On 10th Dec 2024 scheduled agenda meeting of AIGETOA was held. A nice fruitful discussion took place with management on the agenda items placed by AIGETOA on dated 10th December 2024.
From Management side, following Officials were present:
- Hon’ble CMD BSNL, Shri A Ravi J Roberts Ji
- Hon’ble Director HR, Dr Kalyan Sagar Nippani Ji
- PGM (SR) & PGM (Pers), Smt. Anita Johri
- PGM (Recruitment & Training) Shri Sourabh Tyagi,
- PGM (Admin) Shri Sanjeev Tyagi
- DGM/AGM officers from HR and SEA Section.
From Association side, following Office Bearers were represent:
- Shri Veerabhadra Rao, President AIGETOA
- Shri Ravi Shil Verma, General Secretary
- Shri Aftab Ahmad Khan, All India Convener
- Shri Pavan Akhand, Dy General Secretary
- Shri Badri Mehta, Finance Secretary
- Shri Vivek Kumar Singh, Asst General Secretary
- Shri Sunil Gautam, Asst General Secretary
- Shri Yogendra Kumar, Asst General Secretary
- Shri R N Mishra, Joint Secretary (Central)
- Shri Nitya Jerald, Joint Secretary (South)
- Shri Harjinder Singh, (Organizing Secretary)
- Shri Vaibhav Goyal, CP QA Circle & CHQ Advisor
- Shri Prabhash Mishra, CHQ Advisor
- Shri Sanjay Tyagi, CHQ Advisor
- Dr Yogesh Kumar, CHQ Advisor
- Shri Sharad Kumar Singh, CP BSNL CO
- Shri Rajeev Meena, CS BSNL CO
- Shri Tarun Vyas, CP CNTx-N
- Shri Rakesh Meena, CS CNTx-N
- Shri Yogesh Chhabra, CS Punjab
- Shri Anoop Das, ACS Kerala
Click Here for the Glimpses of Agenda Meeting
Promotion and Restructuring Related Issues:
[A] Pers Section
1] Issuance of AGM promotions of all eligible SDEs who have completed their residency period:
A presentation was made on the issues related to seniority and how the Competitive Quota Executives have been deprived of their rights. It was elaborated by AIGETOA why the cut-off date of 31st December is significant and how the pending promotions can be executed by 31st December 2024. The same was appreciated by management side and they assured for all possible steps to be taken to realize the same. Pers and Restructuring section was asked to work on war footing basis to ensure the same. Association side also assured for its firm cooperation in getting the process expedited.
2] Issuance of AO to CAO Promotions, JAO to AO Promotions, AGM to DGM Ad-hoc Promotions:
The legal logjam in AO to CAO promotions were explained and suggestions were made from AIGETOA on tackling the issue for a win-win situation for all. Possible way out for executing JAO to AO promotions in the same way as done in the case of JTO to SDE in December 2021 was also discussed. All efforts to be taken by Pers and Restructuring Section to ensure the promotions in SDE to AGM Cadre, AGM to DGM Ad-hoc, AO to CAO and JAO to AO Promotions.
3] Convening of CPCs in PA/PS/PPS cadre who are waiting for long despite availability of vacancies:
Pending Promotions in PA, PS and PPS cadres also to be executed immediately.
4] Promotion of the next lot of JTOs to SDE cadre and covering all the LICE 2012 batch and subsequent recruitment year JTOs:
AIGETOA Side to coordinate with Litigants in JTO to SDE DPC and LICE for a possible solution in the form of Promotions with Seniority subject to outcome of the court case.
Management further agreed to ensure the readiness in the case of SDE to AGM LICE so that promotions can be issued immediately after getting the go ahead from Hon’ble Court of Law.
5] Issuance of Promotion under PWD Quota for balance eligible PWDs and Review DPC of Eligible JTOs/JAOs:
The review DPC under PWD Quota to be expedited and completed expeditiously to get further promotions in all cadres.
6] Issue of scrapping of SET RRs:
Issue of scrapping of SET RRs and other issues pertaining to current MT Recruitment process was also highlighted which was agreed to be examined by management.
The recommendation for restructuring and increase in posts to be submitted immediately.
7] Review of Transfer Policy. The transfer should be on need basis instead of regular rotational transfer.
Transfer Policy modifications to be considered. Management agreed for considering the need-based transfers instead of routine long stay transfers.
We further requested for reinstating those disturbed in long stay transfers back to their parent circles by considering their OTP cases. Management agreed to consider the same. Management also agreed to consider immediate relieving of executives through ERP on completion of long stay and OTP cases. It was also agreed to consider the medical cases, spouse cases, single parent cases and female executives, those above 58 etc on priority.
