) dated 12.04.2022.

Click here for DOPT OM dated 12.04.2022

Similarly, the Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh has given direction to maintain Status Quo in the AO to CAO Promotion issued by the BSNL in Nov-2018, causing no movement in the case. BSNL is also trying to vacate the stay in the Hon’ble Court.

• Earlier DOP&T has issued instruction on the matter of Own Merit in Reservation in Promotion in 2010, 2016 and 2018 as below:

Click here for the DOP&T OM 2010

Click here for the DOP&T OM 2016

Click here for the DOP&T OM 2018

Team AIGETOA meeting on E2-E3 with senior officers of DoT, New Delhi:

Today, Team AIGETOA comprising Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Veerbhadra Rao AIP, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta FS, Shri Vivek Kumar Sing AGS and Shri Sunil Gautam AGS met senior officers in the DoT on E2 E3.

Team first met Shri Raite Madhav Rao, Dy Secretary (PSU-I) and discuss in detail about the ongoing stalemate on approval of the Standard Scale E2-E3 for JTO/JAO and SDE/AO Equivalent grades as replacement of non standard scale E1A-E2A in line with BSNL Board Proposal submitted to the DoT. We submitted our resentment that the the letter issued by the DoT for not agreeing to the E2-E3 scale on the ground of cascading has not been withdrawn despite bringing it to the knowledge that reasons is misleading and contradictory of BSNL Board decision. We apprised about the prevailing resentment in BSNL due to wrong letter issued by the DoT. He apprised that the letter was issued just in response of the Dy CLC conciliation meeting and doesn’t replicate complete picture of the issue. He further assured that issue of E2-E3 has not been closed and still alive.

GS explained that how DoT can deny the approval of two non standard scales, when all other scales have been replaced in the 2nd PRC Presidential Order. DoT can’t degrade the scale against the BSNL Board decision and cited various examples of other CPSEs, where non standard scales have been upgraded to next higher scale. Further no department can lowered the scale of any officer without punishment or penalty and hence only solution lies in approval of E2-E3 Scales.

We apprised that our standard pay scale case is also in advance stage and instead of facing adverse decision, the issue should be reopened to assess once again for approval of Standard Scale E2-E3 by the DoT, Govt of India without cascading of other Scales. It was also apprised that only minor changes will be required in EPP to intact the five financial upgradations.

He got convinced with arguments of the team and assured to give a relook on the issue. All relevant documents were submitted to him once again. He has also sought one new letter from BSNL on the matter.

The arguments were also put forward by Shri Veerabhadra Rao, Shri Badri Mehta, Shri Vivek Kumar Singh and Shri Sunil Gautam on the issue. Finally it was agreed that the matter will be discussed with JS(Admin) for re-examination of the issue.

Protest lodged by Team AIGETOA in front of BSNL BoD in a unique manner on 23rd June 2022:

The continued stalemate of the SDE to AGM and AO to CAO Promotion despite the pronouncement of judgment by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and Executive Instruction by DOP&T on the matter of Reservation in Promotion has fuelled the anger to its peak. The matter was deliberated in the recently concluded CEC of the AIGEOTA CHQ on 22.06.2022 at New Delhi. The management is not trying to understand the woes of executives, who are waiting for promotions since years together in absence of any Promotion in the grades of AGM/CAO since 2018. These grades are in acute shortage after VRS in January ‘2020 but still management is not ready to break the deadlock and depriving the much awaited promotion, which is not only the need of the Executives but for the organization equally. A unique protest was organized by AIGETOA to highlight the cause of the SDEs/AOs waiting for the AGM/CAO Promotions. We call upon all Executives to lend your support to AIGETOA to raise and fight for each and every issue of executive genuinely.

