Live Interactive Session with AIGETOA CHQ Leaders today, 7th July 2023, 2.30 pm :

Updates of Meeting with PGM SR & Restructuring on dated 04.07.2023 :

The team AIGETOA consisting of GS Shri Ravi Shil Verma, AIP Shri G. Veerabhadra Rao and Dy GS Shri Pavan Akhand along with Sunil Gautam AGS have met PGM SR and discussed the following points and recived the positive assurance.

As per assurance given to AIGETOA, the 3rd PRC reminder letter to DoT:

As per the decision taken in AIGETOA agenda meeting, Dir HR has assured to give a reminder letter to DoT with respect to implementation of 3rd PRC. We informed that the letter has still not been issued. PGM SR assured that the reminder letter shall be written to the DoT at the earliest. We said while AIGETOA is taking all efforts to extend the 3rd PRC benefits to BSNL employees and is trying to ensure implementation of standard pay scales of E2 for JTO/JAO Equivalent, management must also reiterate its stand to DoT. PGM SR assured us for issuance of reminder letter to DoT.

Discussion on Circle office and Corporate Office Body recognition:

We once again raised the issue of consideration of Corporate office and Circle office immunity. While we tried to explain the requirements and PGM SR gave a patient hearing also but another round of meeting shall be required with Honble CMD BSNL for a concrete decision on the same. Association shall be taking it up tomorrow with CMD BSNL for further discussion.

Restructuring Letter – Issuance of Template for capturing Data for Cadre Strength Review:

As informed earlier, Restructuring Cell has finalised and submitted the draft for approval. During discussion, we pointed out that a review in positional norms is also required along with operational norms as the situation has changed now after extension of 2nd Revival Package to BSNL in July 2022, and hence the template for positional norms review should also be issued along with the letter. PGM SR appreciated the input and said that she will ensure that letter is issued tomorrow after suitable modifications.

Modification in immunity Guidelines:

Though SR cell has processed the case, but some of the suggestions of association w.r.t the OA immunity and Circle office body was not considered.

PGM SR said that she will discuss the inputs of association with higher authorities. AIGETOA shall also meet and apprise CMD BSNL on the concerns. ITPC Dev unit OA body issue and other circle’s OA body issues also discussed. PGM SR asked us to submit the letters on the issues.

This meeting ended with positive note.

Believe in Ourselves & Continue Our Positive Efforts :

The principle that team AIGETOA uphold is getting acknowledged. We are happy to share our joyful feeling with all the employees. – The recognised executive association in BSNL i.e. AIGETOA (Affiliated to BMS) features in the Video twitted by Hon’ble MoSC Shri Devusinh Chauhan Ji.

We had already updated about this meeting and the discussions held where AIGETOA presented it’s inputs to Hon’ble MoSC for settlement of the residual issues of 2nd PRC ie E2 Pay scales and 30 Percent SAB along with implementation of 3rd PRC for BSNL employees. This is the second meeting of AIGETOA Team with Honble MoSC in just over a month’s time.

We strongly vouch that better days are ahead. Together we eventually ensure what’s meant to be ours..

Support & Join AIGETOA

The only Alternative to AIGETOA is an even more strong AIGETOA.

Team AIGETOA Welcomed Hon’ble MoSC Sh Devusinh Chauhan Ji on his visit to Chandigarh on 28.06.2023:

Today Team AIGETOA Punjab circle comprising Sh. Amit Roy JS North, Sh. Yogesh Chhabra CS, Sh. Narinder Kumar ACS, Sh. Vivek Asthana ACS, Sh. Jaspreet Singh ACS, Sh. Vishal Chanana OS, Sh. Ajit Singh DS welcomed the Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications Sh. Devusinh Chauhan on his visit to Chandigarh. He visited BSNL Manimajra TE Core site and BSNL TE Sector-37 Chandigarh RAN site to see the 4G technology stack deployed. He stayed for a short period of time. We also submitted a memorandum mentioning all crucial issues like Standard Pay scale E2-E3, 30% Superannuation benefits, 3rd PRC, Promotion in different cadres and TA DA revision etc.

Click here for the Memorandum

Click here for Annexure

Special thanks to CGM Punjab Sh. Ajay Kumar Kararha, GM HR Sh. Akhilesh Kumar Singh and GM Nodal Centre Sh. Rajiv Kumar Goyal for arranging a crucial interaction with the Hon’ble Minister.

Click here for Glimpses of Meet

One more impetus to call of executives unity under the umbrella of AIGETOA – Circle Body of SNEA BSNL CO New Delhi today merges into AIGETOA along with their other team members :

Today Shri D D Bansal, Ex CS SNEA BSNL CO, New Delhi announced the decision of CEC body to Join AIGETOA along with other members. He expressed his confidence in the leadership of AIGETOA and told that AIGETOA is taking the issues with right approach, they have the zeal to fight for the rights, take the issues to its logical conclusion and above all they have shown the inclusive approach without any bias. He further expressed that AIGETOA is the larger umbrella which have mix of all group of leaders and hence they are best fit and natural home to all executives in order to carry forward the aspirations. The SNEA team was welcomed into AIGETOA family by Shri Ravi Shil Verma, GS, Shri Veerabhadra Rao All India President and Shri A A Khan, Chief Patron and National Convener. CS Shri Rajeev Meena and CP Shri Sharad Kumar garlanded all the incomers.

