AIGETOA team comprising of Shri D K Sahoo (VP CHQ), Shri Ashok Acharya (Chairman Odisha Circle), Shri P K Mohanty (CP Odisha) and Shri Dhiren Parida (CS Odisha) met and submitted a memorandum comprising LONG PENDING HR ISSUES IN BSNL to Hon’ble MOC Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw ji at Bhubaneswar on 16th October’ 22 during his visit to BSNL Bhawan for review of 4G Saturation project. AIGETOA team requested for his kind intervention for giving suitable instruction to BSNL for resolution of HR issues. Hon’ble MoC went through the memorandum and recalled the meeting during July agitation when team AIGETOA apprised him that no appreciable progress has taken place despite his firm assurances on HR issues.

AIGETOA Team, requested Honorable MoC for immediate approval of long due Std pay scale E2 for JTO/JAO cadre & E3 for SDE /AO cadre, which is pending at DOT for a long period.
MOC has assured AIGETOA team to look into the matter with positive approach and assured expeditious resolution.
AIGETOA Team also aprised him, about his assurance during recent Delhi agitation period, for scrapping of MT process started by BSNL and to start internal fast track mechanism and apprised that till date there is no progress on scrapping of MT RRs as well as introduction of fast track promotion policy in BSNL.
We aprised Hon’ble MOC that, BSNL is having thousands of Graduate engineers and Finance Professionals having Best qualification and experience. BSNL should devise fast track mechanism to promote these professionally qualified executives to manage BSNL at middle level and higher management level.
Hon’ble MoC has informed that, he has already intimated to BSNL Management to initiate process for fast track promotion and stop present form of MT recruitment. It will be pertinent to mention that during July Meeting also, Honble MoC was in affirmation with our view that there should not be any jumping of cadre and lateral entry of freshers at higher level.
Team also requested Hon’ble MoC for promotion in SDE to AGM and AO to CAO cadre and to issue necessary instructions to BSNL Management to increase of SAB quantum immediately..
Hon’ble MoC informed that, Govt has given 1.64 Lakh crore pkg to BSNL, Govt also expect revival of BSNL and appealed the employees of BSNL to work Dedicatedly for revival of BSNL, and assured that, all the HR issues will be given its due consideration with positive approach.
AIGETOA Team emphasised its firm support for the endeavours taken by government for the betterment of BSNL and on request Honorable MoC agreed for a review meeting at New Delhi.
During the review meeting of progress of 4G saturation project, he discussed progress with individual BA/OA Heads and instructed to adhere to the time lines and ensure direct involvement of BA Heads into operational issues and project execution.