Team AIGETOA comprising of CHQ Body and some OBs/Members of BSNL Corporate Office displayed play card and offered rose to Hon’ble CMD and other functional Directors of BSNL Board on 23.06.2022 before the Management Committee Meet to convey the severe resentment and anguish prevailing in the field on the continued impasse on AGM/ CAO Promotion. After conveying the anger and sufferings of people to the CMD BSNL, the gathering went to the chamber of the Director HR and handed over the rose to him also and appraised continued standoff on the matter. This is causing serious demotivation, despair and pain in the minds of the executives, who is not leaving any stone unturned for the welfare of the organization and whose best example is that no degradation of service felt despite the curtailment of more than 50% on roll employees through VRS and stiff financial embargo in 2020 and 2021, where even the fund for maintenance were not available and salary was delayed by 1 to 1.5 months. It was also highlighted that how the seniority of SDEs have been lowered by changing its own decision by the BSNL management putting the meritorious LDCE qualified Executives most disadvantageous position and this must be addressed by executing promotions to all SDEs completed their residency period by readjusting the vacancies.

Director HR gave a patient hearing to the gathering and agreed with the concerns raised by association and assured to expedite the efforts to break the deadlock on the AGM/CAO Promotion. Association clearly appraised that the patience is running out and the management should take necessary action to issue Promotions else the continued neglect may result in serious breach of peace of the organization.

Click here for Glimpses

Deferment of 20-30th June’2022 scheduled Pad Yatra Program in view of Dhara-144 and prevailing violent situation in the route:

The Pad Yatra was scheduled to be held from Chandigarh to Delhi from 20-30th June’2022 to pay tribute to the departed soul of Late Shri Vijay Kumar Bansal Ji and raise the issue of Social Security to BSNL Recruited Employees. Intimation cum permission for the proposed program was already sent to the Police Team of Chandigarh Haryana and Delhi and all preparations were in full swing for the proposed Pad Yatra Program by the Team AIGETOA.

Click here for letter

In the meantime sudden outbreak of violent protest on Agniveer Issue at various places including the route of the Pad Yatra and serious apprehension of further flare-up in the situation in the route and implementation of Dhara-144 at various places forced us to review the situation. The Police also didn’t give the permission for the Pad Yatra Program in view of the prevailing situation. The views of other stake holders including the participants of Pad Yatra were also taken and entire situation was assessed. After reviewing the complete situation in all perspective, we have decided to defer the proposed Pad Yatra Program presently and further decision will be taken subsequently.

We extend our deep gratitude to all those who volunteered to be part of the Pad Yatra Program and our Punjab Team involved in the preparation.

Meeting of Three Associations (AIGETOA, SNEA & SEWA) with CMD BSNL on promotion on reservation strategy to be followed in Promotions :

Meeting of all the three associations i.e. AIGETOA, SNEA and SEWA was held with CMD BSNL in his chamber at 18:40 Hrs on the issue of Promotions in all wings and grades/cadres and lasted for about 45 minutes.

The Association side was represented by Shri Ravi Shil Verma , Shri Veerabhadra Rao, Shri Wasi Ahmad & Shri Badri Mehta from AIGETOA, Shri M. S. Adasul, Shri Vimal Raghunath & Shri Padmanabha Rao from SNEA and Shri R. A. Meena and Shri Mukesh Ahlawat from SEWA.

All associations apprised CMD BSNL about the necessacity to include all eligible SDEs for promotion to AGM so as to avoid any future litigations on the same but CMD didn’t agreed on the proposal citing the legal complexities. Associations also apprised CMD BSNL about the ways to increase the vacancies to maximise the promotions to include maximum eligible executives in Telecom and other streams and wings also.

It was informed that all associations are agreeable about the methodology going to be adopted by management on reservations but the issue is of signature.

CMD responded positively about three association came together on issue of reservations in promotions and appreciated the approach but categorically told that he may not be able to move forward without signature of the agreement by the associations considering the pending legality.

CMD BSNL also informed that number of vacancies for which SDE to AGM promotions has been decided is strictly on the basis of available vacancies by deducting 1500 working AGM/ DGM Adhoc from the DPC Quota of 3600 vacancies i.e. about 2100 vacancies. CMD BSNL stated that as of now, he can’t agree to the proposal for increasing of vacancies for accommodating all eligible SDEs by way of diversion or other mechanism considering the legal complexities. He will move in step wise only in this promotion. He said, first he will go for promotion to this many vacancies and after 2-3 months, he can review it as suggested by associations. If things goes on smoothly, he is not averse to making more promotion in due course of time same year.

