Respected Sushil Mishra Sir,
On behalf of AIGETOA and BSNL Employees, we extend our warm wishes for a very healthy and prosperous life after superannuation from the post of Hon’ble Director (CM), BSNL on 31.03.2022. We are fortunate to get such exemplary personality in the BSNL Board of Director to head a very important vertical of the organisation. Your simplicity and dedication will always inspire us to work with greater honesty and greater commitment in the life. We extend our heartiest thanks for your endeavor in architecting the purchase order for the 4G equipment before retirement, a landmark and historic day for BSNL. It was one amongst the most challenging jobs assigned to you as Director (CM) under the leadership of the Hon’ble CMD BSNL Shri P K Purwar and you have successfully achieved it for BSNL. BSNL passed through one of the most difficult times and you handled the CM Vertical smoothly and efficiently during this turbulent Period. We once again pay our deepest gratitude to you for your selfless service to the BSNL.
Thank You Sir for all your best endeavors for BSNL.
Wasi Ahmad, GS-AIGETOA