GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL – Inclusion of TTAs recruited through DOT recruitment notification before the formation of BSNL for pension benefits under CCS Pension Rules 1972 :

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL – Resolution of the genuine issue of JTO (Civil/Electrical/Arch/TF) executives for extending Executive designation & Executive Scales to the eligible/absorbed JEs w.e.f. the deemed date of absorption in BSNL i.e. 01.10.2000 :

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL for resolution of the genuine issue of JTO (Civil/Electrical/Arch/TF) executives for extending Executive designation & Executive Scales to the eligible/absorbed JEs w.e.f. the deemed date of absorption in BSNL i.e. 01.10.2000 (Notionally from 01.10.2000) to implement on par with other equivalent absorbed cadres in BSNL.

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GS writes to Director HR regarding non Extension of the due rights and facilities to the Persons with Disabilities (PwD) in BSNL :

GS AIGETOA writes to Director HR regarding non Extension of the due rights and facilities to the Persons with Disabilities (PwD) in BSNL. The clarification issued recently from Establishment section of BSNL CO ND is clearly violating the DoPT guidelines and also Guidelines Endorsed by BSNL regarding grant of Special Casual leave facility to the Persons with Disabilities (PwD).

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GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL regarding discrepancy observed in various executives in First Time bound promotion between 4-6 years and request to consider implementing the proposal of uniform 1st Time Bound Promotion in 4 years to all executives :

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL regarding discrepancy observed in various executives in First Time bound promotion between 4-6 years and request to consider implementing the proposal of uniform 1st Time Bound Promotion in 4 years to all executives.

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This disparity has resulted into heart burn and disparity in Pay amongst many of the JTOs recruited by BSNL/Absorbed from DoT. This disparity in first time bound promotion shall be affecting the newly Recruited/Promoted JTOs/JAOs as they will be getting their First Time Bound Up-gradation in 6 years owing to their initial basic scale being fixed in E1 scale. They are already demotivated and disappointed owing to the extremely meagre salary and less initial basic which is largely visible in the form of extremely high percentage of churn out from the newly recruited batches, now extending first TBP in 6 years will be like sprinkling salt on already inflicted injuries.

GS Writes to CMD BSNL for promotion in the grade of PPS by creation of additional Posts :

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL with request for promotion in the grade of PPS by creation of additional posts.

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AIGETOA has proposed the following suggestions for the career progression and timely promotion of the PS to PPS –

  • As the Merger of BBNL is already taking place and Merger of MTNL is being envisaged, we feel it prudent to submit that there will be change in the managerial posts including that of the BOD position which is bound to increase post-merger. Hence the earlier level of PPS grade posts need to be restored to take care of the increased requirements of PPS posts for manning the crucial positions which will arise after the increase in the number of senior managerial positions.
  • Consequent to Restructuring of HR in BSNL, 37 posts of PPS have been earmarked for all field units. Recently Circles were requested to furnish data of eligible candidates from feeder grade for promotion to the grade of PPS. It is learnt that approximate 15 circles have not submitted any information so far as no candidates are eligible for promotion to the grade of PPS. Whereas, 4 candidates in PS Grade in Corporate Office are eligible for promotion to the post of PPS. Hence, these eligible candidates may be considered for promotion to the grade of PPS by utilizing the available posts of field units and diverting the same to the strength of BSNL CO.
  • Stenographers (Grade-“D”) in the Corporate Office are only 2 and the working strength of posts of PA Grade are 12. Hence, it is suggested that 10 PAs with 12 yrs of service may be promoted as PS (as followed in promotions done in 2018) and to surrender vacant posts in the grade of PA for creating a matching savings for upgrading some PA posts to Sr.PPS/PPS Grade as a one-time measure (Matching Saving) without altering the total number of sanctioned posts for Corporate Office. By doing this, all will get a justifiable opportunity to get a seniority-cum-fitness promotion before his/her superannuation.
  • The Restructuring Review is already in Progress and we sincerely feel that there is ample scope of increasing the number of Sr PPS and PPS posts which will enable suitable career progression to the PSs who will otherwise stagnate in their current positions for next many years. Hence Management must consider creating at least 3 more posts in Sr. PPS i.e. total 6 posts and 4 more in the PPS grade i.e. Total 7 PPS posts for taking care of the responsibility associated with manning the secretarial works of Board Level Positions, CVO and Senior Managerial Posts.

Immediate stopping of Monetisation of Densely Populated Staff Quarters of Mumbai at Powai and Prabhadevi Dadar and Immediate stopping of eviction process of these quarters – Causing great deal of suffering to the resident employees and resulting unrest among the employees of Mumbai : GS writes to CMD BSNL

GS writes to CMD BSNL regarding immediate stopping of Monetisation of Densely Populated Staff Quarters of Mumbai at Powai and Prabhadevi Dadar and Immediate stopping of eviction process of these quarters. It is causing great deal of suffering to the resident employees and resulting unrest among the employees of Mumbai.

