Team AIGETOA Meeting with Hon’ble Member of Parliament Lok Sabha, Shri Anurag Singh Thakur Ji on 20th September 2024 at New Delhi.

Team AIGETOA had the privilege of meeting Hon’ble Shri Anurag Singh Thakur, a five-time elected Member of Parliament from Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, representing BJP. Shri Thakur is a distinguished leader who has held various portfolios, including Minister for Information & Broadcasting and Youth Affairs & Sports. He is also the recipient of prestigious awards such as the Best Young Parliamentarian Award (2011) and the Sansad Ratna Award (2019).

Discussion on BSNL’s HR Issues:

The meeting focused on long-pending HR issues within BSNL. Team AIGETOA apprised the Hon’ble MP of the following key concerns:

  • Non-Implementation of 3rd PRC: BSNL employees have not received the pay revision (3rd PRC) due since 2017, despite the company achieving operational profits for the last four consecutive years.
  • Implementation of Standard Pay Scales: The demand for E2 pay scales for JTO/JAO and E3 for SDE/AO, along with addressing pay loss for executives recruited on E1A, was emphasized. These changes have minimal financial implications but remain unresolved.
  • Promotion Issues: BSNL employees have received only one promotion in 22-23 years of service since 2007, which is a matter of serious concern.
  • Residuals of 2nd PRC: We highlighted the need for full 30% Superannuation Benefits (SAB) and the formation of a PRMB trust for BSNL recruits.
  • TA/DA Revision: The need for revising TA/DA rates, which have remained unchanged since 1996, was emphasized.

A Bouquet and a Memorandum outlining these issues were presented to Shri Anurag Singh Thakur, requesting his intervention and recommendations to forward these concerns to the Hon’ble Minister of Communication.

Shri Thakur graciously agreed to advocate for BSNL employees and assured Team AIGETOA that he would take up the matter with the Ministry of Communication at the earliest possible time.

On behalf of AIGETOA and BMS, Team AIGETOA expressed sincere gratitude to Shri Anurag Singh Thakur for his valuable time, patient listening, and positive assurances.