Team AIGETOA met PGM Pers on 14.01.2025 and discussed various issues for urgent resolution and clarification.
Clarification on new OTP Window Jan 2025 :
The issue of opening of new OTP window was discussed with PGM Pers today.
The Old OTP requests shall be kept intact with a provision to withdraw.
We have requested for incorporating the modification tab also in OTP Portal. The same is under discussion.
ERP Relieving of Hard Tenure Transfers :
The issue of ERP relieving for hard tenure is under persuasion and CHQ team is taking all efforts to get the officers relieved centrally from ERP. Matter under active consideration.
Clarification on Immunity Guidelines w.r.t OA/BA Level :
With regard to the clarity on Immunity of OA/BA confusion, the instructions have been passed on to ERP Section. The restrictions of Entry has been removed.
The Colocated OA will act as BA body and rest OAs as separate OA body. The OA/BA body will be treated at same level for the purpose of immunity. Circle office OA body will consist of OBs from circle office.
All CSs are requested to get the entries in ERP done. If any issues are faced, same may be brought to our knowledge.
Forwarding of Application to other Department & Opening of Deputation :
The freeze of Deputation has been removed and the new policy is under discussion. In the meantime, we have requested for forwarding the applications received from executives for deputation to various organisations including DoT. The same shall be considered.
Promotion in various cadres :
Issue of Promotions in various cadres to be taken up with Director HR.
Further follow up to take place on Thursday in presence of full pers team.