Heartiest Congratulations to the executives getting promoted from SDE to DE/AGM (Telecom) Promotions after resolution of long pending LDCE 2007 SDE Reversal issue. Our Heartfelt thanks to management for resolving one of the most complex issues and issuing the promotional orders.
It is with boundless joy and immense pride that we share the extraordinary news of the DE/AGM Promotion Orders issued by BSNL Corporate Office, specifically addressing the officers affected by the LDCE 2007 SDE Reversion case. This monumental achievement, a resolution that has been years in the making, holds unparalleled significance for AIGETOA and the entire BSNL family.
A brief History of the issue and the steps taken by AIGETOA for resolution:
This issue has held paramount significance for AIGETOA, remaining our steadfast priority since it first arose in 2009.
In 2010, AIGETOA initiated numerous communications, voicing this matter to the highest echelons. During intense and heated discussions with the CMD, Dir (HR), and GM (Pers) at that time, it became evident that a resolution was imperative. AIGETOA’s persistence led BSNL Management to suspend the Show Cause Notices (SCNs) with a committed assurance of an expeditious solution and issued orders on the same day to keep the issue under abeyance.
However, despite these assurances, individual pressures within BSNL Corporate Office led to the issuance of notices by TN Circle. The affected officers sought recourse through CAT Chennai, resulting in an initially favourable judgment. Subsequently, the management contested the decision at the Hon’ble Madras High Court sparking a protracted legal battle. Throughout this journey, AIGETOA CHQ stood as an unyielding pillar of support, championing the cause of these officers with unwavering resolve.
AIGETOA has consistently ensured the morale of these affected officers remains high, providing steadfast support across multiple legal platforms. We engaged rigorously with every successive Dir (HR) and CMD, elevating this issue as a priority in every agitation notice submitted to BSNL Management. Our resolute efforts culminated in securing a commitment from Dir (HR) to pursue a comprehensive resolution. It was AIGETOA only which ensured that the candidates are not reverted to JTO cadre, both through persuasion and legal means. Through AIGETOA’s relentless advocacy, a dedicated committee was formed, delivering a favourable report. Although legal complexities delayed further action, AIGETOA successfully obtained an endorsement from Dir (HR) in the official minutes with MA ensuring that positive court judgments would prompt promotional actions for these employees. The role of AIGETOA in reopening the case at Hon’ble Madras High Curt and thereafter at Hon’ble Madras CAT and getting it tilted in favour of applicants is also praiseworthy.
Due to intense pressure from AIGETOA CHQ, BSNL Management reserved specific DE/AGM vacancies (2005 Vacancies) for these officers during the November 2022 promotions. Today, we celebrate the fruition of these efforts. Our General Secretary personally oversaw the entire DPC process, meticulously coordinating every detail – from securing Vigilance Clearances and SCN withdrawals to seniority list revisions and Ensuring the Circle allotments on As is Where is Basis – on an almost hourly basis, with the utmost care and precision.
The Role of Management and the Applicants themselves:
However, the joy of this success will remain incomplete, if we fail to mention the contribution and role of management including our current CMD BSNL Shri A Robert J Ravi Ji, Director HR Shri Kalyan Sagar Nippani Ji, Current PGM (Pers) Smt Anita Johri Ji and ex PGM Pers Shri Dinesh Mahur Ji, few senior officers from DoT/BSNL and the firm resolute of the affected executives themselves. AIGETOA stood firmly with all the affected executives but the perseverance and firmness of the affected executives in taking the issue to legal conclusion is unmatched and a perfect example for others to follow. AIGETOA salutes their firmness and perseverance. We expect similar type of participative approach and firmness in addressing the resolution of other issues.
We extend our deepest gratitude to the BSNL leadership, whose unwavering support has been instrumental in realizing this milestone. We heartfully thank our Hon’ble CMD BSNL and Hon’ble Dir (HR), PGM Pers, whose compassion, understanding, and dedication have transformed what once seemed an insurmountable task into a resounding success. Their willingness to hear our concerns, consider our recommendations, and ultimately endorsing a fair and just solution has set a new benchmark for employee-employer collaboration within BSNL. This remarkable achievement demonstrates the power of collective effort and unwavering commitment.
