Support AIGETOA in the membership verification, BSNLOBCEWA appeals to BSNL executives :

Support AIGETOA in the membership verification, BSNLOBCEWA appeals to BSNL executives :

Sh. Rajendra Singh, GS BSNLOBCEWA, has called upon all the BSNL executives to back AIGETOA in the membership verification process. He said that AIGETOA is the most suitable association that has been striving for the rights and welfare of the executives, particularly on the issues of pay revision, career progression, pension revision and superannuation benefits. He also acknowledged the role of AIGETOA in challenging the attempts of privatization and disinvestment of BSNL and defending the interests of the PSU and its employees.

He urged all the executives to cast their vote at Serial No. 3 in support of AIGETOA and make it the dominant representative association of BSNL executives. He said that by doing so, they will strengthen the voice of the executives and ensure a brighter future for themselves and BSNL. He also requested them to spread this message among their colleagues and friends and encourage them to vote for AIGETOA.

He expressed his optimism that with the support and solidarity of all the executives, AIGETOA will emerge victorious in the membership verification and will continue to work for the betterment of BSNL and its executives.

AIBSNLOBCEWA – Stand with us in support of AIGETOA during the upcoming membership verification :

Mr. M Vijay Kumar, the dynamic GS of AIBSNLOBCEWA, passionately encourages BSNL executives to cast their votes in favor of AIGETOA in the imminent membership verification process. He highlights the crucial role played by AIGETOA in championing executives’ rights and welfare, especially in matters of pay, promotion, pension and superannuation benefits. AIGETOA has been a steadfast guardian, resisting privatization and disinvestment attempts, thus protecting the interests of BSNL and its dedicated employees.

His appeal is clear: Let’s unite and vote for AIGETOA, represented at Serial No. 3, and make it the Majority association for BSNL executives. Together, we can amplify the voices of executives and pave the way for a brighter future for both ourselves and BSNL. Furthermore, he kindly asks executives to share this compelling message with colleagues and friends, inspiring them to stand alongside AIGETOA. Your vote can shape the destiny of BSNL Executives!

STEWA requests all BSNL Executives to support AIGETOA in the Membership Verification :

Sh. M Uday Kumar GS STEWA, has appealed to all the BSNL executives to support AIGETOA in the membership verification process. He said that AIGETOA is the only association that has been consistently raising the issues of pay, promotion, pension and superannuation benefits for the executives. He also commended the role of AIGETOA in safeguarding the interests of BSNL and its employees from the threats of privatization and disinvestment.

He urged all the executives to cast their vote at Serial No. 3 in favour of AIGETOA and make it the sole representative association of BSNL executives. He said that by doing so, they will boost the voice of the executives and ensure a secure future for themselves and BSNL. He also asked them to convey this message among their colleagues and friends and persuade them to vote for AIGETOA.

He expressed his confidence that with the support and cooperation of all the executives, AIGETOA will triumph in the membership verification and will continue to work for the welfare of BSNL and its executives.

Cast Your Vote for AIGETOA at Serial No.3 to achieve PPPP Resolution (Pay, Promotion, Pension & PRC)

Cast your vote for AIGETOA at Serial No. 3 to achieve PPPP resolution (Pay, Promotion, Pension & PRC). We are committed to pursue with Government of India for the resolution of issues with the help of our umbrella organization BMS.

Your vote is crucial in resolving E2 pay scales for JTO/JAO, resolving pay loss issues, 30% SAB and 3rd PRC and also for ensuring BSNL’s profitability.

Your Vote Counts.. Vote for Your Issues.. Vote for AIGETOA at Serial No. 3.

Shri S Mallesham, All India VP & Sector In-charge (PSU), BMS has written to GS, AIGETOA wishing the association success in the forthcoming MV and assuring their whole hearted support for resolution of various HR issues which persists in BSNL as listed in our earlier memorandum :

Shri S Mallesham, All India VP & Sector In-charge (PSU), BMS has written to GS, AIGETOA wishing the association success in the forthcoming MV and assuring their whole hearted support for resolution of various HR issues which persists in BSNL as listed in our earlier memorandum. As already indicated, BMS has committed to arrange a tripartite meeting between AIGETOA, BSNL and DoT for resolution of various issues and take up the matters directly with Hon’ble MoC and council of Ministers after the G20 summit.

BMS (Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh) is the largest umbrella organization of trade unions in India. We deeply value and cherish our collaboration with the platform and look forward to having a mutually beneficial relationship with them going forward. We are thankful for their gesture of wishing success to AIGETOA in the MV and our heartfelt gratitude goes out to them.

