
A momentum has started : Willingness of BSNL Executives across the board are high to join us and all have started to gather on the platform of AIGETOA.

Recently Vellore BA of TN circle and Muzzafarnagar SSA of UP-West circle made
their District bodies.
Opening the Membership window has Charged up all the executives of BSNL, it seems officers are fed up for 3.5 years long hypocrisy of the So called mighty associations who failed to achieve anything significant w.r.t PPP (Pay Promotion Pension), committed by them. In fact they completely ignored the interests of young executives (Either BSNL Recruit it absorbed from DoT), and left them on mercy of management and kept their issues pending without any resolution. Even many times, well tracked issues which were moving towards resolution had been derailed by them. It’s a humble appeal to all executives of BSNL that now it’s time to change the legacy of leadership and it’s high time that policies of OUR BSNL should be dealt by the young brigade…

Join yourself and feel proud to be in your own association.

AIGETOA – Fighting For You…Always…

By admin