Congratulations !!! AIGETOA Pay Loss Case for 22820 Admitted in Hon’ble High Court Delhi on Merits :

Perseverance and conviction for achieving the goal Pays and AIGETOA Team today once again proved it.

Congratulations !!! AIGETOA Pay Loss Case for 22820 Admitted in Hon’ble High Court Delhi on Merits.

The Pay Loss Case 4119/2018 was dismissed by Hon’ble PCAT in March 2023 on technical grounds without going into the merit of the case. The legal team of AIGETOA thereafter decided to challenge the PCAT order in the Hon’ble High Court Delhi. The Writ of Mandamus with Diary no. 1071261/2023 has been registered as W.P.(C) 10564/2023 CM APPL 41019/2023, CM APPL 41020/2023. The Case was heard in detail today i.e 10.08.2023. The arguments were held for almost half an hour wherein our Senior Advocate along with his team of 4 advocates presented the case on behalf of Team AIGETOA. Hon’ble High Court was convinced on the arguments of our counsel and allowed the writ for further arguments. The notice to the other respondents was issued by the court. Hon’ble court also directed our lawyer to file written submission with regard to our averments and arguments. The Case is slated to be heard on 6th November 2023.

Friends, lot many questions have been raised by our fellow colleagues with respect to the efforts and non-submission of committee report by AIGETOA. We wish to inform that for positive submission of the committee report, the conducive situation is a pre-requisite. That was the only reason that AIGETOA has been working with patience on the matter and not like others who got the case killed and dumped forever.

Some people who considered themselves to be the best advocates gone to the extent of challenging and laughing on our team that the writ filed by AIGETOA Team will be dismissed and thrown on the very first instance. They also ridiculed the legal team of AIGETOA who mostly were the sufferers only. But the fact was that after getting a setback at Hon’ble PCAT, the legal team of AIGETOA under the guidance of GS Ravi Shil Verma sat together, introspected the whole scenario and made necessary corrections in the writ and changed the course of action. Our Team worked on the issue for almost three months meticulously without making any hue and cry. We were silently working on the case without raising any hue or cry or without countering the attacks from the sister associations. We believe in only one thing that at the end result matters. We are happy to inform that finally our efforts have paid, we have been able to overcome the setback of Hon’ble PCAT and finally Hon’ble High Court admitted the case in our favor.

It will be pertinent to mention that the biggest hurdle in any case at Hon’ble High court is at admission stage itself and unless the merit of the case is visible, the case is dismissed at admission stage itself.

We are happy to announce that now that the case is admitted in our favor, we are very sure of getting the verdict in favor of our fellow brothers and sisters.

In today’s hearing, CHQ team was represented by Shri Veerabhadra Rao, All India President, Shri Pavan Akhand, Dy GS and Shri Vivek Kumar Singh, AGS-II.