CMD BSNL categorically stated that he will go ahead with SDE to AGM Promotions only if all three associations are agreeing to the proposal and methodology adopted by management regarding reservations in promotions by signing the undertaking by all three associations to move forward. As BSNL SLP is still pending and legal finality has not reached finality. In case of non agreement with signature, he will wait for the Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgement on BSNL SLP.

He told that he is not compelling associations to sign and accept methodology of promotions in BSNL, but firmly shared that promotions are not possible without written consent by all three Associations as he doesn’t want litigations and complexities in future. Discussion on promotions in other streams were also held but CMD said that these things can be discussed later once SDE to AGM discussion concluded positively.

Promotion regardimg AO to CAO was also discussed and CMD has been once again requested to extend relaxation of 15/16 days to end the stalemate and promote most of the AO to CAO to motivate all of them as well as it will be in the interest of BSNL. It was apprised that it will also give way for clearance of legal hurdles. CMD assured to look into this aspect.

The three associations had meeting before meeting CMD BSNL and after the meeting also and decided to discuss these issues further before reverting to CMD BSNL and taking a final call on the matter.

Finally, we apprised CMD about growing resentment and once again requested to reconsider our submission.

Thus as on today there is no change in status of AGM promotions and visible progress in SDE to AGM. The only appreciable progress lies in the fact that matter has been explained and discussed in detail with CMD BSNL. We will revert back in next 2-3 days once a decision is taken in this regard.s

SAB-Call Attention Program (Pad Yatra)

Dear friends,

Many of our colleagues left us during COVID and recently also one of our colleague Lt. Sh. Vijay Bansal ji SDE ITPC CHD has left for heavenly abode but when we heard about the amount of pension which families of BSNL Recruits are getting in the name of so called pension, it deeply hurts the sentiments of each and every BR as it is as low as Rs 2-3k only which is nothing. The most dynamic and young workforce of BSNL Recruits is still deprived of its most basic and genuine rights which is dedicatedly working day and night to bring back the pristine glory of BSNL.

Since social security and pensionary benefits of BSNL Recruits are not yet defined properly and still pending, AIGETOA CHQ has served notice for Call Attention Program to CMD BSNL to extend full 30% SAB to all BRs as per 2nd PRC and restore compassionate ground appointment for the families of deceased employees.

A Padyatra is being organized starting from Circle office Chandigarh on dated 20th June to BSNL CO to submit memorandum to CMD BSNL on dated 30th June along with all Circle/BA heads. We hereby call each and every BSNL Recruitee to participate in the noble cause irrespective of union/association and volunteer their names for 1/2/3/ or whatsoever days including full Pad yatra option as per their convenience to contribute in the padyatra to register our protest against the injustice being done with BRs. 🤝🤝✊✊

👉 Click here to volunteer: https://forms.gle/dBay5cYUaCtU9ntx7

👉 Pad yatra timings: 👣👣👣



(Time may vary as per weather)

Only Together We Can & We Will🤝

Update on AGM Promotions :

Dear All,

Even though it’s little early to comment on the exact result, being the responsible association its our duty to update the correct picture on the same.

There are lot of speculation going around the corner wrt SDE to AGM Promotions. As we expected the negative forces are trying to scuttle the unity of executives and make divisive politics and the last mile credit mongering. As we have already cleared that AIGETOA is not for any politics but believe in the resolution of issues for the betterment of Executives.

