
GS-AIGETOA writes to the CMD on ambiguity of the establishment letter and reorganization of sanctioned strength of executives’ grades:

GS-AIGETOA writes to the CMD BSNL regarding severe resentment among executives due to the ambiguity in the letter issued by the Estt Cell, CO New Delhi for collection of the post VRS data from Circle. The letter content is reproduced here for reference:

Information Sought by Establishment Cell, CO New Delhi on dtd 21.04.2020
from Circles
S.No Grade/Post (a) Sanctioned Strength as on 31.01.2020 (b) Pre-VRS Working Strength (c) Post Working Strength as 01.02.20202 (d) Number of VRS Optees (e) Excess Sanctioned Strength as on date (b-d)

He emphasize that the content of the letter i.e. last columns wording is misleading
and gives an impression that all excess post may be abolished which is neither in line with VRS Policy nor in the interest of executive fraternity and hence clarification should be issued. GS also presented the figure of executive’s strength in various grades of Telecom and Finance as detailed below:

Grade Working Strength VRS Optee Vacant Position
Telecom Stream
DGM Equivalent 187 188 1294
AGM Equivalent 1703 3373 7601
SDE Equivalent 7553 3832 14038
JTO Equivalent 14722 1838 22886
Finance Stream
DGM Equivalent 33 202 429
CAO Equivalent 69 239 1278
AO Equivalent 2062 1897 3063
JAO Equivalent 2393 176 4310

*The above are approximate figure as on 01.02.2020

The figure shows that sufficient number of vacancies exits in various grades and hence he demanded promotion for all who have completed the residency period in the preceding grade. He emphasized that if promotion is executed with today vacancies position, JTO upto 2013-14 will get promoted, SDEs upto list-9 will get promoted and all JAO/AO, who have completed residency period will get promoted (even then vacancy will remain available in finance wing).

The VRS has given an opportunity to the management to offer the executives a satisfactory career progression at least in remaining period and let them to work more aggressively towards the company to realize the dream of the government, employees and public to bring back the glorious days for BSNL once again.
Click here for letter

By admin