GS AIGETOA Shri Ravi Shil Verma, All India President Shri Veerabhadra Rao, Chief Patron and National Convener AIGETOA Shri A A Khan met PGM Pers and extended thanks to him for issuance of promotions. We further discussed the following issues:
Karnataka OTP Cases : Orders in this regard shall be issued by this week.
Other Pending OTP Cases : Orders in this regard shall be issued by this week.
Retention Cases on Promotion : Only few genuine cases shall be considered in due course of time. However PGM Pers advised all to join at new places as soon as possible to avoid any legal complexity in future.
Notional Promotions to the AGMs whose DPC was over in 2018 : PGM Pers told that after the receipt of the letter from AIGETOA, he has directed his team to examine the same. However, he expressed that issue raised is definitely a genuine issue and Pers Section will examine the same with Positive Perspective. Hopefully the issue will be resolved in favour of the candidates.
We expressed our thanks to PGM Pers for considering the genuine issues.