We have been stating in all meetings/interactions about our approach on how to cover all eligible. We have also clearly submitted the same and we hope that our respected CMD/Dir HR/PGM Pers will take the cognizance, merit and need of the same. We are committed to push for considering all the 4500 strengths of AGM under DPC quota followed by counting LA/Adhoc DGMs as occupying the posts of regular DGMs and use the consequential vacancies of around 1000 also for DPC in AGM Grade. This will help not only in creation of more vacancies for AGMs but also will facilitate regular promotion for AGM to DGM and thus the inclusive approach for all can be achieved. Further there is scope for Stagnation Criteria and more number of posts in view of the proposed merger of BBNL.

AIGETOA is fully committed to ensure the justice to all and committed to ensure maximum possible promotions as detailed in our earlier submission on the matter. AIGETOA has always categorically demanded for increase of vacancies so as to accommodate all the eligible executives and hope we can achieve the goal with unified efforts.

Similarly, we are committed and pursuing for the promotion of AO to CAO grade also. Further our endeavour is to ensure the promotion in DGM Regular grade.

Here, we wish to inform all that till date we have been able to develop a broad consensus on the major show stopper and one more meeting is required to settle the same. It is once again reiterated that discussion on Vacancies has not achieved any finality and AIGETOA is pushing for achieving the maximum promotions for all in line with its earlier submissions.

In this continuity, we want to extend our heartiest thanks to the GS SEWA and their leaderships for extending cooperation in reaching to a broader consensus. We do hope that with their continued support and unified approach of all stake holders, we will be able to clinch the promotions in AGM, CAO and DGM grades also as we did in SDE Promotion.

We request all colleagues to be calm against the spread of rumours and trust the approach of association.

Discussion with CMD BSNL on 06.06.2022 on the issue of Promotions:

GS AIGETOA has once again taken up the matter of AGM/CAO Equivalent Promotion with CMD BSNL today. In a conversation, he requested CMD BSNL for his kind intervention to expedite the process in view of the delay in execution of the promotion despite of the clearance by the DoPT Executive Instruction. He was apprised about the growing resentment in the fields due to inordinate delay happening to issue the order. GS apprised about the detailed meeting of the association with the Director HR on the matter. GS also apprised about the discussions held with various other stake holders on the matter of Reservation in Promotion by the association. CMD BSNL gave a patience hearing and assured to take needful action in this regard. We are hopeful that the process will further speed up with the intervention of the CMD BSNL.

Team AIGETOA Meeting with Director HR on 03.06.2022:

Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Ravi Shil Verma Chairman, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Vivek Kumar Singh AGs, Shri Sunil Gautam AGS and Shri Yogendra Singh AGS held detailed meeting Director HR Shri Arvind Vadnerkar ji on dated 03-06-2022. The meeting lasted for more than two and half hours with elaborate discussion on HR Issues including following points:

AGM and CAO Promotions:

Team AIGETOA conveyed the Director HR that there is a huge resentment among the Executives as despite clarification from DoPT, there is no development in the AGM and CAO Promotion despite of the Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgment dated 28.01.2022 and DoPT Executive Instruction dated 12.04.2022. We said that there is no confusion as such on reservation in promotion issue and DoPT OM of 1997 combinedly read with the DoPT OM dated 12.04.2022 amply clarifies on how to move ahead with promotions. The need is to have a proactive mindset with clear focus on executing the promotions instead of dilly-dallying on the matter on one pretext or other. We can’t expect any more clarity on the matter and hence the BSNL has to move forward for promotion with this executive instruction only instead of trying to shred the responsibility in the name of non-existing complexities. We further apprised that resentment is running very high and delay is only adding fuel to fire. If management doesn’t move forward on the Promotion in AGM and CAO grades immediately, it will have to face serious unrest in the organisation. Director HR apprised that management is very much keen to in the promotion and taking all steps to realize it by sorting out obstacles.

Thereafter, he called the DGM(Pers) in the meeting itself and sought the progress on all aspects. Point wise status was briefed by the DGM (Pers) and the required formalities to be carried out. The Director HR gave certain directions to him to expedite the process in a time bound manner. We also raised the issue of vacancies to be filled up and prospective methodology to be adopted in calculating the vacancies. On this Director HR replied that these discussions can be done once there is finality on the path to move forward and management is not averse to any of the genuine suggestion from association in this regard.

