Unleashing Potential: Identifying and Empowering High Performers for Exponential Growth

Unleashing Potential: Identifying and Empowering High Performers for Exponential Growth

Dear Management, Instead of identifying non performers, try to identify performers, this will automatically boost performance.

Article written by one of our own JTO Electrical from Bihar, Shri Ayush Anand which is Co authored with noted Economist and Academician, Prof Amarendu Nandy from IIM Ranchi and is published in the leading newspaper Financial Express. This proves that there is no dearth of diamonds in BSNL and they needs to be given proper recognition. Instead of finding 2% low performers, management should come forward to recognise the performance. This will automatically boost up those who are reluctant to perform. Job of HR is to instill positivity in employees not negativity. Sooner management realises this aspect, better will be the days for BSNL.

We strongly denounce and disapprove the letter of AP circle for identifying worst performers. First job should have been to identify best performance.

Warm Welcome to Our Esteemed Leader Sh A A Khan Ex-All India President, SNEA CHQ to AIGETOA :

On behalf of the entire Team AIGETOA, We are thrilled to extend a heartfelt welcome to Sh A A Khan, Ex-All India President, SNEA CHQ to join AIGETOA, our esteemed association. Your decision to transition from SNEA to AIGETOA is a testament to your dedication and commitment towards the betterment of executives in BSNL, and we are honored to have you with us.

Your invaluable experience, leadership skills, and unwavering dedication will undoubtedly strengthen our association and contribute to our collective mission. We greatly look forward to your insights, innovative ideas, and collaborative spirit, which will undoubtedly inspire and motivate our members.

At AIGETOA, we emphasize teamwork, inclusivity, and mutual support. As you immerse yourself in our association, you will find a community of like-minded individuals who are dedicated about resolutions of all pending issues pertaining to the executives of BSNL and committed to making a positive difference. We encourage you to engage actively in our various initiatives, contribute, and share your expertise with fellow members.

We believe that by working together, we can achieve great milestones and create a brighter future for all executives in BSNL.

Once again, Congratulations on becoming a part of AIGETOA. We are excited to witness the positive impact you will make and the contributions you will bring to our association. Together, let us forge a path towards a brighter future for all executives in BSNL.

Click here for the Glimpses

Meeting with PGM (SR & Restructuring) and update in Restructuring and Review of Sanctioned Strength across various cadres and streams:

Today President AIGETOA Shri Veerabhadra Rao and GS AIGETOA Shri Ravi Shil Verma met PGM Restg and discussed the issue of reviewing the sanctioned strength across various cadres in continuation of our earlier discussions held with CMD BSNL, Director HR, GM Pers and PGM Restg. Yesterday also GS AIGETOA reminded PGM Restg about the commitments made at the level of CMD BSNL and Director HR and requested her for immediately starting the process. Earlier also Team AIGETOA had met Director HR and CMD BSNL and requested them to intervene for immediate completion of the process. In the meeting itself, Director HR has directed PGM Restg to initiate the process.

Today a detailed discussion took place. PGM Restg informed that she has already set the action in motion and Circles shall be asked to give their feedback on the strength across various cadres. She also requested AIGETOA to give it’s input w.r.t the strength across various cadres/streams including Bharatnet and 4G saturation projects. Association also needs to submit its input w.r.t the staffing norms (operational as well as positional). AIGETOA Team shall be submitting this input by next week so as to get the exercise complete as early as possible. With an increase in strength, many of the worries will be over and a smooth career progression can be ensured across all the cadres and streams. It will be AIGETOA’s endeavor to ensure that the interest of the cadre is protected and unnecessary court cases owing to such apprehensions and confusion can be avoided.

Further discussion on the letter issued wrt Membership change option on ESS was also done wherein AIGETOA has suggested certain inputs on which PGM SR has given positive consideration. Option for dual membership shall continue in ESS also. Further concurrence of DS/CS as per existing process must be ensured in ERP for approving the membership as it is the DS/CS of any association who is authorized to accept the Membership not the administration. Corrigendum shall be issued by SR cell on this.

Brief discussion on immunity guidelines also took place.

