Countrywide Notice for Lunch Hour Demonstration on 6th Feb 2024 served by all Circle Bodies of AIGETOA :

Notice for Lunch Hour Demonstration on 6th Feb 2024 served by all Circle Bodies of AIGETOA across the country in response to the AIGETOA CHQ notice dated 24.01.2024 for LHD.

Zone wise Notice Served by All Circles :

Central Zone

Chhattisgarh. Click here for Notice

Madhya Pradesh. Click here for Notice

UP East. Click here for Notice

UP West. Click here for Notice

West Zone

Gujarat. Click here for Notice

Maharashtra. Click here for Notice

Rajasthan. Click here for Notice

East Zone

Andanam & Nicobar. Click here Notice

Assam. Click here for Notice

Bihar. Click here for Notice

Jharkhand. Click here for Notice

North East-I. Click here for Notice

North East-II. Click here for Notice

Odisha. Click here for Notice

North Zone :

ALTTC. Click here for notice

Delhi CO. Click here for notice

Haryana. Click here for notice

Himachal Pradesh. Click here for notice

Jammu & Kashmir. Click here for notice

NTR – Delhi. Click here for Notice

Punjab. Click here for Notice

Uttarakhand. Click here for Notice

South Zone :

Andhra Pradesh. Click here for notice

Chennai Telecom District (CHTD). Click here for notice

Karnataka. Click here for notice

Kerala. Click here for notice

Telangana. Click here for notice

Tamilnadu. Click here for notice

AIGETOA countrywide Lunch Hour Demonstration at BSNL CO, all Circle Headquarters and BA Headquarters by executives on 6th February 2024 highlighting the critical issues impacting the working environment and resource allocation within the organization.

Click here for the notice for Lunch Hour Demonstration