Step by step analysis

Of late it seems that Some persons in BSNL management have started propelling each and every executive of BSNL towards making them as a full time advocate where each and every step is towards creating anomalies and then creating a situation where the employee is forced to seek the doors of court of justice. They first approach the CAT and than High Court and than finally Supreme Court and in the process becomes a champion of law. Despite of clear guidelines and rules BSNL Management is not able to take the fair decision in the interest of the company just because few HR managers in the corporate office and some vested interests having enough hold in management are determined to work against the interest of Direct recruits of BSNL ,we are deprived in getting justice. It should be clearly told to the anti direct recruits forces of BSNL that we have been recruited as engineer in this company with high aspirations of career growth but perhaps this has become a single company in the world where young engineers/Account professionals are waiting for their first promotion since last 8-9 years while management is busy in promoting its employees to STS and DGM without even assessing the job requirement and their capabilities. While we always aspired for functional promotion in every 3-4 years like other PSU’s executives based on our performance but we are being deprived of even normal promotion by violating the standing DoPT guidelines and rules. Lets do a step by step analysis of our issues and Management's pulsating stand on it.

1.      Implementation of DoPT guidelines : After vigorous persuasion by the association, management in both the meetings agreed to implement the DoPT guidelines and there is no ambiguity even in the record of discussion issued by SR cell but when it came to implementation, Pers Cell headed by Shri R.K. Mishra called for the eligibility list based upon the recruitment year wise, thereby blatantly and completely ignoring the guide issued by DoPT and thereby negating the clear directives of Head of the organization i.e. CMD BSNL on both the agenda meetings. Who are behind such actions is any body's simple guess. On our vociferous objection and constant perusal for inclusion of all the batches in preparation of gradation list according to the provisions of DoPT guidelines, the matter is under discussion but it is now reliably learnt that same persons ( both inside as well as out side the management ) are working overtime to come out with manipulation and twisting of facts and figures to justify that current policy is as per the guidelines issued from time to time. We want to assure all such forces that we will not allow their baleful moves to propel any further. We will apply all possible methods and means to stop all such forces in succeeding in their misadventures.

2.      Standard Pay scale of JTO/JAOs and SDEs/AOs etc : Here management agreed to discuss on the issue of giving standard E2 -E3 scales after receipt of views from DPE/DoT on the proposal of E1A and E2A. But it is sad to see that even after passing of more than 2 years, these scales are not finalized. Though every time we are being assured that it will be expedited but it seems that in reality, nothing is being done by the management on this issue. Only silver lining which we have been able to extract on this issue is that CMD assured us to look positively the issue of placing new JTOs in pre-revised scales of 9850-250-14500 till finalization of new scales, thereby reducing a little bit of pain of Newly recruited JTOs. We have decided that now its time that Association will start pressing for the implementation of standard pay scales through all means as it seems that BSNL management has decided to hang on the issue of E2-E3 scales sine die.

3.      30% superannuation benefit to the BSNL recruited executives : Again from the record of discussion issued, stark contrast is visible in two letters. While the first letter talks of examination by Sr. GM legal and then the decision was to be taken with respect to his recommendation, in stark contrast second letter talks of seeking clarification from DPE. It seems that after positive recommendation from Sr. GM legal, Management thought otherwise and so they adopted the best tactics of delaying the things on the pretext of seeking clarification. But Association is not going to leave any stone unturned to ensure that future of all the direct recruitees of BSNL remains secured. When it comes to implement the superannuation benefits of absorbed officials, most of the recommendations are implemented without any hitches but when it comes to the DRs, all type of implications start pouring in from all corners.