In the meantime the AIGETOA Team is working in close coordination with all stake holders including our sister association SEWA and their leadership and having day to day discussions on the developments and outcome of these meetings.

Friends, we are giving enough time and room for discussion to the management to issue the much awaited promotions but at the same time reminding about serious repercussion in the event of any further delay. We have categorically told Director HR that the issuance of promotion in the current month is a must else the association will seek organizational recourse.

We will watch the movement of the management till next one week and thereafter take a decision according to the situation on the matter. All are requested to be prepared for any short notice Call to Delhi Chalo in case of any dilly-dallying tactics by the management.

E2-E3 Issue and DoT communication:

We lodged our strong protest on the recent communication of the DoT and its disagreement on account of Cascading, which is in complete contravention of the proposal of BSNL. The statement of DoT that the earlier PO of DoT dated 28.03.2017 for standard Scale has endorsement of DPE does not hold any merit as DPE has not commented anything on the previous scales of BSNL and Intermediary scales used by DoT.

We apprised about our multiple meetings in recent times with the senior officers of DoT including JS (Admin) on the matter and the concerns raised by the association. Team AIGETOA informed Director HR about the discussion of our meeting on 01.06.2022 with Joint Secretary Admin Shri Sushil Kumar Verma, DDG PM Shri Premjit Lal and Deputy Secretary DoT Shri Raiti Madhava Rao on the recent order issued by DoT on approval of standard scale E2-E3. We informed him about our assertion that the order issued by DoT has created a serious ruckus among the Executives fraternity of BSNL and it may disturb the peace of the organization if not rolled back immediately as DPE has never given concurrence on the intermediate scale proposal of DoT. We demanded Deputy Secretary, if any letter had been issued by DPE regarding the intermediate scale, it must be shared to the Association and if it is not issued, DoT must role back its order issued on 29/04/2022.

Director HR was in full agreement with the view point that final proposal of BSNL only asked for replacement of two Scale i.e. E1A by E2 and E2A by E3 and no cascading to other scales. We requested Director HR for immediate intervention and take up the matter with DoT and inform them that the proposal of BSNL is not having any cascading effect and replacing initial two scales will not have any impact on EPP. The Director HR said, he shall be taking corrective action soon in this regard.

MS RR Discussion and its Draft: The Chairman and GS AIGETOA informed Director HR that Pers cell has not initiated discussion on MS RR so far with the Recognised Association despite passage of the month of May’2022, whereas it was supposed to be initiated and draft of MS RR to be shared latest by April’2022. We apprised that it was to be initiated with stagnation criteria in SDE grade for promotion beyond vacancies as well as fast track mode of promotion to achieve the desired goal to give younger officers chance to reach highest echelon in their career as assured by Director HR & CMD on various occasions to the association.

The Director HR agreed with our concern and apprised that it got delayed due to multiple views of various stake holders but now the same is back in focus and is very much in the agenda of the management and assured to look into it.

Notification of SDE/AO RR:

We demanded Director HR to issue notification of new SDE RR as approved by the BSNL Board so that the left out JTOs of 2008 can be promoted immediately and LDCE for SDE and AO can be notified. Further the preparatory for DPC Promotion of subsequent batches of JTOs from SRD onwards and JAOs can be initiated. Once the AGM and CAO promotion is affected, we will be having sufficient vacancies for SDE and AO Promotions.

Director HR informed that the notification is pending due to some technical clearance from the DoT and once the clearance is received, the same will be notified without any delay. The association will further pursue with the DOT for early clearance by proper compliance on points raised.

SDE Reversal Issue Settlement:

We shown our strong displeasure for non settlement of this issue despite the passage of long time and agreeing of the Director HR to resolve it as One Time measure considering the genuineness of the issue. The matter has been discussed on several occasions and only a decision has to be taken in this regard and a direction was also given to Pers Cell on the matter by the Director HR himself. The inordinate delay is raising serious concern among the suffering executives and hence we reminded him about his assurance once again.

