Result of 2nd Membership verification of Execuitves’ Associations in BSNL


Dear Colleagues,

Finally the process of 2nd MV has been completed and AIGETOA has emerged as the Recognized Majority Representative Association in BSNL. We congratulate all executives for their esteemed participation in the process and extend our heartfelt thanks for their overwhelming support to AIGETOA. We are satisfied with this performance as we have stood the test of time and worked tirelessly keeping faith on our beliefs. We remain composed and reiterate our commitment to work tirelessly and dedicate ourselves for building a more vibrant and inclusive BSNL 2.0.

Friends, winning the Membership Verification are not our destination but a step to move forward in the direction to make BSNL better and to make its executives feel that BSNL is a better place to work. It has given us an opportunity to serve you better with higher authority in front of management for the cause of BSNL and its executives and a step forward in settlement of long awaited issues related to BSNL and its executives.

All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association (AIGETOA) has entered into this election fray not for coining itself as the “only Recognized Association in BSNL”. The intent for entering into this election fray was the resolution of all the long pending issues of all executives including the long pending issues of PPP pertaining to BSNL Recruits which has been kept pending for years now.

Henceforth, winning the MV and getting elected as Majority Recognized Association should not be considered as Victory, the actual win of AIGETOA will be the day when BSNL will be in profit, when its executives will get their long awaited dues related to Pay, Promotion and Pension. Accordingly, AIGETOA will celebrate its win only when our issues will start getting resolved, when our beloved company BSNL will again start flourishing, when we will be able to succeed in resolving the long pending promotions for all executives. YES AIGETOA WILL CELEBRATE! When our young friends will not face any pay loss and we will accomplish our 30% SAB in totality.

We once again extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every executive of BSNL, Members of AIGETOA, Each and Every CHQ, Circle and Districts Office Bearers of AIGETOA. We extend our heartiest thanks to SEWA BSNL across the country specially Shri N D Ram ji GS, Shri V K Paswanji NP, Shri P N Perumal NCA and all OBs to extend the active support and cooperation in favour of AIGETOA. We once again assure that AIGETOA is fully committed to protect the constitutional provisions and rights of SC/ST executives of BSNL. We further expect that AIGETOA and SEWA BSNL will work together to streamline all promotions in all grades and to clear all the roadblocks. We also extend thanks to Shri Rajesh Gupta GS, Shri G P Patel President and ABLE Team across BSNL for their support to AIGETOA.

We appeal that Just keep making the bonds of this unity stronger every day. We once again take this opportunity to call each and every executive to unite together. We reaffirm our commitment to work without any bias, to work without any prejudice, to work as an inclusive group for all.

We extend our sincere gratitude to management also for conducting the MV process in a free and fair manner and we want to assure that AIGETOA will act with constructive and cooperative approach on the steps taken by management for the betterment of BSNL and its executives. However, AIGETOA will not remain mute also to the actions, which will be in contravention to the interests of BSNL and BSNL executives, and those shall be firmly opposed. We assure our cooperation on all steps taken for betterment of company and expect the same from management’s approach towards executives to strengthen the bonds of mutual trust between employer and employees.

Last but not the least, we seek constructive alignment of designated support association SNEA and other sister associations to whom we have made appeal to come along with us for resolution of all pending issues and we want to reaffirm that AIGETOA will move forward with constructive approach without any one-up-man-ship. We understand and agree that ultimate aim of all associations should be the betterment of BSNL along with protecting the interests of BSNL executives and accordingly we are committed to work with an inclusive approach.

Thanking You all Once Again.

With Profound Regards


Appeal by AIP Sh Ravi Shil Verma to Vote for AIGETOA at S. No 3

Shri Ravi Shil Verma, All India President AIGETOA makes an humble appeal to vote for All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association at Serial Number 3 to make it a majority recognised association. Shri Verma also explains the Mission and vision of AIGETOA with respect to the long pending important issues of executives.

Dear Friends

Pl see the complete video to know the facts and discrimination which we have been made subject to for all these 20 years.

