Congratulations to all the Executives, who are promoted to the AGM !!!
As informed earlier, promotion orders from SDE(T) to AGM issued issued today. Total 1891 executives have been promoted.
Click here for Promotion Order & List
We are thankful to the CMD, Dir(HR), GM Pers, GM Recruitment, Members of DPC Team, Pers DPC Team, DGMs of Pers Team and his Team for the release of the order. We are also thankful to all others who are involved in this mammoth exercise.
This is the result of firm perseverance, determination and grit shown by our AIGETOA team that we have been able to achieve the impossible task of arranging the VCs in just one day. Without collective efforts and support of all, it was not possible. We once again congratulate all those who have been promoted to the AGM grade.
Further AIGETOA is taking all necessary efforts to ensure promotions of the other left out SDEs also and we will not leave any stone unturned to achieve the goal. We have already intiated the actions
Further, Team AIGETOA already initiated all necessary efforts to ensure the promotions for other left out SDEs and we are very sure that with same grit, same determination and same perseverance, we will be able to accomplish this task well in time. We are very much aware of our next responsibility to ensure the promotion of all eligible SDEs to AGM grade and promotions of all eligible AOs to CAO grade. Also clearance of left out JTOs for SDE promotions.
Friends, this success is incomplete without achieving the other left out SDEs promotions and we Firmly affirm we will not leave group, executive or grade in lurch. We stand firmly for progress and we mean it.
Together We CAN, Together We Have and Together We Will Definitely Achieve Success.