Provisional List of Nominations received from all circles for the Central Collegium of AIGETOA

Provisional List of Nominations received from all circles for the Central Collegium of AIGETOA

As per the CHQ notification dated 13th Sept 2021 regarding constitution of central collegium, verification of nominations received by 7th Oct 2021 for central collegium from circle chapters of AIGETOA has been done in consultation with concerned CS.

The Provisional List of Nominations received from all circles for the Central Collegium of AIGETOA.

Click here for Provisional List

CEC Meeting cum Collegium’s Election on 18th & 19th Oct 2021

The Circle Executive Committee Meeting cum Collegiums’ Election, which is scheduled on 18-19th October 2021 as per the notification issued on 13.09.2021, is going to be held through online mode. This has been decided in view of the opinion expressed to hold the meeting through online mode by most of the governing body members. The special casual leave letter has also been issued by the SR Cell for the meeting.

Click here for the letter

Reminder for sending nominations for central collegium by 7th Oct 2021

The last date for sending the nominations for Central Collegium is 7th Oct 2021, all Circles are requested to send as per schedule.

Important Schedules are as follows :

  • Circle will send their nominations strictly in the enclosed format for Central Collegiums after following due process as defined in AIGETOA Constitution to the returning officer on mail ID: by 7th October 2021. (CSs are requested to share copy of CEC Minutes in which Circle Collegiums’ members are elected as per their defined strength, without valid signed minutes copy collegiums list will not be considered).
  • Verification of the nomination received will be done by the returning officer in consultation with the concerned Circle Secretary from 8th October to 12th October 2021.
  • Provisional list of the nomination received will be displayed on CHQ website on 13th October 2021.

Notification of Election of the Central Collegiums Election:

GS AIGETOA notified the Central Executive Committee Meet and Election of New Central Collegiums of AIGETOA on 18th & 19th October, 2021 for the next three years tenure and for transaction of business and Election of New Central Governing Body of AIGETOA CHQ. The Collegiums Election will be held on 19th October, 2021 from 10:00 Hours onwards and the result will be declared by the same day at 18:00 hours. The nomination for the Collegiums can be sent latest by 7th October 2021 in the enclosed format by the Circles. Final elected list of the Central Collegiums’ of the AIGETOA will be displayed on the AIGETOA CHQ website by 19th Oct 2021 for information to all.

Click here for the Notification

Click here for the format of nomination