Update on GTI (Group Term Insurance) Negotiations :

For last three days, back to back meetings have been held for negotiations on GTI. The meeting was attended by AIGETOA all India President Shri Veerabhadra Rao and Finance Secretary Shri Badri Kumar Mehta.

While LIC team once again presented a very high initial quote of Rs 3 per Thousand of GTI, team AIGETOA has categorically clarified that any rates above the initial 2019 rates of Rs 1.6 per thousand are not acceptable as the claim ratio has gone down substantially. The team AIGETOA insisted to revise the quote and has negotiated firmly on the matter. The LIC team will revert with their fresh quotes in a day or two.

We extend our thanks to all India President Shri Veerabhadra Rao and Finance Secretary Shri Badri Kumar Mehta for firmly negotiating with LIC team.

Let’s hope for the best. But one thing is very sure that in the absence of proper rates quoted by LIC, the team AIGETOA is not going to accept will insist upon further negotiations