(Report by Circle President UPW, Sh Vinod Kumar Yadav) – AIGETOA UP West Circle conducted its Vth Circle Conference on 02.12.2023 (Saturday) at Braspati Bhawan Meerut university Campus Meerut in very well organized and magnificent manner. GM BA Meerut Sh Manish Kumar ji as Chief Guest and Sr GM (HR/Admin) as Guest of Honors. GS AIGETOA Sh Ravi Shil Verma, Chief Patron Sh Aftab Ahmed Khan as Guest of Honor, AGS Sh Sunil Gautam, JS Central Sh RN Mishra, Sh Tejpal CS BTEU, Sh P K Mishra ji, GM(BN)MT, Sh Manish ji GM(CM) and Sh Salim Beg ji GM(EB) as distinguished guest and Sh Bhupender Kaushik DGM (TX) and OSD as special Guested grace the Open session on “Role and need of revived BSNL for Digital India Mission”.
Circle Secretary in his Key note address covered the need of BSNL for transformation of India into developed country by 2047 as well as the issues related to BSNL executive pertaining to UPW. Hope of thousands of BSNL employees and our beloved GS Ravi Shil Verma addressed the house and highlighted the role of BSNL and need of BSNL in present telecom scenario for Digital India Mission as rural connectivity specially to Gram Panchayat is entrust by GOI to BSNL only. Digital India Mission will be successful only and only when every common man has access to High speed Broad Band. He also raised circle issues before Circle Management and requested to resolve these. He also ensured the gathering that AIGETOA CHQ is at correct path and would ensure all the issues at corporate level to be resolved in days to come. Chief patron Sh A A Khan with his electrifying speech once again appealed to the executives to be ready to snatch their rights and strengthen the AIGETOA for better future of BSNL executives. He said that DIM is for right to information for common man and BSNL with its approach and attitude will be able to meet the expectation of our nation. JS (Central) Sh R N Mishra raised that UP has to play a vital role in success of DIM as it is the largest State. But shown concern like timely disposal of OTP by UPE but not in UPW. AGS CHQ Sh Sunil Gautam appeal to house to give their best to meet out the BSNL and GoI expectation so that in turn we can also press on management to resolved our HR Issues. GM HR read out the message by CGMT for his best wishes successful Circle Conference and stating that due to unavoidable circumstance he miss the event which he would have certainly like to be the part to get the feedback from executives and convey his objective to turn UPW to one of the top circle in BSNL. GM HR said that all the issue raised by AIGETOA are logical and they will be certainly taken up by the management. PGM MT Manish Kumar, Chief Guest that without BSNL the DIM cannot be achieved he said the success of motto “Power to empower” the common main by taking all e-commerce and e-governance service to the remote place is only and only can be achieved through BharaNET the mission to connect all GPs with OFC. He appreciated the efforts by AIGETOA and appeal the house they should continue to raise the aspiration of BSNL and its employees as have been doing in past. Together we will achieve everything.
After the Open session, CHQ interact with the house and clarified on the issue of 22820, PRC, Promotions, PRMB, SAB, LICE etc. It was followed by election of new Circle body. The House elected Sh Vinod Kumar Yadav as Circle President, Sh Nagendra Yadav as Circle Secretary and Sh Rahul Kumar Circle Treasurer for next tenure. The house end with slogan of BSNL Zindabad, AIGETOA Zindabad, Executive Unity Zindabad all participating Collegium members and CHQ zindabad.