To know how and why the condition of executives of BSNL remains so, to know how AIGETOA plans to settle the executive’s issues of 4Ps (Pay, Promotion, Pension and Profitability of BSNL). Pl listen carefully, it will open your eyes, it will clear your doubts and will help you in taking an informed decision.

We request your kind support and vote by voting at Serial Number 3 in favour of All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association to enable AIGETOA to succeed in its vision and mission to recreate a better future in terms of Pay, Promotion and Pension for all the executives of BSNL.

Wishing you a very happy Independence Day.

Pl Vote and Support @ serial number 3


Click here to listen

The Livelihood – Mission to Resolve the Pay Loss Related Issues

Pay Loss Issue of JTO 2007, 2008 & JAO 2010 batches

The pay loss issue of 2007 and 2008 and 2010 JAO batches and their rightful demand of 22820 with consequential benefits shall be tried to be settled in 6-8 months with full conviction and efforts. AIGETOA will form a committee comprising of CHQ and 2007 and 2008 JTOs/JAOs exclusively to deal with this issue including suggesting the ways for settlement of this issue. AIGETOA shall also adopt organization methods for settlement of these issues. AIGETOA also welcomes like minded groups to be part of this mission for achieving this benign objective.

Immediate Extension of E1+5 Increments to E1 Recruited JTOs/JAOs

Management Committee of BSNL has already approved this interim Benefit for few batches who were recruited in E1 scales. AIGETOA will ensure that this interim benefit till finalization of E2 scales is extended to all the JTOs/JAOs who have been recruited in E1 Scales.

Settlement of pay loss issues of TTAs (JEs) who joined after 2007 in the pre-revised scales , now promoted as JTOs/JAO (Pay loss in JE grade):

AIGETOA will work towards settlement of pay loss with consequential benefits of departmental JEs appointed under LICE quota of JTOs/JAOs.

Pay loss issue of JTOs (JEs under DR quota) Recruited under departmental outsider Quota:

AIGETOA will work towards settlement of pay loss of departmental JEs with consequential benefits appointed under DR Quota as outsider candidates in JTO/JAO grade with consequential benefits.

Extension of One Increment to all Executives on every promotion:

AIGETOA has already taken up this issue in Hon’ble Court of law. AIGETOA will work towards achieving this objective of ensuring one increment on promotion for all those who have been denied this just because of administrative delay in promotions. This is going to benefit all the executives as almost everybody’s promotions have been delayed due to uncaring attitude of management on HR issues.

The Livelihood – Vision to settle the Pay Scale Related Issues:

Standard Pay Scales:

Implementation of E2, E3 standard Pay Scales to all JTOs/JAOs & SDEs/AOs without cascading effect with consequential benefits and incorporation of E2 pay scale in JTORR- 2014 in line with the BSNL Board approval

AIGETOA will work for implementation of E2 scales of 20600 – 46500 without cascading effect as the replacement scale of E1A for all JTOs/JAOs w.e.f. 01.01.2007.

AIGETOA will work for adoption of E2 pay scale in JTO/JAO Recruitment Rules in line with the BSNL Board approval to ensure that Pay Scale issue of JTOs/JAOs recruited/promoted post 1.1.2007 is settled within the ambit of BSNL as adoptions of scales in RR does not require approval from DoT. AIGETOA will also seek merger of SDE scale with non-functional Sr. SDE Scale so that the youngsters get advantage of five years to reach the posts of AGMs.

Ensure the Consequential benefits of finalization of E2 pay scales for JTOs/JAOs w.e.f 01.01.2007

AIGETOA has already got favourable directions from Hon’ble court that all the affected executives should be extended consequential benefits (Arrears). This direction has achieved finality and we will ensure arrears for all the executives who have been recruited post 1.1.2007 in executive capacity.

Uniform first Time Bound Financial Up gradation in 4 years in EPP:

It will be our firm endeavour to end this disparity in promotions which is a gift of Legacy Associations to BSNL Recruits. The New JTOs/JAOs are facing a double loss because of this non-uniform 1st TBP, one because of lower scale and other because of 2 years delay in 1st time bound upgradation in Pay. AIGETOA is determined to end this disparity.

