Message from Sh Ravi Shil Verma, AIGETOA General Secretary regarding 3rd MV and Future Commitments :

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of AIGETOA, I extend my thanks and gratitude to you all for participating in 3rd MV process and exercising your right to vote.

We also extend our thanks and gratitude to all those who voted for AIGETOA and also done the hard work for the association which resulted into more votes than the paid membership count. We firmly reassure you all that don’t get disheartened by the results and instead let’s concentrate on resolving the issues which we promised as per the Shapath Patra 2023.

AIGETOA remains committed for resolution of the issues as promised in our agenda and charter.

At the end, as General Secretary of AIGETOA, on behalf of association, I accept the responsibility of this temporary set back and assure you all of my firm commitment to rise above this and work wholeheartedly for the cause of executives. I am confident that our rank and file will fight the issues with same vigour and resilience to achieve the unfinished agenda.

We also extend our congratulations and best wishes to SNEA and assure our constructive support on the resolution of issues.

With Regards,

Ravi Shil Verma

GS Secretary, AIGETOA