Grant of Permission for applying to other organizations on Direct Recruitment basis

Meeting with Committee on Cluster System held on 28.09.2021

A meeting of AIGETOA, SNEA and BSNLEU held with the Members of the Committee formed to look into the drawbacks of Cluster based outsourcing System. The meeting was held through online mode which was attended by the CGMT Kerala and CGMT Karanataka along with other members of the Committee. AIGETOA was represented by Shri Wasi Ahmad GS, Shri Ravi Shil Verma AIP and Shri Ansal Mohammad Adv CHQ.

AIGETOA and other Associations/Unions have kept on raising the serious bottlenecks of Cluster based outsourcing with the management and thereafter the committee was constituted to look into its various aspects for improvement.

Click here for the Committee

It’s a fact that massive disconnections of copper based LL/BB are continuing despite of huge expenditure in the cluster system by BSNL. Tender for Cluster has several shortcomings including the limitation of penalty clause of 15%, no provisions to ensure sufficient manpower in a cluster/outdoor area and supply of proper store for maintenance etc resulting into severe dissatisfaction among customers and resulting in surrendering of the services. It was also apprised that the net expenditure has increased but quality of service is not meeting the minimum expectation of the customers. Even the top 50 performing BAs list released by the Corporate Office are not matching the standard parameters of SLA i.e. MTTR (4-12 Hrs) and Clearance of 95% Fault within 24 Hrs. This situation is prevailing as Cluster Partner is not providing the required support to maintain the services and our filed officers (JTO/SDE/DET) are struggling hard and facing the ire of various Civil Authorities in absence of optimum service.

AIGETOA presented detail report about the deficiency of the cluster system, challenges in the copper based network and suggestions for improvement to the Committee Members. In fact we have also suggested giving a re-look on the continuity of the Cluster System and investing money in current form and instead we should think to go back to conventional system for at least certain places owing to the fact that the copper based services have its own challenges in present time. SNEA and BSNLEU also gave their presentation on the topic.

Changes that gets Visible when an association works with Clarity of thoughts and Actions

BSNL published provisional seniority list up to VY 2012 Recruited JTO. Few days back, BSNL Recruits got their First promotion through DPC mode after 20 years and the remaining left out JTOs of 2008 batch are also going to get their dues very soon. It will be the firm endeavor of AIGETOA to ensure the promotions for the JTOs of subsequent batches also in shortest possible time. AIGETOA has always moved forward with a clear thought process to streamline the existing channels of Promotion. Though AIGETOA was never against the CPSU cadre hierarchy but owing to its own inherent lacunas (a fact duly highlighted by us in advance), it couldn’t be implemented. Accordingly, We laid our emphasis on the existing process and the result is for all to see. We got JTO to SDE DPC executed in Telecom Stream. The left out JTOs of 2008 batch will also be covered soon. The provisional AIEL 3 for subsequent batches has been processed. Due to short-sightedness of few over ambitious activists of one association, this process got delayed by almost 9 months. However, now we will try to ensure that their promotions do not suffer. JTO to SDE DPC in other streams are also in pipeline and very soon we will achieve the results also. Similarly LDCE is also going to be notified soon and contrary to the view point of few people who ridiculed us when we said, we will be able to clear the LDCE backlog also for all batches in one to one and half years, the fact is that in next few months, that backlog will also be cleared. The complexities involved in SDE to AGM promotions and AO to CAO promotions are also being looked into and we are very sure that promotion in AGM cadre will also see the light of the day very soon. Our efforts for incorporating vacancy based seniority in SDE cadre is on full swing and we will surely be able to achieve our objectives. Similarly after successful publication of JAO gradation list, promotion for JAO to AO shall also be pursued. LICE for JE to JTO is also in pipeline. BSNLCO is also going to initiate steps in settling the Punjab JE to JTO LICE issue very soon.

Click here for List

After AIGETOA took charge in August 2020, The Changes are visible to all employees, Even to those who will never accept our success in open but in closed doors, they also appreciate our each and every move.

Now things got streamlined in Publication of AIEL for all BSNL Recruits, the Rule 9 policy has been notified, the lacunas of Rule 8 Policy have been corrected, discriminatory clause of non applicability of Rule 8 Transfer for GATE JTOs have been removed, transfer requests are being captured online with full transparency and the applications are being forwarded automatically to BSNL CO, the relieving is taking place automatically through ERP, whether few years back, anybody would have imagined such streamlined process. The executives had to run pillar and post for getting their request forwarded and now we have been able to put in place a totally hustle free process. The quarter allotment policy has been streamlined and redefined, reversal issue has been partially settled and shall be fully settled very soon, internal fast track promotion policy is being seriously thought about, promulgation of BSNL COVID Fund, Medical Fund, GHI policy etc are few highlights of the work done by association after taking over as Majority. Yes we know, many issues are to be settled specially the pay and pension related ones and the path is also tough, very tough keeping in view the precarious financial position of the company. Hence we request all to support us in our endeavors for making a better BSNL for all of us.

AIGETOA is committed for Proper promotional aspects and transparency in implementation of Rules in BSNL. We pursued with management to publish the Provisional seniority list (AIEL-3) which will smoothen the next promotional process for further batches. It is a step in forward direction. All the circle Secretaries are requested to go through the list and corrections and omissions may be pursued and communicated before 29th Sept 2021 so that the final list publication can be in time.

We once again reaffirm our commitment to achieve all the objectives and aims which we have set for ourselves through AIGETOA Shapath Patra 2020.

Provisional All India Gradation list of JAO – 2015 Batch

Corporate office has issued reminder letter for sending omission /error /objection for All India Gradation list of JAO-2015 batch , AIGETOA is continuously pursuing for early finalization of the same. only 11 circles have sent the required information to Corporate office till now. All other circles AIGETOA team are requested to arrange to send the same from your circles within time line of 09.09.21 strictly.

Click here for letter