Suggestion of association with respect to changes in transfer policy and OTP procedure to be considered. AIGETOA to give formal inputs for the same.
[B] Establishment Section
1] Discussion on resolution of Pay Loss pertaining to pay fixation of JEs promoted as JTOs/JAOs:
Another presentation was made by the Pay Loss Suffering group by the team of Shri Prabhas Mishra, Shri Anoop Das and Shri Nithya Jerald wherein they highlighted the crux and root cause of the JE Period pay loss. The same was positively reciprocated by the management side and they assured of getting the same examined by the wage negotiation committee.
2] Intervention at the highest level to ensure that approval for E2 pay-scales for JTO/JAO/Equivalent and E3 pay-scales for SDE/AO/Equivalent cadres is received:
Management agreed to take up the matter of E2-E3 aggressively with DOT and assured that the desired information shall be submitted to DoT.
3] Start of discussions of association with Pay Loss Committee to extend 22820 as initial basic to the executives recruited in pre-revised E1A scales post 01.01.2007:
The committee on 22820 shall be re-notified as few officers of the committee has been transferred and they shall be asked to submit their report and discuss with association with a fresh perspective.
4] Extending E1 plus 5 increments to all the JAOs and JTOs recruited in provisional E1 scales post implementation of 2nd PRC recommendations of BSNL:
The issue of E1 plus 5 increments pending before board to be expedited and extending the same to all new batches shall be examined.
5] The case of the CCS pension for the BSNL recruited TTAs whose recruitment was initiated by DoT during pre-BSNL era may be taken up by BSNL with DoT in line with the Gazette Notification issued by GoI.
6] Pay Fixation Option on promotion for the TTAs recruited as JTOs through outsider quota was also discussed and it was agreed to consider the issue in light of the orders pronounced by various tribunals.
7] Implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL and intervention at highest level for relaxation of affordability clause in view of the BSNL’s involvement in development of Home Grown 4G/5G Technology and fulfilling the Telecom Objectives including the social and national duties as the national telecom carrier of India.
On 3rd PRC, management was non-committal and stated that issue pertains to Government decision. They advised to wait for some more time.
8] Increase in Quantum of SAB to make it 30% and creation of PRMB fund:
On Superannuation Fund case will be processed for another 2 percent increase Option to switch to NPS and the endorsement of the DPE guidelines for giving the fund accumulation on resignation or separation from organization to be done. Further the fund accumulation shall be reflected on the Pay Slip.
9] Implementation of Death Relief Scheme for BSNL employees:
Death Relief Fund to be incorporated.
Further, it was agreed to process the case for implementing the DOPT guidelines for extending the technical resignation option to BSNL Recruits also which will enable the BSNL recruits to get the 300 days leave encashment and technical resignation benefits in case of resignation/separation from BSNL etc.
10] Issue of Sabbatical Leave:
Management was not very committal on Sabbatical leave.
11] The case of the CCS pension for the BSNL recruited TTAs whose recruitment was initiated by DoT during pre-BSNL era may be taken up by BSNL with DoT in line with the Gazette Notification issued by GoI:
The issue of granting one time option for pension under CCS rules to those whose recruitment process was initiated before incorporation of BSNL was also discussed. Management agreed to send the reference to DoT once again.
12] CGMs are not giving consent for the accommodation Rule-8 requests due to surplus/deficit Circle transfer Policy:
Rule 8 policy to be streamlined, the letter with respect to the surplus/deficit circles to be re-examined and withdrawn. The discriminatory clause pertaining to 5 years restrictive clause for JTOs promoted through special LICE to be examined and withdrawn Mutual Rule 8 transfers to be considered.
13] Reinstatement to the post/grade of AGM (Regular)/DGM (Adhoc) following judgment passed by Hon’ble Supreme Court in SLP(C) No. 30281-30282 of 2019 in the case of 147 reversal issue.
147 Group Reinstatement issue to be considered in a positive manner.
14] Issue of Opening of Deputation:
The orders for removing the freeze on deputation to be removed immediately.
SR Section
1] Opening of Membership Window Twice in a year:
SR cell related issues were discussed. It was agreed to open the change window twice.
2] Issue of non-granting of meeting by few circle heads and Few BAs:
Issue of non-granting of meeting by few circle heads and Few BAs were highlighted and it was assured that SR cell will intervene in the matter and set the things in right perspective.
3] Provision of data of all Executives in BSNL and their association membership:
It was agreed to provide ESS access to association for fetching the details of membership regularly.
