AIGETOA team Comprising of Shri D K Sahoo (AGS-I CHQ), Shri Ashok Acharya (JS East), Shri P K Mohanty (CP Odisha) and Shri Dhiren Parida (Circle Secretary Odisha) met CMD BSNL Shri P K Purwar at Bhubaneswar on 18th Setp 2021 & welcomed him to Temple City Bhubaneswar with a flower bouquets and honored him a specialized shawl of Odisha. AIGETOA Team submitted a memorandum containing BSNL revival issue & important HR issues of executives and some Odisha circle specific issues. In spite his busy schedule he discussed some of the important issues.
Promotion to all eligible executives before finalization of restructuring
Detail discussion held with CMD BSNL on the promotion issue. Where CMD BSNL informed about management’s action plan on promotion issue. We informed him that, as BSNL is going for a major structural change, it is utmost necessary to promote all the eligible executives to next grade as one time measure, which will resolve the stagnation issue of executives and definitely motivate employees for better performance. CMD agreed to discuss with his HR team on the issue.
Left out DPC to be done for JTO to SDE
CMD informed that, HR team already working on it. He assured to complete DPC process of remaining executives at the earliest. Reminder letter should be issued to DOT for the E2 for JTO/JAO and E3 for SDE/AO cadre. He informed that, reminder Letter to DOT for the E2 for JTO/JAO and E3 for SDE/AO cadre will be issued soon.
Payment of pending SAB contribution and enhance the quantum from 5%.
We expressed our deep concern over BSNL management’s complete ignorance on pension benefit issue of BSNL recruited employees by the name of financial condition of BSNL. We intimated him that, more than 75% of existing employees failing on this category and this is only hope for their future security and requested CMD to increase contribution. We also requested him to release pending SAB contribution immediately.
CMD BSNL agreed to release outstanding SAB contribution. Regarding enhancement of SAB contribution he informed that, same will be considered only after improvement in BSNL financial condition.
Immediate Launching 4G services and persuasion at the ministry level
CMD BSNL informed that, BSNL management continuously trying at the highest level for the launch of 4G services in BSNL which is invariable delayed due to Govt policy to use indigenous technology for 4G equipments also informed that matter related to up gradation existing N/W to 4G, already communicated to Hon’ble minister for necessary intervention and issuance of instruction for approval of proposal submitted by BSNL Management committee for upgrdation to 4G.
On the Odisha Circle specific issue
Providing CPAN equipment to cater to the demand of high bandwidth. Strengthening the transmission media to provide quality service.
4F and OLT/ONT for FTTH service
He has assured to extend necessary support to Odisha Circle for Strengthening of Tx Network and improvement of Network uptime. BNG equipment not to be diverted and utilized in Orissa. Agreed, not to divert BNG from Odisha Circle.
Click here for the Memorandum submitted to CMD BSNL