GS AIGETOA writes to Director (HR), BSNL Board with a request to settle the grievances and concerns raised by LICE candidates regarding Question Paper and to expediting the process for declaration of results and promotions thereof.
Concerns and Proposed Remedies:
Improperly framed questions and incorrect answers:
Proposed Remedy:
Discard wrong questions and reduce the total score, or award marks to all candidates, regardless of whether they attempted the question or not, due to negative marking.
Alternative Remedy:
For questions with multiple probable answers, marks should be given to all candidates.
Immediate display of the answer key and attempted question paper:
The answer key and attempted question paper should be made accessible to candidates through their login portals, as mentioned in the process.
No objection fee for answer/question corrections:
As an internal departmental examination, there should be no fee charged for correcting answers or questions. Associations representing (both majority and support) should be permitted to raise objections on their behalf.
Expedited process with maximum available vacancies:
The request to expedite the promotion process, maximizing available vacancies, and enhancing the LICE quota as a one-time measure.
Timely display of results and promotion orders:
The process of displaying results, addressing objections, and issuing revised answer keys should be completed by April 30, 2024, to facilitate the prompt issuance of promotion orders.