The role of BSNL management in resolving this complex issue is truly commendable and deserves a standing ovation. This couldn’t have been a reality without the kind intervention of our honourable CMD, Shri. A Robert J Ravi. His vision and understanding of the merit and genuine issue have paved the way for resolution of the issue. The commitment by CMD BSNL and his style of understanding issues with a human touch is a remarkable quality of leadership. His vision of doing best to HR vertical has started to give morale boost to the employees of BSNL. Resolution of this issue is one of the acts by BSNL management in recent times regarding HR issues. The vision of current CMD BSNL, Dir HR, and other Board of Directors has started giving boost to the much-neglected area, i.e. its HR Vertical.
We sincerely and heartfully thank our Director HR, BSNL Board, Shri. Dr. Kalyan Sagar Nippani Ji. His methodology of understanding issues and commitment shown in resolving the issue is truly touching. He has been the guiding force behind all recent decisions taken in favour of employees. We truly believe and accept that all his commitments will be fulfilled, given his compassionate and caring approach towards resolving the issues of employees. We sincerely thank all the Board of Directors, PGM Pers and his team, PGM SR, BSNL legal vertical for their best efforts in resolving the issue.
A special thanks goes to the then Hon’ble PGM (Pers) Shri DINESH MAHUR ji and present PGM Pers Smt. ANITA JOHRI Ji and other supporting officers, whose tireless efforts have been instrumental in the success of this initiative. Their decision making, active involvement in clearing hurdles, from coordinating vigilance clearances to revising seniority lists and finalizing circle allotments, was pivotal in bringing this outcome to fruition.
We are also deeply grateful to our beloved BSNL management for their decision to execute these promotions on an “As is where is” basis as per the request made by AIGETOA, a compassionate and practical approach that serves the best interests of the promoted officers.
Today’s celebration is a testament not only to the commitment of AIGETOA but also to the exceptional dedication and vision of BSNL’s leadership. The unflagging support from our Hon’ble CMD BSNL, Dir (HR), PGM (Pers), and their teams has reaffirmed our belief that when management and employees unite for a common cause, remarkable things are achievable.
AIGETOA congratulates all the officers for getting promotion to the cadre of AGM(T). Almost a decade-old issue of SDE(T) reversal is now settled with the continuous and persistent efforts of AIGETOA.
Once again, heartiest congratulations to our newly promoted executives. This achievement is a reflection of the dedication and resolve you have shown throughout the journey.
AIGETOA stands by you and all executives, as we always have, and will continue to champion causes that uplift and empower our officers.
We assure management that AIGETOA is committed to contributing significantly to the growth and success of BSNL. To achieve this, we pledge to carry out our best efforts in increasing the revenues. This ambitious target will be achieved through various strategic initiatives, including:
- Enhancing FTTH (Fiber-to-the-Home) connections, leveraging cutting-edge technology to provide high-speed internet services to our customers.
- Aggressively expanding cell connections, focusing on quality and reliability to strengthen our mobile network.
- Delivering exceptional service to our esteemed Enterprise Business (EB) customers, ensuring seamless communication and tailored solutions.
- Identifying and tapping new business opportunities, fostering innovative partnerships, and exploring untapped markets.
- Implementing effective sales and marketing strategies, leveraging our extensive network and customer base.
- Ensuring proactive customer engagement, prompt issue resolution, and consistent feedback incorporation.
Through these focused efforts, we aim to not only achieve the revenue growth target but also reinforce BSNL’s position as a leading telecom service provider. AIGETOA reaffirms its dedication to collaborating closely with BSNL management, working tirelessly to overcome challenges, and capitalizing on emerging opportunities.
Together, we are committed to building a stronger, more resilient, and customer-centric BSNL, poised for sustainable growth and success in the dynamic telecom landscape.