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GS AIGETOA writes to Hon’ble Minister of Communication with most humble request of exercising option for Old Pension Scheme and grant one time option to be covered under the CCS (Pension) rules 1972 for the executives whose recruitment process as Telecom technical Assistants was initiated by DoT in the year 1999 before formation of BSNL :

GS AIGETOA writes to Hon’ble Minister of Communication Shri Ashwini Vaishnav Ji with request to highlight the issue of granting one time option to be covered under CCS Pension 1972 rules for executives of BSNL whose recruitment process as Telecom Technical Assistant has been started by DoT in 1999 before formation of BSNL.

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GS AIGETOA writes to Director HR regarding amendments in transfer and posting policy and retention of staff quarters on transfer :

GS AIGETOA writes to Director HR regarding amendments in transfer and posting policy and retention of staff quarters on transfer.

Click here for letter to Director HR

AIGETOA has submitted the following points for consideration to ensure that executives comes willingly to opt for the transfers:

  • The period of stay spent within SSA/Circle transfers may be deducted while carrying out longest stay transfer on All India basis to avoid multiple transfers of the executives.
  • After completion of three years in a particular station in inter-circle transfer, the executive must be immediately transferred and relieved from Circle to the new choice of place in the interest of service.
  • There should be a cooling period of at least three years duration between intra-circle and inter-circle transfers to avoid multiple transfer of the individual.
  • Retention of Staff Quarter at a place of existing location (prior to transfer) may please be allowed consequent to change of place of posting due to transfer/promotion.

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL regarding Promotions of all eligible executives who have fulfilled the attendant conditions of eligibility as prescribed in MS RRs :

GS AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL regarding Promotions of all eligible executives who have fulfilled the attendant conditions of eligibility as prescribed in MS RRs.

Click here for letter to CMD BSNL

Around 150 odd numbers of officers are working on DGM (Adhoc) basis and are yet to be promoted to DGM on regular basis despite serving in the grade for many years.  Management has not been able to promote these officers to regular DGM by citing the reasons of pending court cases.  Further, around 1350 AGMs have also completed their requisite residency period in the grade. Many of them are working in the grade for last as DGM (L/A) in BSNL for the last two years with the total posts of 1116 JAG posts.  These officers are not even promoted to DGM on ad-hoc basis, despite all vacancies remaining unfilled in the grade. These officers are still working as DGM (L/A) after fulfilling the eligibility conditions as prescribed in the governing RRs.  

AIGETOA strongly demand that all those officers who are working under DGM (LA) having fulfilled the attendant conditions of eligibility as prescribed in MS RRs may be immediately given entrustment charge as DGM on regular basis such that the sagging morale of seniors can be boosted and management can also do away with the repetitive and perennial exercise of carrying out DGM (LA) promotions. Further all consequential benefits attached to the DGM posts must be extended to them as being done in other cases. AIGETOA feel that this is the only feasible and pragmatic way to impart justice to these officers. This will not only provide respite to these officers but it will also result in further promotions in other grades.

The scenario of consequential vacancies in various grades arising out of such entrustment shall be as stated below:

  • Total No. of AGM vacancies arising out of DGM entrustments : 1116
  • AGM vacancies unfilled as on date from internal quota : 650
  • Total Number of Vacancies envisaged for external quota be diverted to internal quota : 300
  • Hence total number of vacancies which can be made available for AGM promotions from existing strength : 2066

Hence Total 2066 SDEs can be promoted to AGM grade. This will further give opportunity to near about 2066 promotions from JTO to SDE along with 600 already available vacancies and further more so many vacancies will be created in JTO grade also.

This means by one decision, around 5900 promotions can be executed as per the below mentioned breakup:

  • AGM to DGM : 1116
  • SDE to AGM : 2066
  • JTO to SDE : 2066 plus 600 vacant posts ie total 2666

Similarly the same methodology may be applied in Finance Grade also wherein the AOs having fulfilled the attendant conditions of eligibility as prescribed in MS RRs may be immediately given entrustment charge as CAO on regular basis. The scenario of consequential vacancies in various grades arising out of such entrustment shall be as stated below:

  • AO to CAO : 712 plus 84 vacancies of SET quota ie 796
  • JAO to AO: 796 Posts

Hence just by one out of box and technically feasible decision, around 7500 promotions can easily be executed. This will give a huge respite to the executives having fulfilled the eligibility conditions for promotions to next grade.