AIGETOA strong objection on one sided attitude of SR cell of BSNL CO in issuance of minutes which is misleading and not in line with the actual decisions and discussions taken place in the meeting – Letter to Director HR

AIGETOA strong objection on one sided attitude of SR cell of BSNL CO in issuance of minutes which is misleading and not in line with the actual decisions and discussions taken place in the meeting – Letter to Director HR

AIGETOA writes to Director HR regarding Issuance of Minutes by modifying the actual decisions taken in the agenda meeting held in February 2023 with the Recognised Representative Association of BSNL i.e. AIGETOA – Our strong objections thereof on this one sided attitude of SR cell of BSNL CO in issuance of minutes which is misleading and not in line with the actual decisions and discussions taken place in the meeting.

Click here for the letter

Annexure – Minutes of the meeting of Director (HR) with AIGETOA held on 08.02.2023 and 22.02.2023

Notification of Annual General Meet (AGM) of AIGETOA to be held from 20th to 23rd May 2023 at New Delhi :

The Annual General Meet (AGM) of AIGETOA CHQ is notified to held from 20th to 23rd May 2023 as per the provisions of the constitution. The annual general meet of the association will be conducted at New Delhi. All Collegium Members, Central Working Committee (Elected & Nominated) are requested to attend the meeting. The details for the meeting are as below :

Schedule of Annual General Meeting:

20th May 2023 (10.00am to 2.30pm) : Central Governing Body Meeting.

20th May 2023 (3.00pm to 8.00pm) : Annual General Body Meeting.

21st May 2023 (10.00am to 8.00pm) : Annual General Body Meeting.

22nd May 2023 (10.00am to 6.00pm) : Open Session

23rd May 2023 (10.00am to 20.00pm) : CS-CP-CHQ (Elected & Nominated) Meeting.

Venue of the Meeting : New Delhi. (Exact venue shall be informed through AIGETOA website).

Click here for the Notice of AGM

AIGETOA writes to Director HR – Issuance of reimbursement Policy for the purchase of Laptop/Notebooks to the all executives of BSNL :

AIGETOA writes to Director HR regarding issuance of reimbursement Policy for the purchase of Laptop/Notebooks to the all executives of BSNL.

Click here for the letter

AIGETOA in it’s previous communication vide Letter No GS/AIGETOA/2022/112 dated 10.10.2022 have highlighted that reimbursement policy should not be restricted to senior officers only but it needs to extend to all the executives upto JTO/JAO level.

In our last agenda meeting held with management on dated 8th February and 22nd February 2023 we again drew the attention of the management for early implementation as the same was the need of the hour. The same if implemented will not only boost the morale of the executives but also increase productivity. Finally in the meeting it was agreed that a policy in this regard shall be explored by management side for implementation initially at BSNL CO and the concerned field units shall replicate the same thereafter.

AIGETOA writes to Dir HR – Implementation of DPE/DoPT Guidelines for Resignation under “Technical Formality Clause” for the BSNL Recruited Employees :

AIGETOA writes to Director HR with request to revise the BSNL guidelines and endorse the DPE/DoPT guidelines to allow the BSNL recruited employees to seek the resignations under ‘Technical Formality clause’ on their selection to another CPSE/Government organisation applied through proper channel.

Click here for letter





BSNL is not implementing the DPE guidelines cited with regards to the resignation falls under the “technical formality clause” only in case of BSNL recruited employees. If a BSNL recruited employee applies to another CPSE/Government organisation through proper channel on their selection, the BSNL recruited employees are not permitted to submit their resignation under technical formality basis. Whereas the DPE in its office memorandum dated 1st Feb 2017 clarifies that “… Resignations under ‘Technical Formality clause’ includes resignations in cases where a Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSE) employee has applied for a post in the same or other CPSE through proper channel and on selection to the said post, is required to resign the previous post for administrative reasons..”.

AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL for intervention & interaction with respective EPFOs regarding Certification of Past data by various DDOs and final submission :

AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL for intervention & interaction with respective EPFOs regarding Certification of Past data by various DDOs and final submission.

