Furnishing of stay particulars of SDE/DE/AGM (Telecom):

BSNLCO asked all the circles to furnish the long stay particulars of at least top 10 SDE/ DE/ AGM (Telecom) latest by 19.04.2021 in both hard and soft copy (excel sheet) who are less than 55 years of age as on 31.03.2022 in the format circulated as per BSNL Transfer Policy. Exemption from transfer if any as per BSNL Transfer Policy must be indicated clearly in the given format. In the case of SDE (T), the hard copy may be sent to AGM (Pers.II), BSNLCO & soft copy may be sent to the email id agmpers2@gmail.com. In the case of DE/ AGM, the hard copy may be sent to AGM (Pers.), BSNLCO and soft copy may be sent to agmpers1@gmail.com.

Click here for BSNLCO Circular