Team AIGETOA comprising Sh. Amit Roy JS (North), Sh Vikas Gupta CP, Sh Yogesh Chhabra CS, Sh Narinder Kumar ACS, Sh Vivek Asthana ACS, Sh Jaspreet Singh ACS and Sh Ajit Singh DS Nodal Center met with Hon’ble Secretary (T) DoT Sh. Neeraj Mittal ji on his maiden visit to Chandigarh to review the progress of the 4G roll out project and Bharat Udhyami Scheme. We greeted and welcomed him with a bouquet of flowers in the chamber of CGMT Sir. We also submitted the memorandum for kind consideration. It includes Residual issues of 2nd PRC related to implementation of Standard Pay scales for the initial two levels of executive grade, Implementation of 30% Superannuation benefits to the BSNL Recruited Executives, 3rd PRC, Promotion avenues of BSNL executives, Exercising option for the Old Pension scheme to the executives whose recruitment process initiated by DoT before formation of BSNL. Secretary (T) listened patiently and assured to discuss the matter with concerned. He also asked to work hard to take up BSNL to the new heights and make it profitable for consideration of financial issues.
We are thankful to Sh Ajay Kumar Kararha CGMT Punjab for arranging a meeting on a short notice.
Click here for Glimpses of Meeting