Suggestions : AIGETOA Manifesto – Shapath Patra 2020
As an Initiative for carrying forward an inclusive approach where all the executives have a say in deciding the vision document for next three years in the form of AIGETOA Manifesto i.e.
Shapath Patra 2020,
we bring before all executives in BSNL, an online webpage form to share your thoughts, views and suggestions by which each one of you are empowered to share your aspirations and thought process which should be reflected in the AIGETOA Manifesto.
We definitely welcome the ideas/submissions in this line which can be exchanged, examined, and applied to make a vibrant BSNL and a best HR System in BSNL by catering the aspirations of our Pay, Promotion and Pension aspects.
We look forward to get suggestions which should not be counted as mere election process rather it should be practically achievable and points to the destinations that we all aspire to achieve. Submissions are welcomed from all cadres and We reckon that this venture would be highly advantageous for deciding how your own association should work and also will provide an insight to the duties & responsibilities that each office bearer of this association is bound to do.
Come let us all be the part of this change to end the discrimination which we have been made subject to for last twenty years ..
Let us all together recreate our destiny. Let us all together shape up our future. To submit the suggestions please use this google form below.
Click here for link