Earlier a detailed discussion of Team AIGETOA was held on 31st May 2023 with the committee members constituted for taking care of reversal issue. Detailed discussion took place on the way forward and association has noted the inputs and is acting upon it in consultation with the team. We are sure of resolving the reversal issue also at the earliest.

Today, on 6th June, another meeting of Team AIGETOA is scheduled with GM Pers for discussion on the JTO to SDE DPC, SDE to AGM promotions, AGM to DGM Promotions, AO to CAO promotions, OTP cases, Tenure Cases, MSRR clauses, LICE etc. We hope for positive outcome from that meeting also.

AIGETOA will ensure the resolution of all the pending HR issues. We seek the support of all the executives in ensuring the resolution of issues irrespective of their associations which will motivate the leadership in performing better.

Schedule for Election of Vacant of AIGETOA CHQ in AGM :

Notification for the annual general body meeting of AIGETOA was issued vide letter GS/AIGETOA/2022-23/64 Dated 04.05.2023 wherein one of the agenda is to fill up the casual vacancy of General Secretary post in Governing body of AIGETOA. Election schedule to fill up the vacant post of General Secretary is hereby notified as under.

1] Date and time of nomination : 21.05.2023 at 11am to 01pm.

2] Date and time of election : 21.05.2023 at 2pm.

3] Date and time of declaration of result : 21.05.203 at 5pm.

4] Returning office : Shri Vivek Kumar Singh, Deputy Manager, BSNL CO, New Delhi.

Venue : New Delhi.

Click here for Schedule for Election for vacant post

AIGETOA writes to Director HR – Issuance of reimbursement Policy for the purchase of Laptop/Notebooks to the all executives of BSNL :

AIGETOA writes to Director HR regarding issuance of reimbursement Policy for the purchase of Laptop/Notebooks to the all executives of BSNL.

Click here for the letter

AIGETOA in it’s previous communication vide Letter No GS/AIGETOA/2022/112 dated 10.10.2022 have highlighted that reimbursement policy should not be restricted to senior officers only but it needs to extend to all the executives upto JTO/JAO level.

In our last agenda meeting held with management on dated 8th February and 22nd February 2023 we again drew the attention of the management for early implementation as the same was the need of the hour. The same if implemented will not only boost the morale of the executives but also increase productivity. Finally in the meeting it was agreed that a policy in this regard shall be explored by management side for implementation initially at BSNL CO and the concerned field units shall replicate the same thereafter.

AIGETOA writes to Dir HR – Implementation of DPE/DoPT Guidelines for Resignation under “Technical Formality Clause” for the BSNL Recruited Employees :

AIGETOA writes to Director HR with request to revise the BSNL guidelines and endorse the DPE/DoPT guidelines to allow the BSNL recruited employees to seek the resignations under ‘Technical Formality clause’ on their selection to another CPSE/Government organisation applied through proper channel.

Click here for letter





BSNL is not implementing the DPE guidelines cited with regards to the resignation falls under the “technical formality clause” only in case of BSNL recruited employees. If a BSNL recruited employee applies to another CPSE/Government organisation through proper channel on their selection, the BSNL recruited employees are not permitted to submit their resignation under technical formality basis. Whereas the DPE in its office memorandum dated 1st Feb 2017 clarifies that “… Resignations under ‘Technical Formality clause’ includes resignations in cases where a Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSE) employee has applied for a post in the same or other CPSE through proper channel and on selection to the said post, is required to resign the previous post for administrative reasons..”.

AIGETOA Affiliation with BMS :

Dear Members,

We take this opportunity to inform that as per the decision taken by CHQ after thorough deliberation with Circle Secretaries and Circle Presidents on the issue, AIGETOA has been granted provisional affiliation with BMS. There have been many queries received in this regard from members that what will be the future course of action and the benefits associated with this affiliation for the cadre and BSNL at large.

We wish to inform that AIGETOA’s affiliation with BMS has nothing to do with any political orientation and we as employees and executives of BSNL, are not party to any political agenda and we will never be part to any such agenda in future also.

