AIGETOA writes for Postponement of motivational training scheduled for LICE JTO Trainees w.e.f. 04.02.2023 to 07.02.2023 :

All India Chairman AIGETOA and AGS Shri Sunil Gautam on behalf of AIGETOA took up the issue of relieving the LICE JTOs for field training on 3rd February 2023 with Training Cell of BSNL CO and Director HR. We have raised the issue with Director HR and GM Recruitment/Training and have categorically informed about the complexities arising out of this untimely order.

Candidates at different training centers have come from far away places including the pre basic candidates who have come from all Circles to ALTTC Ghaziabad. All the candidates have made their return travel arrangements as per the earlier schedule in which phase 1 training was supposed to end on 03.02.2023.

Now at this last moment of time this kind of intimation has resulted in panic amongst the candidates as it will not only result in financial loss to candidates in case they have to cancel their Flight/Train tickets but also it is unrealistic that they will get confirm tickets to travel for 08.02.2023 in such a short duration. Also this training will result in delaying the appointment date in JTO cadre , and completing the training mid week will simply mean that candidates of different Circles will join in their respective Circles on different dates, as joining on 08.02.2023 for field training in not practically possible for most of the candidates if this motivational training ends on 07.02.2023.

And the whole exercise done by management to start the training on same date to complete it on same date will not happen if candidates are not able to join for field training.

So we have requested to get the training rescheduled for later and preferably in respective Circles for all candidates.

AIGETOA has also submitted one representation in this regard.

Click here for letter

The matter is beings discussed in recruitment cell BSNL CO and we hope for a positive consideration of the request by AIGETOA.

We request all the trainees to concentrate on their training. AIGETOA remains committed to protect the interests of all the trainees and will take all further efforts for the resolution of the same.