The Annual General Meeting of AIGETOA ALTTC Circle was successfully conducted on 4th Aug 2023 at Ghaziabad. The Chief Guests of the function CGMTÂ ALTTC Sh Nitin Jain and Guest of Honors All India President Sh Veerabhadra Rao, GS Ravi Shil Verma, Dy GS Sh Pavan Akhand, AGS CHQ Sh Sunil Gautam, PGM North Sh P N Dohare & PGM Sh Akhilesh Gupta attended the event and graced the occasion.
Open session was held in first half & in second half deliberation on various HR issues like Pay loss, Promotion, Pension took place.
An special session was organized for all executives promoted to JTO under various internal recruitment process to discuss about the intrinsic problems associated with such recruitments, circle wise seat distribution, transfer and posting policies along with issues of SRD. Detailed deliberation on issues raised by various trainees on JTO phase_1 training was held.
After series of interactive sessions on employee welfare, the AGM was concluded with a brief achievement’s made by AIGETOA ALTTC presented by CP ALTTC Sh Naresh Singh and vote of thanks was given by CS ALTTC Sh Narenda Pratap Singh Chauhan.