We further wish to inform that BMS is also categorical in its statement that they are not associated with any political party and BMS ideology is based upon the concept of nationalism which advocates unity and the ideology of BMS do not subscribes to any differentiation based on caste, creed or religion. We as an association of executives also will never ever subscribe to any agenda of any organization which is based on differentiation on the basis of caste, creed or religion. Further contrary to the belief of many that BMS is an organization of unions only, we wish to inform that many big associations in other PSUs like ONGC, various Banks etc have been the affiliates of BMS.

The response on the queries received from members with respect to BMS is as stated below:

  • BMS was founded on 23rd July 1955.
  • BMS is not affiliated to any Political party.
  • BMS extends responsive cooperation whatever may be the composition of the Government i.e whether it is Congress, BJP or any other democratically elected Government.
  • Even during the regime of NDA 1 Government, in 2001 April, BMS protested against the economic policies of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Govt in a very vociferous way. Very recently i.e on 17.11.22 the BMS organized a save PSU campaign in Delhi where more than 25000 CPSU workers gathered and protested.
  • BMS does not subscribe to caste, creed or religion.
  • BMS is the largest central trade union in India whose verification was done by the then UPA government.
  • There is no worship of leaders in BMS. Slogans in favor of office bearers is not allowed.
  • There is a fixed 2 term norm for all office bearers.
  • In State Units the age of office bearers is restricted to 60 years of age.
  • No political person is allowed to sit on the Dias. Exception is concerned Minister of the Union or the union Labor minister. Any politician who attends the meetings are received with due care and made to sit in the audience only.

The foundation stone of AIGETOA is firmly laid on the revival, survival and wellbeing of BSNL, Resolution of the long pending HR issues and upliftment of cadre as a whole. Various strategies with respect to achieving these objectives have been exercised by AIGETOA and it is our firm belief that our affiliation with the largest trade union of India i.e. BMS and their guidance on various subjects will definitely give more strength to AIGETOA’s fight to ensure the revival of our beloved company, upliftment of the executive cadre of BSNL and resolution of various pending issues. We request one and all for cooperating and supporting AIGETOA’s endeavors which are solely intended to attain the vary basic objectives of unity in diversity, upliftment of nation, upliftment of company and upliftment of our executive fraternity. AIGETOA shall continue to function as it was functioning earlier with full autonomy on how to resolve the issues including the ways like conducting the meetings and organizational action programs.

AIGETOA firmly and non-ambiguously reiterates that association will never be a party to any political activity nor will it ever subscribe to any differentiation based on caste, creed or religion. All our activities will always remain restricted to the welfare of nation, welfare of our beloved organization BSNL and the resolution of long pending issues pertaining to the executives of BSNL. Let us all move ahead with the feeling of together we can and together we will.

AIGETOA CHQ Congratulates Sh R Krishnappa, Jt GM (Fin), Karnataka & Ex Circle President AIGETOA on the eve of his well-deserved retirement :  

AIGETOA CHQ congratulates Shri R. Krishnappa, Jt GM (Fin), Karnataka & Ex Circle President AIGETOA on the eve of his well-deserved retirement.

Shri Krishannapa joined P&T Department in 1981. Shri R Krishnappa has worked in various capacities including GM-TR Karnataka Circle office and GM-F, Bangalore Telecom Districton a looking-after basisShri R Krishnappa was transferred to A&N Circle in 2019 and there he was promoted to Jt GM Finance in 2020. He joined back to Karnataka as Jt. GM (F) on Feb’23. He was the first circle president of AIGETOA Andaman & Nikobar Circle.

Shri R Krishnappa was awarded VISHIST SANCHAR SEVA PADAK in the year 2004 for his meritorious services.

On behalf of the entire family of AIGETOA, we want to express our deepest appreciation for his years of service to this mighty organization & also service as Circle President of AIGETOA A&N Circle.

AIGETOA CHQ thanks once again for his service and dedication to the Association. We are grateful for his leadership and friendship, and we wish him a happy and fulfilling retirement.

AIGETOA also extend congratulations & heartfelt thanks to all other retiring BSNL persons for their services to BSNL.