4] Issue of non-implementation of REA:
Non implementation of guidelines pertaining to association OBs holding the admin position was also discussed and SR cell agreed to intervene.
5] Issue of Dharmapuri BA:
Issue of Dharmapuri BA was also highlighted on which management asked for further details which will be submitted.
6] Concept of One Association One PSU in BSNL:
A committee shall be constituted to examine the One PSU One Association Concept with inputs on the practices being followed in other PSUs and recommend on the same.
7] Formation of Staff Grievance Cell at BA Level:
The issue of formation of staff grievance cell at BA level shall be examined.
Other Major Issues:
Admin Section
1] Review of RSTC (Residential Service Telephone Connection) policy and provision of free FTTH connection with inclusion of internet:
Extending FTTH connection for RSTC to be considered. Association suggestion to extend plan 799 for executives to be examined.
2] Enhancement/restoration of outdoor limit of medical reimbursement to earlier 25 days limit and also fixing of medical outdoor limit at current DA rates:
Restoration of Outdoor Medical Reimbursement to current DA rates to be considered. AIGETOA request to increase the limit to 25 days basic/da to be examined in due course.
3] Status of Empanelment of Hospitals on cashless basis by circles:
BSNL Corporate Office to intervene for empanelment of reputed hospitals on cashless basis. It was agreed that if sufficient indoor medical coverage through tie ups with reputed hospitals on cashless basis is not extended then option for GHI by employer can be considered provided all associations agree for doing away with BSNLMRS and replacing the same with GHI.
4] Provision of Second Saturday to all Offices in field units or C-Off Holiday:
Provision of at least one compensatory leave per month in lieu of second Saturday to field staff to be examined and considered.
5] Revision of TA/DA:
Revision in TA/DA to be considered and orders shall be issued shortly.
6] Enhancement of Transport Allowance:
AIGETOA also requested for increasing the monthly transport allowance at least to the 6th CPC rates which was agreed to be examined and considered.
7] Implementation of Laptop Policy in the Field:
Association side also requested for notifying the laptop for field units immediately. It was informed that the same is under process. Further AIGETOA requested for increasing the limit to at least Rs 60000/- Minimum and also mobile reimbursement to Rs 18000 Minimum.
8] Streamlining of IQs at All India basis :
IQs allotment to be made online. The concept of keeping the IQs reserved in the name of GMs/CGMs to be done away with. BSNL CO shall be seeking the details of the expenditure made and utilization of IQs from circles.
Building Work & Land Management
1] Upkeeping & Maintenance of Staff Quarters :
Instructions to be issued for regular upkeep of Staff Quarters and involving concerned RWAs for the same was also agreed. The monetization of residential quarters to be avoided as far as practicable.
2] Issue related with Monetizing of Land Asset:
Association suggestion for involving group housing cooperative society of BSNL staff in monetizing the land assets and giving employees the option to take over such properties through cooperative group housing societies of BSNL employees to be examined.
3] Renting of High Value Premises :
Further AIGETOA suggestion with respect to renting out the high value premises to be considered. Option to use the vacant quarters of MTNL at Delhi/Mumbai for clearing the BSNL waiting list to be examined.
A separate discussion with CGM BW to be held with AIGETOA on the land monetization issue and exemption of residential colonies is to be held Separately.
Training Section
1] Issue of ALTTC :
The issue of ALTTC center to be examined. Management agreed to take up the matter with DOT for co-existence of BSNL as well as DOT training centers in the ALTTC premises.
Development Issues:
The issues faced by field units with respect to the 4G rollout, FTTH connections, MAAN issues, Transmission, SLA based outsourcing, Flaws in Tendering process etc. was also highlighted before Hon’ble CMD BSNL. CMD BSNL directed us to submit a detailed note on the issues faced. Discussion on all such issues to proceed further at the level of CMD BSNL.
The issues were discussed in a comprehensive manner and consensus was reached on the resolution of many issues including that of promotions before 31st December 2024. One thing we can assure that management is considerate on issues highlighted before them and we expect a definite positive outcome. We shall be sharing further details in due course.
We extend our thanks and gratitude to Our Hon’ble CMD and Director HR for driving the HR issues on priority and agreeing to consider resolution of many of our long pending issues. We also extend our thanks to HR team, PGM Pers, PGM SR and Restg, PGM Estt, PGM Recruitment and Training, PGM Admin for their support and extending the positive vibes. There is a visible change in the approach of management towards HR and this is only possible due to the empathy shown by the current team towards employees. It becomes our duty to reciprocate and fulfil our duties to realize the objective of increasing the revenue by way of increase in connections, increase in business and increase in up time of network. Let us all work together for the cause of BSNL.