General Secretary, Shri R.P. Shahu pen out for urgent activities to be performed within 15 days.........................



Dear friends,



                CHQ is receiving various queries whether agitation of AIGETOA yielded no output ? First of all, I would like to clarify that agitational activities are always the last act from association side when mutual dialogue fails just to show the resentment, unity and strength. Yes, I agree that mutual dialogue to resolve the genuine issue of executives temporarily failed due to adamancy of few unabsorbed ITS officers who are dominating BSNL board which resulted agitation. Remember that “Success is Failure turned inside out”. What may seem as a temporary failure may be one day permanent success, only the day is not known and we are very much sure that the day is nearing because of the tactics used by the management.


Almost all the direct recruited executives had participated countywide and many other executives had supported our movement so there is no question of failure. We have been able to attract the sympathy of media, public, politician and prominent personalities for our issues than where is question of no output? We have been able to convey the voice of the mass to the top authority i.e. Hon’ble MOC.


Even our country got freedom after so much struggle so we cannot stop our movement only because this time we did’nt got much success. We will again strike back with more power and if at all it again yields nothing then…again…and …again…till we reach our goal as Success is a process and not the end product.


Haven’t we witnessed during the dharna that how management was on his toes to suppress it, this is the first mark that we are heading in right direction. Few of graduate engineers (not our members in real sense) panicked and some showed their selfishness in the field after agitation and tried to protect themselves by keeping their self respect at stake and hence because of these incidents, BSNL management projected our less strength than actual participation due to our own members who are saying by one or other way that they are not the part of agitation.


Last but not least. Instead of getting panicked follow the instruction of AIGETOA CHQ for post agitation activities which in turn will make us strong this is the best chance given to us by management for self-retrospection (each member should evaluate himself/herself).


And every member should make it very clear that dissatisfaction among every group of executives are multiplying and growing like atom bomb, it will soon reach the critical mass. Remember it takes 100 degrees for water to reach the boiling point and we are at 99 degrees Celsius, so keep up your spirit. We will come back very soon in new role to show another amazing episode.


Every fight is end if we achieve the goal else it is beginning So, AIGETOA CHQ humbly request to all it’s soldiers keep yourself ready to strike with more force. I hope every individual will identify its strength and dignity and act accordingly. Please help yourself and AIGETOA CHQ by performing following activities in next 15 days:


   It is learnt that BSNL management has projected our strength as hardly 2200 who are demanding to change the whole system. As we know not only direct recruited but almost all the executives except some leaders, have no complain to our proposal even they are supporting our movement of time bound functional promotion and no external recruitment of MT or DGM. We have to prove it on documents, so all are requested to please get signature of every fellow executives and Click here for the format of signature


   As you know our own brothers of batch 2005 are depriving from their basic salary due to ill intension of few ITS dominated BSNL management who have deliberately created unwarranted anomalies and playing with the sentiment and emotion of these executives. it is also learnt that some SSAs are giving fitment benefit on provisional basis to all but most of the SSAs are not giving the same. in this regard:

  As you know that, there is lot of anomalies with respect to EPF which is only our social and future security. We have been fighting since last three years, some of our members have died but could not avail the benefit under EPF, some of our members have quit the BSNL but have to forgo their EPF contribution etc. but it is really hurting to listen the words of CMD that if we compromise with other issues than BSNL management is ready to resolve this issue. In this regard AIGETOA CHQ requests


   It is also learnt that some ITS officers are vindictively targeting our members in transfer and threatening them to give the undertaking/affidavit for not participation in the strike else get ready for major penalties. In this regard I want to convey and reassure our members that there can not be any major or minor penalties for participation in the strike except “No work, No pay”. If any ITS is threatening to any one in the field or vindictively transferring against the transfer policy of BSNL, others don’t keep mum and should wait for his turn. If management is misusing it’s administrative powers, AIGETOA members should realizes their own power of unity and should not hesitate to show resentment locally. Don’t think that everything depends on leaders, leaders are not powerful singly but they are powered when each member actively join hands in their effort.



Dear friends, there is no stipulated time to achieve any goal but make it clear that in each of our effort we are nearing to our goal. AIGETOA CHQ is committed to the betterment of BSNL with safeguarding the interest of its members till the last breath, no matter our member strength decrease or increase.


AIGETOA is not only an association but a spirit of Engineers and Account professionals and will remain to be in its present form..............