Click here for the Glimpses of the event

Friends this merger has created a new chapter in the Executive Unity and is going to give great impetus to the collective resolution of issues including the financial ones.

Another Senior Leader Shri Pritam Singh Ji also Joined AIGETOA Today. He was one of the founder members of AIGETOA and his joining back to the fold of AIGETOA will make it more strong.

Leaving all apprehensions and On behalf of AIGETOA, we request one and all to come, support, Join and Empower AIGETOA which has committed itself for resolution of all the pending issues of Executives.

Together We Will Achieve Everything.

Sh A A Khan, National Convener & Chief Patron AIGETOA
Sh Ravi Shil Verma, GS AIGETOA Welcoming Circle Body of SNEA BSNL CO in AIGETOA family

Updates of AIGETOA Meeting with PGM Pers dated 26.06.2023 :

GS AIGETOA Shri Ravi Shil Verma, All India President Shri Veerabhadra Rao, Chief Patron and National Convener AIGETOA Shri A A Khan met PGM Pers and extended thanks to him for issuance of promotions. We further discussed the following issues:

Karnataka OTP Cases : Orders in this regard shall be issued by this week.

Other Pending OTP Cases : Orders in this regard shall be issued by this week.

Retention Cases on Promotion : Only few genuine cases shall be considered in due course of time. However PGM Pers advised all to join at new places as soon as possible to avoid any legal complexity in future.

Notional Promotions to the AGMs whose DPC was over in 2018 : PGM Pers told that after the receipt of the letter from AIGETOA, he has directed his team to examine the same. However, he expressed that issue raised is definitely a genuine issue and Pers Section will examine the same with Positive Perspective. Hopefully the issue will be resolved in favour of the candidates.

We expressed our thanks to PGM Pers for considering the genuine issues.

Update on Cadre Strength Review and Revision in immunity guidelines :

As per the discussion held with Director HR on 22nd June 2023, GS AIGETOA Shri Ravi Shil Verma met PGM (RESTG & SR) Smt Anita Johri and discussed on the issues of review of the cadre strength and revised guidelines wrt the immunity.

It was informed that a revised letter containing consolidated guidelines along with the template of complete data required for review of Sanctioned Strength shall be issued to all Circles by next Wednesday. The complete data is being asked in first go itself to avoid delay This review of cadre strength is envisaged to increase the number of sanctioned posts in each cadre and stream which will smoothen the career progression of all the executives.

We further informed that association shall also be submitting it’s input by next week.

With respect to the submission of association for putting on hold the immunity guidelines, it was informed that instead of putting on hold, desired changes by the association has been put up for consideration by higher authorities. The revised immunity guidelines is expected to be issued by next Tuesday. We sincerely hope that all the contentious issues raised by us is taken into consideration.

With respect to OTP cases, it is informed that they are expected to be issued by next week.

Team AIGETOA meeting with Director HR :

General Secretary Shri Ravi Shil Verma, President Shri Veerabhadra Rao, Shri Badri Kumar Mehta Finance Secretary, Shri Sunil Gautam AGS met Director HR on 21st June 2023 and extended the gratitude on behalf of AIGETOA for issuance of promotions of 228 JTOs to SDE. Thereafter a brief discussion took place on issues of SDE to AGM promotions, AGM to DGM Promotions, AO to CAO Promotions and Superannuation Contribution increase, Reversal Issue and increase in posts through Restructuring Review.

Director HR reiterated his commitment for the resolution of the issues and hoped that he will be able to resolve these long pending issues soon. We also highlighted that there is slow progress on the part of the cadre review and requested him to direct Restructuring cell to expedite the process. We also requested for his kind Intervention in review of the immunity guidelines. Director HR told us to speak to PGM (Restructuring & SR). He assured that he shall also be speaking with PGM (SR & Restg) and shall get it expedited.

Live Talk Show with Sh A A Khan

Today at 5:30 PM, join the live talk show with Sh. Aftab Ahmed Khan, the Ex-President of SNEA. He will share his insights and experiences as a leader, his vision for the future of BSNL Executives and his reasons for joining AIGETOA. He will also interact with you live and answer your questions. The show will be hosted by Sh. Vinit Sinha, a Sanchar Sewa Awardee. Follow the link below or watch on YouTube, Facebook or Instagram.

Breaking News: Circle Secretary of AIBSNLOA, Chennai TD Sh M Vijaya Kumar Joins AIGETOA

In a significant development, Sh. M Vijaya Kumar (DGM CP&DC Mtnce), the Circle Secretary of AIBSNLOA in Chennai TD (Telecom District), has joined AIGETOA. The AIGETOA team in Chennai TD warmly welcomes Sh. M Vijaya Kumar and expresses their gratitude for his decision to join their esteemed association.

The switch from AIBSNLOA to AIGETOA is a testament to Sh M Vijaya Kumar’s dedication and commitment towards the betterment of executives in BSNL. His invaluable experience, leadership skills, and unwavering dedication will significantly strengthen our association in Chennai TD.

This move is expected to inspire and motivate the members of AIGETOA, while also bringing new perspectives and ideas to the association. The AIGETOA team is confident that Sh. M Vijaya Kumar’s presence will contribute to the growth and progress of our association in Chennai TD.