Click here for the letter

Sh Hemendra Prasad Dutta Ji, a member of AIGETOA and former Circle Secretary of Ex Majority Association in Assam, urges all executives to vote for the strongest team – AIGETOA at Serial No. 3 :

AIGETOA writes to Hon’ble Secretary DoT & Hon’ble Chief Labour Commissioner with respect to the violation of Membership Verification/Election Code of Conduct by BSNL Management with Clear intent to Sabotage the Executive MV Process by Influencing the Minds of Voters and Encroaching into the Rights of Executives against REA Rules :

AIGETOA writes to Hon’ble Secretary DoT and Hon’ble Chief Labour Commissioner with respect to the violation of Membership Verification/Election Code of Conduct by BSNL Management with Clear intent to Sabotage the Executive MV Process by Influencing the Minds of Voters and Encroaching into the Rights of Executives against REA Rules. Earlier we have reached to Management including CMD BSNL and Director HR and Chief Returning Officer but to no avail. Seeing no respite within BSNL, AIGETOA firmly moved on to next higher level for addressing the grievances.

Friends, from the series of letters issued by BSNL in the last one month which started from the transfer of our OBs and Members violating the code of conduct to the latest series of letters issued for notification of LICEs and syllabus, intent of management is very clear.

From the actions of Management, it is quite visible that a deliberate attempt to disrupt the level playing field is being done. AIGETOA wants to firmly reaffirm that we will not allow management to succeed in its misadventures and will ensure the promotions of all eligible Executives through the regular channel of SCF. We remain duty bound to ensure the promotion of all Eligible SDEs upto List 13 through regular channel of Promotions i.e. SCF, AGM to DGM Promotions, and JTO to SDE Promotions for LICE 2014 and future batches, AO to CAO Promotions and JAO to AO promotions. Similarly we are duty bound to ensure promotions in other streams also.

A lot of distance has been achieved and very soon all are going to see the light of the day in all promotions in the grade of DGMs, AGMs, SDEs. The provisional promotions of 2018 are going to be regularised very soon and this will open the road to Promotions in DGM, AGM and SDE cadre with inclusion of all consequential vacancies to enable immediate inclusion of vacancies in subsequent grades. Further Notional Promotions of those whose DPC was done in 2018 is also being pursued actively and we are very sure for achieving the same soon. Similarly we are expecting a breakthrough in AO to CAO Promotions also which will open the roads to JAO to AO Promotions. Similarly promotions in other streams are also to be ensured. Simultaneously our thrust is on Restructuring Review and to ensure more posts in all cadres and streams including Telecom, Finance, Civil, Electrical, CSS, PA/PS/PPS, AD OL, AGM OL etc.

We are not against the conduction of Internal Competitive Exam in AGM and DGM grades but we want that exam should be for the persons who have not completed the residency period. Those completing the Residency Period and in fact more than the required residency period should not be forced to appear in the exam and their promotions must occur through the regular channel of Seniority Cum Fitness. Further, it is our belief that Fast Track Mode must have a fixed number of seats available every year so that all getting eligible can appear in fast track when their chance comes. Such exams must have provision of separate and fixed number of vacancies every year so that there remains no clash between both the streams and the fast track remains fast track and do not meet the same fate like the current scenario where everything was marred upon legal tangles.

We are firm on our conviction to achieve this objective and we are committed to go to any extent to ensure this.

We request executives to not to get confused on such ridiculous and hasty issuances of notifications of BSNL which in our opinion is just intended to prejudice and influence the minds of Voters against AIGETOA. Let us all remain united. AIGETOA is reaching out to all authorities to stop this uncalled for prejudiced actions of management where they are just trying to take advantage of prevailing code of conduct and non absence of AIGETOA as representative association. Such actions further cements the fact that presence of AIGETOA is a must as Majority Recognized Representative Association else such type of actions will become a regular affair. It is also very much evident that except no other association bothered to raise the voice. Executive must understand now that it is AIGETOA which is only association concerned for resolution of the issues and raising the voice against the uncalled for actions by management.

We wish to convey that AIGETOA remains firmly committed to ensure the objective of promotions of all eligible and that too within a short period from here.

Click here for the Letter to Secretary DoT

Click here for the letter to Chief Labour Commissioner

Once again we appeal to not to fall into the trap of such confusing techniques of management.

Vote and Support AIGETOA at Serial No. 3.