Formal Meeting with Management on People Analytical Mobile (PAM) App:

After the issuance of letter on People Analytical Mobile App, the issue was taken up with management today by AIGETOA.

Thereafter, both the associations AIGETOA and SNEA were called for formal discussions with PGM Restg.

It was informed that there is no negative intent behind this app and the same has been developed to capture the employee feedback on the works as well as any special the employee or any special accomplishments by the employee.

We categorically told that this is an unilateral decision taken by management without consulting with associations on the merit and demerits associated. One side management is projecting that it has got no negative intents and on the other side, it is being made mandatory for marking the attendance. We said this practice itself is against the basic principles of REA and against the spirit of good employee employer relationship.

We informed PGM Restg that we don’t agree to the proposal and we shall be submitting our formal objections on the proposal in black and white.

Later GS AIGETOA and GS SNEA sat together and decided to give a joint letter to management on the proposed app.