
Resolution passed in the Executive body of AIGETOA and other representative of GEs held on 19/10/2008 at corporate office, New Delhi


The Executive body and other representatives meeting were held on 19/10/2008 at corporate office, New Delhi. A total of 27 representatives were present from different part of the country. Following resolution has been passed unanimously.

1. Regarding LDCE transfer and posting : As the existing transfer policy of DOT and current Transfer policy of BSNL were made with the consent of existing executive associations and unions, it should be followed strictly. In the same line, the longest stay list of SDEs must be executed first then only LDCE qualified transfer in hard tenure stations should be done for further requirement, if any.

2. Regarding MT Issue: No MT above then GE-JTOs at any cost. All the executives (Direct Recruits or Promoted) having the professional qualification of minimum Engineering or equivalent may be promoted in fast track to fill up the higher level managerial post at par with the similarly located CPSUs.

3. Regarding adverse comment by CMD for the DR JTOs in HOCC : If the CMD and other CGMs who made such nonsense and unprofessional comment for the most qualified and talented DR JTOs shall not apologize in written and publicly, the agitational program will be initiated along with other issues.

4. Regarding Funding of association: As the association is running with minus fund so to generate the fund for different activities volunteer contribution of a minimum amount of Rs 200 will be called from the members. Time being and for the easiness in accountability funds will be collected in AIGETOA, MP account which will be transferred in all India account later on. The Paid members will be dually acknowledged through the receipt and through the mail. Detail of funds will be available to the paid members through our all India website after logining in the members login. User id will be HRMS number and password will be generated after registration and the authentication. Proposal is also made to open bank account in "State Bank of India" only, in all the district head quarters with automatic transfer of fund to Circle and CHQ. PAN number for AIGETOA will be applied with the help of Shri Sanjay Kumar Saini.

5. Regarding AIC of AIGETOA: All India Conference has been proposed on 11th and 12th Dec. 2008 at New Delhi. Amount of Rs 100 per member will be collected for the AIC and a committee of the following members have been formed to look after the arrangement of the AIC.

6. Amendment of the constitution of AIGETOA: It has been left for discussion till the AIC.

7. Issues of Stipend arrear, EPF, Time bound upgradation, standard pay scale, separate cadre to DR JTOs etc : All these issues has already been taken up with the management but management is not showing his positive attitude to resolve the genuine issues. AIGETOA will plan agitational program if required after discussion with management.
