Today Meeting with LIC took place on the premium for GTI renewal. AIGETOA was represented by Shri Ravi Shil Verma, All India Chairman and Shri Badri Kumar Mehta, Finance Secretary.
AIGETOA team categorically told LIC representative that since the number of claims this year is very less and also this year premium takes care of the losses made by LIC in 2021 due to Covid, now premium should be at Par with the 2019 rates and any increase beyond that is not at all acceptable. LIC representative informed that they will revet back after working on the inputs by BSNL. LIC team also requested for number of claims due to Covid deaths which will be provided by establishment section.
Further AIGETOA is already taking up with management with regard to taking over of this GTI by BSNL. This is an agenda point in the meeting with management for the formal meeting to be held in the first week of February. The discussion on this point shall be held in the agenda meeting with BSNL Management.