Working towards resolution of specific pay issues of Notional fixation of E1A and E2A for Civil/Elec/Arch/TF/CSS/PA/PS wing executives Regularization of Salary, Perks, Medical and Temp Advances

Implementation of 3rd PRC:

AIGETOA will work towards implementing the 3rd PRC in BSNL.

Allowances & Perks and LTC Benefits (including Transportation):

AIGETOA will work towards implementing revision of perks and allowances as per the 2nd and 3rd PRC recommendations. Will also work to restore the LTC benefits and EL Encashment for all executives.

All India President Shri Ravi Shil Verma and GS AIGETOA Shri Wasi Ahmad shall be participating in a live Talk Show on 12-August, 2020:

Dear Friends , One of our colleague member of AIGETOA has called us for a talk show for answering questions and doubts of executives etc . We appreciate his effort for clarifying the doubts of executives and knowing the stand of AIGETOA with respect to all the issues related to BSNL and its executives which is very much needed when you are going to vote. We have accepted their invitation and accordingly All India President and General Secretary of AIGETOA will appear in a live program “TALK SHOW” on 12-August between 2-3 pm hosted by Shri Vinit Sinha, a Sanchar Ratna Awardee. Any audience can join the show through the link as given in program and interact and raised queries with the guests of the program.

Click here for link

SEWA Extends its Support to AIGETOA :

SEWA extends its support to AIGETOA in its quest for resolution of pending issues of executives. In a combined gathering of CHQ and Circle Office Bearers of AIGETOA and SEWA on 10.08.2020, Shri N D Ram Ji, GS SEWA told that he has firm belief on the thought process of Younger Brothers and sisters of AIGETOA and he believes that AIGETOA is the association which can carry forward and resolve the pending issues of executives in a non-partisan manner. He said that he believes that AIGETOA will also take care of BSNL revival issues. Shri N D Ram ji Further said that he has seen 20 years of earlier regime and he feels that its high time that chance should be given to younger brother and sisters of AIGETOA. He said accordingly SEWA and its members from executive fraternity has decided to support and vote for AIGETOA in the forth coming MV for making ALL INDIA GRADUATE ENGINEERS & TELECOM OFFICERS ASSOCIATION as the number One Representative Association for executives. Shri Ravi Shil Verma, All India President AIGETOA extended his thanks to GS SEWA, CHQ & Circle office Bearers of SEWA, it’s members and assured that AIGETOA will work with an inclusive approach without any discrimination towards any group and AIGETOA stands committed for protecting the rights of SC/ST executives in BSNL. He extended his gratitude to SEWA Team Members for sowing the seeds for the unparalleled unity which will become a stepping stone towards resolution of all pending issues of executives in BSNL and will also help in regaining the same pristine glory of BSNL with which BSNL was born on 01.10.2000. Shri B K Mehta, AIVP extended the vote of thanks.

Friends , This unity between AIGETOA and SEWA will be a big stepping stone towards creating a new era in BSNL where each and every group of employee will get its due rights in terms of Pay, Pension and Promotion along with Profitability of BSNL. The four pillars ( 4 Ps) of a new vibrant BSNL.

We once again extend our sincere thanks to Shri V K Paswan Ji, National President SEWA, Shri N D Ram Ji, GS SEWA, Shri P N Perumal Ji, National Chief Advisor, the CHQ team of SEWA, all the circle office Bearers of SEWA and members of SEWA for showing their belief in thought process of AIGETOA.

Click here for Glimpses

AIGETOA Manifesto (Shapath Patra – 2020)

Click here for AIGETOA Manifesto (Shapath Patra – 2020)

All India Graduate Engineers & Telecom Officers Association (AIGETOA) – The Vision & Mission – The Manifesto for shaping up the future of BSNL Executives

Let’s Unite for Change * Let’s unite For Progress

Let’s Unite for Settlement of Our Long Awaited Rights of PPP.

Let’s Unite for Restoring the Pristine Glory of BSNL.

A stronger AIGETOA * A stronger BSNL Recruit * A stronger Executive * A stronger BSNL