As per provisions of constitution of AIGETOA, Circle Conference cum AGM of AIGETOA Haryana Circle is hereby notified to be held on dated 17th December 2020. Due to ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic, Circle Conference will be held through online video conferencing. Agenda of Meeting:
- Open session ,discussion and deliberations on “Issues of prominence in Post VRS era of BSNL.”
- Report of District units of AIGETOA, Haryana.
- Presentation of Annual accounts and annual report on working of the AIGETOA, Haryana.
- Discussion on other matters with the permission of chair.
- Dissolution of existing governing body and election of new governing body of AIGETOA, Haryana.
Returning Officer for conducting the election is Sh. Ram Avatar, SDE Sonipat, Haryana.
Date, Time and Venue of Election of Circle body: 17th Dec 2020 -from 02:00 PM onwards ON LINE mode.
Declaration of result: On 17th Dec 2020 (As and when election procedures completes)
Shri Ajay Kaswan and Shri Sailash Kumar will be observers from CHQ side.