AGM and Circle Conference of AIGETOA Punjab held on 22.11.2020:

AGM and Circle Conference of AIGETOA Punjab held on 22.11.2020:

Annual General Meet and Circle Conference of AIGETOA Punjab Circle was conducted successfully on 22nd Nov 2020 through online mode. The Chief Guests of the function CGMT Punjab Circle Shri Sandeep Diwan, Guest of honors GM(HR/Admin) Punjab Circle Sh. Jaspal Singh, All India President Shri Ravi Shil Verma, GS Md. Wasi Ahmad, Chairman legal committee Shri Ajay Kaswan, JS North Shri Ajit Singh, CS Haryana Sh. Harjinder Singh, CS Himachal Pradesh Sh. Chander Singh Negi attended the event and graced the occasion with their valuable speech to the august gathering. Circle Secretary Punjab, Shri Vikas Kumar welcomed all guests on behalf of the Circle and Circle President, AIGETOA, Punjab Shri Santosh Kumar presided over the meeting. The brief address of the guests were as follows:

Chief Guest of the Function, Shri Sandeep Diwan, Chief General Manager Telecom, Punjab Circle: He expressed his gratitude for inviting him to the Circle Conference of AIGETOA, Punjab & emphasized that the AIGETOA has to play a key role to regain the last glory of BSNL. This is possible only with whole hearted cooperation and coordination among the executives to regain dominant position in telecom market. He ensured AIGETOA to extend his full support on any issues related in the larger interest of the organization.

Guest of Honour, ShriJaspal Singh, GM(HR/Admn), Punjab Circle: He extended his greetings through message as he was unable to attend the same due to some urgent unscheduled engagement in the period.

All India President, Shri Ravi Shil Verma: He addressed the august gathering, greeted all the dignitaries available online and thanked all the executives who supported AIGETOA to become No. 1 association in second MV. He Further told that, each and every member and leaders of AIGETOA are aware that, as a majority association we represent all the executives of our beloved organization and as Team AIGETOA through this dais he assured all executives that AIGETOA will not confine to the interest of any particular group and instead will work in the interest of organization and all executives, unlike earlier associations. He informed that the association is in continuous touch with DoT and hurdles regarding 4G rollout and try to ensure that they should be cleared soon. He expressed that every executive should know the need of the hour and shall continue to work for betterment of beloved organization. In conclusion of his speech, he appealed for unity among BR fraternity irrespective of cadre, verticals and wings and requested to all to support and do not indulge in any activity which can be derail the entire process and unity.

General Secretary, Shri Wasi Ahmad: He addressed the august gathering & welcomed all the participants and appreciated the Punjab Circle Team for arranging the event in big and fashionable manner with help the Online VC mode in this pandemic situation. The GS addressed the gathering and elaborated the latest status on all the HR Issues of the Executives as well as appraised the gatherings about the delay in 4G rollout in BSNL and the association efforts to escalate the matter to the highest echelon of the government. He explained in detail about the ongoing preparatory works of AIEL for DPC and issue of JTO to SDE Promotion and failure of the management to fulfill the commitment given on various occasions for issuance of the order. He also apprised that the association has decided to wait for the last commitment of the management for the order by this month failing which the association will seek other recourse to get it resolved. He also apprised about other issues where no serious progress has been made so far by the management even after positive assurance by Director (HR) on various occasions including the agenda meeting held on 15.09.2020. Assurance of Director(HR) about forming of the committee on pay loss issue was also apprised to the members against the input submitted by the association. The association is regularly following up all the issues and giving enough time to the management for peaceful resolution as well as reminding the management about serious repercussion incase of non-resolution of pending issues in a defined time period as assured. He also detailed about the ongoing restructuring process and association stand and efforts to ensure that the policy shouldn’t hamper the promotional avenues of working executives and ensures compliance actual field requirements. GS AIGETOA also apprised the gathering about AIGETOA recent meetings in DoT and the associations efforts in highlighting the serious delay in rollout of 4G service by BSNL as well as shown serious concern about the recent directive of the DoT appointed panel to use indigenous 4G Core for the roll out of the service in the light of the fact that no homegrown company make 4G Core as on date. He apprised that association will take the matter with highest authority in the DoT and the government to protect the interest of the BSNL and sustainability of the company to safeguard the future of 65000 employees. In the last GS extended his best wished for the AGM and Circle Conference of the Circle and hope that the delegates will elect a well balanced and dedicated team for the further progress of the Punjab AIGETOA Chapter.

CS Haryana Sh. Harjinder Singh, CS Himachal Sh. Chander Singh Negi Chairman Legal Committee Sh. Ajay Kaswan: They also addressed the gathering and extended best wishes for the successful AGM cum Circle conference of AIGETOA Punjab. All DS of Punjab Circle submitted their district reports. Circle Secretary Punjab, Shri Vikas Gupta submitted CS report Punjab Circle and financial report was submitted by Finance Secretary Punjab Sh. Ajit Singh & finally Punjab Circle existing body was dissolved. New Circle body was elected as per provisions of the constitution of AIGETOA and the CHQ Observer for the election process was Shri Ajit Singh, JS (North). The following members are unanimously elected as Office Bearers for the Circle Body of Punjab Telecom Circle. Shri Vikas Gupta, SDE 2001 Batch, Shri Yogesh Chhabra JTO 2008 Batch and Shri Vineet Bhandari AO 2004 Batch were elected as Circle President, Circle secretary and Circle finance Secretary respectively. On behalf of AIGETOA CHQ, the AIP and GS congratulated all the members of new Circle Body and extended best wishes for their tenure and assure to extend all support. The Circle Conference concluded with vote of thanks to the House by Shri Mohd. Ahmad.