Team AIGETOA consisting of All India President Shri Veerabhadra Rao, All India Convener Shri A A Khan, AGSs Shri Vivek Kumar Singh and Shri Sunil Kumar Gautam and CHQ Advisor Dr. Yogesh Chauhan met Hon’ble Minister of Heavy Industries Shri Mahendra Nath Pandey ji at his office at Udyog Bhawan today the dated 12.09 2023. Team AIGETOA presented it’s memorandum to Hon’ble Minister and requested for his intervention in settling out the issues of 3rd PRC, Residual Issues of 2nd PRC, Pay Losses and One Time Pension Option under CCS Rules to those whose Recruitment was notified during DoT Period along with 30 percent SAB to BSNL Recruits. Team explained the disparity in the scales of BSNL and MTNL and said that initial two Scales have been kept provisional since 1.1.2007 and the same needs to be resolved immediately. We also highlighted the pay loss case of 22820 and JE Period Pay Loss. We said Full 30 percent SAB is yet to be implemented in BSNL despite BSNL being in Net Profit at that time. We also highlighted the issue of Pension Option under CCS Rules.
The need for implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL was discussed in detail and we highlighted the requirement of waiver of affordability clause in respect of BSNL given the circumstances in which the PSU is made to operate and incur losses because of this. We told the Hon’ble Minister that BSNL has been consistently earning operating profit and is EBITDA positive since last many years. Net Profit couldn’t be earned as BSNL has been made to run without 4G and also is operating in loss making areas along with fulfillment of the responsibilities associated with meeting out the telecom objectives of Government of India. Accordingly we requested the Hon’ble Minister to intervene for the resolution of all the long pending HR issues which have been pending for a long time in BSNL.
We also informed Hon’ble Minister that BSNL Employees have been working day and night for the development of Indigenous 4G/5G Core and the government must extend its blessings to the employees also who have been suffering the loss in terms of their pay and pensionary benefits.
Hon’ble Minister gave a patient hearing and raised few queries wrt our memorandum. We explained the points to Hon’ble Minister. After discussing in detail, Hon’ble Minister assured that he will take up these issues firmly with Minister of Communication and will try to resolve these issues which are of extreme financial importance for BSNL Employees. He also firmly reiterated the commitment of Government India to extend support to BSNL. Hon’ble Minister also explained about the implementation of 3rd PRC in loss making PSUs and told that he shall surely be taking the issues with Hon’ble MoC for resolution of the issues.