Full Fledged roll-out of 4G of BSNL

Full Fledged roll-out of 4G of BSNL

A Good news, at last some light is seen at the end of the tunnel with respect to full fledged roll-out of 4G of BSNL.

It is learnt that finally BSNL has received the nod from DoT to go ahead with the tender plan which comes as a major relief for our beloved company. It is learnt that under the proposed hybrid 4G rollout plan, BSNL had earlier recommended splitting its tender of total proposed One Lakh 4G sites into two parts.

  1. The first part contained 50,000 sites reserved exclusively for the Indian vendors (PoC based).
  2. The second part contained the rest of 50,000 sites through proven technology rout of global vendors such as Ericsson, Nokia and more, where Indian vendors can also participate if completed PoC.

It was proven fact that without pan India full 4G roll-out, the survival of our beloved company was at stake and day by day, hopes were diminishing for its revival. This development is surely going to give a new lease of life to BSNL and will surely lift up the sagging morale of the employees of BSNL. Now with this hybrid concept, BSNL will be able to withstand the competition as well as at the same time, it will be doing its duty for Aatma Nirbhar Bharat also.

Though many may call it an exaggeration, but incidentally our association has also proposed on similar lines few months back. We are happy to note that our thought process was in line with the requirements of the company as well as the duty towards Aatma Nirbhar Bharat.

Click here for the letter

We extend our heartfelt applause for our CMD BSNL and the Board of Directors for standing firm in the testing times. We sincerely pray that BSNL achieves success in rolling out full fledged 4G services without any further delay.

AIGETOA efforts at DoT yielded positive result for BSNL:

The fund of 25K rural WiFi Hotspot Project was pending at DoT since long time even after submission of requisite documents by the BSNL to the concerned section of the DoT. After getting information of the issue, Team AIGETOA of CHQ and Delhi Circle under AIP and GS raised the matter of pending approval and payment of CAPEX and OPEX subsidies of 25K rural WiFi Hotspot Project to the concerned authority in the DoT and also met Ms Anshuli Arya, Administrator USOF at DoT for the matter and continuously followed up the issue since Feb-2021.

With these dedicated efforts of the Team AIGETOA, USOF has now sanctioned and released CAPEX subsidy of Rs 47.98 Cr on 30.03.3021 and OPEX subsidy of Rs 13.74 Cr have been released on 23.03.2021 towards Add on Wifi Core Opex charges.

Click here for the letter by AIGETOA for USOF in Feb-2021

GS Letter to CMD BSNL -extension of all entitlements of facility to the regular employees of BSNL

AIGETOA writes to the CMD BSNL for extension of all entitlements of facility to the regular employees of BSNL irrespective of the health of the organisation in lieu of the provisions made for other set of officers working on deputation/deployment basis. AIGETOA request our executives fraternities to maintain restrain on this provocation as the association is taking up the issue with highest authority in the management and the DoT. The association has clearly reminded the management that the executives are completely frustrated and are in a state of unrest due to cold shouldering of the management for due rights of BSNL Executives. Non acceptance and non resolution of their legitimate issues will lead to disruption of industrial peace in the organisation. At the same time the association has reached out to all four major associations and unions of the organisation and all regular executives to apprise the situation.

Click here for the letter