Renewal of GTI (Group Term Insurance) for the year 2024-25:

As informed earlier, after the firm and conclusive stand by Team AIGETOA in the meeting with LIC officials, finally LIC agreed to offer the premium quotes at 1.60 per one thousand which is at par with the initial rates offered in 2019.

Yesterday LIC conveyed the rates of 2019 at 1.6 per thousand and today the letter has been issued by admin section BSNL CO for the renewal of GTI for the willing employees.

The hard negotiations done by team AIGETOA with LIC officials, resulted in these rates. We also appreciate the efforts of the Admin Team of BSNL CO, who coordinated in a very effective manner.

We further extend our thanks to all those involved in the process for ensuring the competitive premium rates.

Once again we appreciate the efforts of our All India President and Finance Secretary for ensuring this competitive premium for the GTI.

Click here for the letter of GTI