4.      First time bound up gradation after 4 years : In the minutes of agenda meeting Held in September 2010, it is mentioned that as per decision taken in previous meeting , orders for first up gradation after six years have been issued . While there is clear mention in the earlier record of discussion that CMD has given clear assurance that matter will be looked in to. We are still to be apprised , how the matter was looked into. In the latest agenda meeting also when we requested for implementation of existing policy on provisional scales i.e. on the date of crossing over of minimum of next scale till finalization of E2-E3 scales, current CMD BSNL Shri Gopal Das directed Shri R.K. Mishra, the GM (Pers) to examine the matter but this line has been cleverly omitted in the record of discussion with an explanation to us that no such direction was given by CMD. It is very easy to infer the truth from the record of discussion where it is written that we were informed in reply to our request that orders permitting time bound up gradation in six years have been issued. Now the golden question that remains to be answered that why management will give an absurd reply in response to our request of implementing EPP on provisional scales as an interim measure and why management will refer to six years when we are talking about implementing current EPP provisions of giving first upgradation on the date of crossing over to minimum of next higher scale. It seems that persons responsible for steering personnel/HR policies in BSNL are on a different personnel agenda of their own and they have pledged that they will not let happen any thing which may benefit Direct recruits.

5.      EPF issues : While the first letter mentions that a liberal view will be taken after the examination of the matter by Sr. GM legal, the second letter tells us that matter is already in court, so we have to wait for court orders for the legal position. Moreover the second letter mentions that BSNL has gone beyond its legal obligation to pay EPF employers contribution on the total salary without restriction of Rs. 6500/- per month, now it is for every one to see how much our grate managers love to somersault and give irresponsible replies even on the issues of Social securities norms stipulated by government. Here also one silver lining is in sight that CMD BSNL Shri Gopal Das recognized the need for centralization of EPF accounts and directed GM (CA) to start the ground work for it. But again the negative forces are playing their roles. GM (CA) showed her helplessness by citing the lack of infrastructure and competent man power to handle the whole assignment. While Association offered all possible help under the supervision of Shri Surender Kumar, an expert in EPF related matters, perhaps GM (CA) is waiting for arrival of some super humans for this Project and deployment of some state of the art technologies even to start the ground work needed. Such is the will power of the managers who have been entrusted with the job of ensuring social security measures for the Direct Recruits of BSNL. Now it is every body's guess what needs to be done now.

6.      Interest refund on security deposit : BSNL Management has unilaterally announced the matter as closed in spite of our contention that BSNL has used our money for business purpose and now they are refusing to pay the interest which is against the provisions of companies act. Association also submitted all the necessary documents to justify its demand but our management is thinking otherwise. Association is determined to peruse this matter and if necessary will take this matter to court where it will be decided whose contention is correct.

7.      LDCE 2007 anomalies : In spite of our highlighting the discrepancies/misprint in the answer keys and evaluation of answer sheets, BSNL management reaffirmed the position taken by recruitment section while in the last meeting, it was assured to us that all the discrepancies noticed will be sorted out by June 2010. What else can be more disappointing than that no body from Recruitment section was present in the meeting though the point was presented well in advance in the agenda. It seem that our grate managers are not in a mood to even consider minor benefits again may be on the behest of the Same anti DR forces.

8.      Refund of Salary : Once again management reiterated its stand that the “No Work No Pay” principle will be implemented uniformly in all cases. We have been told in minutes that instructions have been issued to ensure compliance by the field units, but this association is yet to see a single case for April 20 Strike, where salary has been deducted in spite of our complaints at all level that our members were harassed for non-participation in strike. One more strike has taken place in September month and we are waiting if any action will be taken this time. Record of discussion considers the issue as closed, but can any responsible authority can treat the matter as closed by giving a single sentence reply that instructions has been issued after knowing fully well that their instructions has not been followed any where . Favoritism is clearly visible when we see Our Respected GM (SR) shri Shakil Ahmad Saab, issuing a series of reminder letters and instructions to field units in regard to dealing with Direct Recruit JTOs and JAOs on agitational/Court Route while there was self-contained and absolute silence after issuing one or two routine letters when dealing with Strike notices of other groups.