Team AIGETOA Meeting with senior officers in DoT on 21.10.2022 and PS to MOC:

Team AIGETOA comprising of Shri Badri Kumar Mehta, Shri Vivek Kumar Singh and Shri Wasi Ahmad met senior officers in DoT i.e. Dr Mahesh Shukla Member Services, Shri S K Verma JS Admin, Smt. Roshni Madam DDG Estab, Shri Raiti Madava Rao Director PSU and held discussion in continuity of our earlier submission on E2-E3 Scale and discussed about the status of our representation on E2-E3 scale, which is to be approved by the DoT.

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We taken up the matter of our representation with supporting documents on standard scale E2-E3, which was submitted on 23rd Sep’2022. It was apprised to us that the representation given by us has been processed as per request of the association to re-examine the case for approval of E2-E3 scale meant for JTO/JAO and SDE/AO Equivalent grades in BSNL. It is important to note that with the consistent and aggressive follow up meeting of AIGETOA on the matter of E2-E3 Scale in DoT has resulted in reopening of the case. The case has been reopened after a gap of almost 4-5 years by the DoT and it is going to be vital in coming days towards the permanent settlement of E2-E3 case for BSNL Executives. The file related to standard Pay Scale is currently with establishment Section in the DoT.

In the meeting with Member Services and JS Admin, we appraised the merit of the case once again and replied the queries raised to us. Both the senior officers have assured to examine the issue positively and see the best possibilities in the matter. Earlier we met the Director PSU and DDG Estab also on the matter and spoken in detail on the issue. Here onwards a regular follow up meeting will be held in the DoT towards every movement on the subject matter till final approval of E2-E3 scale is not accorded by the DoT to BSNL.

Later the Team AIGETOA met with DDG Estab and enquired about the SDE RR concurrence by the DoT as assured to us in last visit. She told that the file is with the section and it is being examined and very soon, the necessary consent will be sent to the BSNL after approval from the competent authority in the DoT.

We are highly thankful to the Member Services, JS Admin and Director PSU for accepting our request to reopen the case, an important step towards approval of E2-E3 Scale for JTO/JAO and SDE/AO in BSNL. Team AIGETOA extended Deepawali Greetings to all senior officers.

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Earlier, Team AIGETOA also met to PS to the Hon’ble MOC, Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw ji for seeking meeting with the Hon’ble Minister in continuity of our previous meeting held on 29.07.2022. He was kind enough to discuss the matter and assured to appraise the request to the Hon’ble Minister and meeting will be schedule soon at his convenience.