Today Team AIGETOA comprising of Sh Pavan Akhand GS, Sh Veerbhadra Rao AIP, Sh Ravi Shil Verma AIC, Sh Amit Roy JS North, and Sh Sunil Gautam AGS met Shri Ravindra Himte Ji General Secretary BMS at their national headquarters at Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Marg, New Delhi. Shri R C Pandey, GS BTEU, Shri Sanjay Tyagi FS, TOA and Shri Manoj, AGS BTEU were also present in the meeting. The team discussed about various issues related to BSNL including a brief discussion on the pending HR issues and 3rd PRC to BSNL Executives. We exchanged our views on the upliftment of BSNL as well as growth of basic cadre of JTO & equivalent. He appreciated our vision and assured all out support of BMS to AIGETOA for all BSNL related issues and for ensuring the resolution of our long pending HR issues and for highlighting and precipitating the same at appropriate platforms.
Team Further met Dr Deependra Chahar, Secretary of the BMS state Chapter Delhi and had discussions on the vision and mission of BMS and how they are promoting the young generation to fight for their rights. He assured his firm support on the endeavors being taken by AIGETOA for the betterment of cadre and BSNL. He stated firmly that BMS Delhi will extend its full cooperation to AIGETOA for the resolution of issues pertaining to BSNL employees.
It will be worth mentioning that with firm support of BMS, AIGETOA’s efforts to resolve the pending HR issues including the Pay and Pension related issues will definitely get a big impetus.