Click here for letter

The approval / certification process from employer side is being routed to the respective establishment code login which were being used at the time of contribution. In this regard, we have highlighted the following:

  • BSNL payroll system was not a centralised package before ERP and HRMS. Different packages were used in various circles for Pay roll.
  • Thousands of employees were transferred across BAs/Circles and worked in various sections which are presently non-existent. Like Merged BAs/ QA, T&D, inspection, Civil, electrical, centralised mobile sections, etc.
  • Even the EPFO also was not maintaining centralised EPF accounts before the introduction of UAN. Thus, thousands of BSNL employee’s data approval with the employer got struck despite submission of the online options by the employees on EPF portal.
  • As per ground reports, negligible Application have been approved owing to the non-availability of data and confusion over the responsibility of DDOs in the absence of service books at the officers where the verification of the past accounts have been routed. Many applications have been rejected from the login itself.
  • Wage data is being asked from the employees and the staff working in field have little or no knowledge of the process and neither they are getting any support on this process.
  • The internal directions and circular issued by EPFO are making confusion among the concerned accounts wing team too. When the service Book of each employee are with the latest establishment code in BSNL (respective Circles) where the employees is presently posted. The certification for each employee is also being done by the present Circle level DDO. EPFO needs to be informed about this as previous accounts are being sent to the earlier DDOs.
  • An Employee cannot be held responsible for non-keeping of centralised payroll by Employer and Centralised PF account system by EPFO in the past. Neither did the employee has been informed about the EPF contributions in the past which was a mandatory exercise by employer.
  • A major issue at Employer part (in the login of AO-Cash) is validation of data while uploading Wage data of employee in TXT file. Several checks are being done at this level, which are not disclosed to employer resulting error(s) in uploading the file.
  • The requirement of applying exclusively online, is discriminatory and prevents large sections of employees who are not familiar with the procedures from exercising their option. This was pointed out by CBT Members several times. Besides, the online system of the EPFO suffers from major connectivity, issues and the sites are not responsive maximum of the times.

Rejection of High Premium Quotes by Unions/Associations – Letter to BSNL Management :

The existing GHI (Group Health Insurance by M/s Oriental Insurance Company) period will expire on 30th April 2023. Quotes for renewal for the period 01.05.2023 to 30.04.2024 by M/s Oriental Insurance Company are extremely high. Multiple deliberations & negotiations meetings held among the Unions/Associations, BSNL Management & M/s Oriental Insurance on the premium quotes but Oriental Insurance spurn to lower the quoted premium.

In view above, the Recognised Unions and Associations, viz., BSNLEU, NFTE, AIGETOA, SNEA, wrote to the Director HR..

1] Rejecting the premium rates offered by the Oriental Insurance Company.

2] Requested to call for fresh quotations immediately from open market on war footing basis to avoid any more delay.

3] Requested to instruct all Circles/BA’s to ensure empanelment of hospitals on cashless basis so that employees may not suffer and may use the existing policy as and when required.

Click here for the letter

Violation of the reservation guidelines wrt Own Merit and On Merit in the MT GD-PI – Irregularity in MT Process – AIGETOA Letter to CMD BSNL

AIGETOA writes to CMD BSNL regarding one more irregularity observed in the MT Recruitment Process adding one more chapter in a series of irregularities already highlighted earlier by this association. The GD and PI for MT have been called by ignoring the defined procedure adopted by BSNL after consultation with DoP&T with regard to the issue of own merit/on merit in extending the reservation for SC/ST executives in the Recruitment process adopted by BSNL.

Click here for letter

AIGETOA writes to Director HR for avoiding violation of transfer policy and creation of distinct window for Inter Circle and Intra Circle Transfer :

AIGETOA writes to Director HR for avoiding violation of transfer policy and creation of distinct window for Inter Circle and Intra Circle Transfers as rotational Transfer within the Non-Territorial Circles resulting into Inter Circle Transfer of executives who are not in long stay list for Inter Circle Transfer which is violation of approved transfer policy and simultaneous processing of Inter Circle and Intra Circle Transfers resulting into huge pandemonium in field units.

Click here for letter

we demand BSNL CO to issue guidelines to circles that Intra Circle Transfers should be considered only when Inter Circle Long Stay is completed by BSNL CO, New Delhi. Further executives should be given one more option to opt for Inter Circle Transfers by opening the OTP window again so that unnecessary Pandemonium, Panic and double transfer of executives can be avoided. Opening of special window will also result in meeting the shortage of many circles by willing executives and this whole process of transfers will be smoothened.