Call Attention Program Full 30% Superannuation Benefits w.e.f. 01.01.2007, Compensatory Ground Appointment (CGA) and immediate monetary relief to families of the deceased BR Employees
Late Sh. Vijay Kumar Bansal, SDE BSNL (Left for his heavenly abode on 06.05.2022)
AIGETOA CHQ pays its tribute to Late Shri Vijay Kumar Bansal SDE ITPC Chandigarh and vows to carry forward the fight of Proper Social Security Cover of BSNL Recruited Employees to the highest Echelons of Management and apprise the Desperate, Vulnerable and Hopeless situation of the Families of Deceased Employees Recruited by BSNL due to pathetic condition of the ‘Superannuation Benefit Pension Mechanism’ and absence of any other support like CGA/Monetary Support etc. This has lead to the precarious situation to many families of BSNL, after the sole bread winner met any eventuality during the service period. It’s the duty of all of us to Ask for Justice for such families and fulfills our obligation towards our colleagues and their families.
For understanding the issue, we can broadly classify the employees working in BSNL in three Major Categories as detailed:
- Employees absorbed from the DoT, Govt of India and working on regular roll of BSNL. These employees covered through government pension through a special provision of Rule-37A. In the event of superannuation/ retirement or unfortunate demise during the service, the family is entitled for the Govt Pension and well protected financially.
- Employees working on deputation in BSNL and not on regular roll. They can go to their parent government organisation at any point of time and fully covered through Government Pension and entitled benefits.
- The last sets of Employees are those recruited by BSNL both in Executives and Non-Executives categories. This set of Employees doesn’t have Govt Pension and their Social Security is covered through half cooked Superannuation Benefit (SAB) Scheme of 2nd PRC only. BSNL Gazette Notification states to create a Pension Mechanism for BSNL Recruited Employees and 2nd PRC recommended for 30% defined contribution under SAB w.e.f. 01.01.2007 comprising of EPF, Gratuity, PRMB and SAB Pension Fund. But despite of these provisions, BSNL Recruited Employees are getting only EPF-12%, 3% under SAB Pension Fund w.e.f 04.05.2016 which was enhanced to 5% w.e.f 01.04.2017 and 4.8% under Gratuity, which total for 21.8% defined contribution against 30%, a shortfall of 8.2% in quantum and 10 years in the period of implementation w.e.f. 01.01.2007. Whereas the BSNL Gazette Notification provision for Pension since the date of inception of BSNL remained a Non-Starter.
Even the existing 5% SAB Pension Fund, which is managed by LIC, has a backlog of payment causing recurring loss of interest for the delayed payment. As on date the SAB Pension Fund has been cleared only upto March-2021 and more than one year contribution of more than 150 Cr is pending at the end of BSNL.
The above reasons have created a completely insecure situation and acute hardship to the families in case of any eventuality to their sole bread winner and employee recruited by BSNL, a 100% Govt owned CPSE. The only recurring support is coming in the range of Rs 2000-2500 from the existing SAB Pension Fund and similar amount through EPS-1995 provision under EPF. One can understand the suffering of a family and the acute difficulty in managing the household, education and medical in such a peanut amount in case of any sad demise of the employees, when the whole responsibility is pending due to younger age. This is a complete discrimination among various sets of Employees in BSNL and must be raised to resolve the issue relates with humanity. In view of the said precarious situation of BSNL Recruited Executives and Employees, the association has decided to press for their issue by demanding full Social Security Cover and holding various programs to highlight the Cause. All are request to extend their full support.
- Extending Pensionary Benefits to all BSNL Recruits from the date of their joining of service in line with the provisions extended by Government of India while corporatizing the Telecom Operations Part of DoT in the name of BSNL.
- Extend Full 30% SAB as defined Contribution to BSNL Recruits in line with the DPE guidelines of 2nd PRC by enhancing Quantum of SAB w.e.f. 01.01.2007 (Presently Shortfall in SAB is 8.2%). Immediate deposit of full outstanding amount of the ongoing fund with interest.
- Restoring CGA appointments in BSNL and making necessary changes in the CGA policy to bring families of deceased BSNL Recruits in the ambit and make them eligible for CGA appointments.
- Extending immediate monetary relief to families of the deceased BSNL Recruited employees.
Submission of Memorandum to the Hon’ble Governors at state level by the Circle Team, Hon’ble Members of Parliament by CHQ/Circle/BA Team and to Hon’ble District Magistrates by BA Team across the Country with a request for kind intervention for ensuring Social Security to BSNL Recruited Employees and their Families – 10.06.2022 to 30.06.2022.
Submission of Memorandum to all CGMs/BA Heads across BSNL on – 30.06.2022
Pad Yatra Program to pay tribute to the departed soul of Late Shri Vijay Kumar Bansal Ji and raise the issue of Social Security to BSNL Recruited Employees under the aegis of Punjab Circle Team through Colleagues, Well Wishers and Family Members – Starting on 20th June’2022 from the Circle Office Campus, Chandigarh and reaching to BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi on 30th June’2022 and Submission of Memorandum to the Hon’ble CMD BSNL.
Twitter Campaign on Social Security to BSNL Recruited Employees – 07.07.2022
If the concerned authorities do not come forward and provide complete resolution of the issue by 30th September 2022, the AIGETOA CHQ will be forced to start the program of Hunger Fast till final Resolution of Superannuation Benefit Issue – Hunger Fast w.e.f. 01.10.2022.