Director HR stated that he is well aware about it and his commitment and he will ensure the same as assured earlier. He agreed with the views of the association that it has got delayed enormously but assured to resolve.

SAB Deposit and Enhancement of Quantum:

The matter was raised strongly with the Director HR and recent demises of BSNL Recruited Employees were once again brought to his notice and endless suffering of such families in absence of any proper support. We apprised how the families post demise of their bread winner come on road owing to the meager support of Rs 3500 to Rs 4500 a month by including both SAB Fund and EPS Scheme. It is happening basically due to delayed start of the SAB Pension Fund by BSNL w.e.f. 2016 which should have been extended from day one and that too in totality. The delayed start and giving full 30% SAB has accumulated insufficient fund in the SAB Pension maintained by LIC and any eventuality coming as a serious financial blow to the families.

We demanded that this must be seen by rising above to the financial position of the organization as it relates with the survival of a family in event of any untimed demise of an employee recruited by BSNL. There is still a shortfall of 8.2% in the defined contribution under SAB and it should be used to increase the existing quantum from 5%. We also demanded to start PRMB Fund and deposit in the fund.

We apprised him that the association has also given a call to hold various programs including Pad Yatra from Chandigarh to New Delhi to pay tribute the recent demise of Late Vijay Bansal Ji and highlight the cause due to families of BSNL Recruited Employees are at stake.

Director HR agreed with our concern on the matter and suffering of the families due to less contribution under SAB Pension Fund and agreed to take up the matter with CMD BSNL.

Gross disparity in Transfer & Positing of QA & Inspection Circle:

This was raised to the Director and informed that the policy decided to send the executives out of the QA & Inspection Circle is faulty, biased and illogical. One side the executives are being shifted on the name of sensitive posting in the Circle and executives with a working of 10-12 years is shifted from the circle whereas people with 18-22 years are retained in the Circle. On raising the issue, lame reasons are put forward which is totally unacceptable and we demanded his intervention. Further, claims under association immunity and various medical grounds are also not looked properly. We categorically told that if department wants to keep a rotating place in view of sensitivity, a uniform policy on the basis of working period in the Circle should be framed and association will support any such transparent policy.

Director HR assured to look into it and take necessary decision. The cases were apprised to him in detail also.

SDE Seniority List modification:

We lodged our strong protest on the inconsistent behavior of the department on the SDE seniority List, which pertains to the directly recruited Employees. Once again the current SDE Seniority list number 12 and previous list 9 has been revised. The inconsistency in the decision reflects that section dealing the matter is not clear about framing of the seniority list. This has got various revisions with every passing day. This started with July 2020 when the first provisional list was prepared on the basis of year of vacancy by giving Quota within the VY and DoJ in the VY to decide seniority in LDCE and DPC Mode of SDEs promoted against 2006-07. Thereafter the list has gone several ups and down and again a new revision raises serious question on the finality of the list. Such type of inconsistent behavior is not expected from HR Section and we demanded to fix up the responsibility, if there is any lapse in process either earlier or today. We simply cannot remain mute to everyday changing stand of HR section on such important matters which define the future career progression of executives.

The meeting ended with the final arguments from the association side that the management should come forward with concrete results else the peace and tranquility of the organization will be comprised, and association shall be forced to resort to strong organizational action programs to settle the long pending HR issues of Pay, Promotion and Pension.

Meeting with CMD BSNL on 31.05.2022:

Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Ravi Shil Verma Chairman, Shri Wasi Ahmad GS and Shri Vivek Kumar Singh AGS held meeting with CMD BSNL on 31.05.2022. The meeting lasted for an hour and detailed discussion took place on various issues including AGM(T)/CAO , DGM Promotions and E2-E3 Scale.

The Association expressed its strong displeasure on the unnecessary delay in execution of the Promotions in the grades of AGM(T) despite of the orders by Hon’ble Supreme Court and Executive Instructions thereafter by DoPT. CMD BSNL explained the position of management and said that he is not averse to the promotion and willing more than anyone to move ahead and that was the main reason to direct HR Team to hold discussion with major stakeholders on 12-May 2022. We said on 12th May, all associations have already expressed their concurrence in writing to management which was signed also by PGM SR as well as CLO BSNL both. When a way forward is already decided, citing same issue again and again to stop the process is totally uncalled for and management should show some confidence on its own actions instead of finding excuses out of these to avoid promotions. We said, management should move forward in line with the directions of DoPT which are very clear on the matter and there is no ambiguity at all in these instructions.

CMD BSNL informed that there is some issue in implementation of the DoPT Order in the promotion order due to divergent views of the department and welfare association on the topic of On Merit and Own Merit. The management is still working on it and is in continuous touch with the DoPT for its correct interpretation. He apprised that the management is also waiting for the execution of the order by DoPT, after which BSNL will be following the footsteps for methodology adopted for promotion. We categorically and unambiguously stated that now there is no scope for BSNL to stop the process citing these confusions, Confusions if any needs to be cleared and moved forward. We gave them our inputs on how to move forward and explained the roadmap which has potential to cover all the aspirants for the promotions and which is acceptable to other stake holders like SEWA also because we have already discussed with them on this issue. We also requested to ensure that DGM Vacancies needs to be taken into account and provisions to create more posts to put an end to all disputes. CMD BSNL told that he is open to all suggestions to end the stalemate. He said priority is to finalise the methodology first and thereafter discussion can be done on the topics like number of people to be promoted, more vacancies to be created and also on promotions from AGM to DGM grade.

We categorically and unambiguously intimated CMD BSNL that already enough delay has been made and as majority recognised association, we are answerable to executives and hence cannot accept the delay any more. Executives are in a state of maximum unrest due to unnecessary delay being created now by management. Whatever, that is right in line with the provisions of DoPT should be followed and promotion should be issued else association will have no option but to comeback with the available tools of the organisational program.

Thereafter, a workable solution was discussed in the meeting which we will be discussing with SEWA leadership to find a possible breakthrough in the promotion. Before the meeting also, we had a detailed discussion with their leadership on the possible course of actions and we shall continue with the discussion with them so that an amicable solution acceptable to all can be reached without any delay. However, at the same time we wish to reiterate that while we are not averse to this consensus building exercise but we have categorically alerted management that they now need to show the will to execute the things in the form of actions and results instead of delaying the process any further.

The issue of Pay Scale was discussed thereafter and we demanded immediate intervention by the CMD BSNL at highest level in the DoT. CMD BSNL apprised that currently DoT is completely negative on the issue despite of his consistent pursual on the matter and advised us to wait a little more for an appropriate time. He firmly assured that he wants positive resolution of the issue and that is reason, he is advising to wait a little more so that issue can be firmly resolved in the favour of young executives. We persisted with our demand and said that this is again an already delayed issue and requested him to ensure the resolution at the earliest in the best interest of the youngsters as company is now on a path to recovery and DoT will also not object on this being a motivational tool to perform better. We also requested for the implementation of E1 plus 5 increments as interim measure to all the executives provisionally recruited in E1 scale and demanded that this pending proposal in BSNL Board must now be cleared for all the new recruits.

MS RR Modification Exercise was also discussed on which CMD BSNL said that his team is working on the same and output will be visible soon. We again highlighted the delay and expressed that it seems management has lost confidence on their own actions which is in fact a very serious and worrisome trend. Association can’t allow situation to continue as such. If HR is not at all in priority list, then association will also forget the amicable path and shall come back on streets to set the things right and make HR a priority subject. If results are not achieved, then words and assurances, even from the apex doesn’t hold any value.

Friends, though CMD BSNL has expressed his firm intent on both the pay and promotion issue but seeing the slow movement and inaction on part of his team and various HR Sections, we need to remain vigilant. If within next few days, some concrete output is not reached on these issues, then association will not have any other path than to follow course of organisational actions. We request all executives, office bearers and members to remain prepared for the next struggle.

Together We Will Achieve Everything