As all of you know that technology advancement in telecom is much higher than any other field and there has been though competition in telecom field after coming into the effect of new telecom policy 1999 wherein many private operators entered into this field. Indian government has decided to convert the DOT into corporate to make survival in cut throat competition and formed BSNL in Oct 2000.


But there was big challenge before BSNL management to launch high and new technology services like mobile, broadband, NGN etc due to dearth of technical hands at the execution level. BSNL management has decided to recruit graduate engineers in executive cadre as in other PSUs and with big & attractive advertised of the leading news papers with syllabus exactly as of engineering services. In the pretext of the big advertise and absence of career progression in the advertisement many engineering graduate already working in settled PSUs and all toppers of the engineering colleges have preferred to join BSNL.


Almost at all level, our work was appreciated with assurance bright career in BSNL and future manager of this company. We have worked for the company and supported all the movement of the existing executive associations like any thing without going into the depth of the various negotiations behind the curtain. But all of sudden we found that management along with executive associations completely forgot our existence in BSNL as far as different policy making and negotiation was concerned. Pension ignorance, EPF ignorance, stipend ignorance, gratuity ignorance, fixation of seniority and even time bound upgradation ignorance w.r.t. the direct recruits executives are live examples for which we are still struggling. We have tried our level best to pursue with the association leaders but all in vain. All were busy with their own cause of absorption negotiation. It has become unbearable when our subordinate who were not even eligible as per BSNL JTO recruitment rule 2001 and declared fail in LDCE of JTO exam 1999 & 2000 have not only been relaxed in year 2004 but also awarded retrospective seniority. All of sudden they have become our boss without doing any thing just on mercy of BSNL management.


Now direct recruits took strong decision to form their own platform in the name of AIGETOA for which ITS management have helped us by agreeing that we are different and being harassed in several respect. But all of sudden their attitude towards the direct recruits have changed as others start bargaining with their deputation and we were not sufficient to put pressure on the same issue.


Any way AIGETOA maintained very cordial and well mannered relationship with BSNL management but in returns they were even not allowed to meet top level management in the name of unrecognised association. We were not able to convey any of our rightful issues at right platform. Every level management has started targeting direct recruits in every respect mostly in transfer and posting as they are honest and not in the position to fulfil their unwanted expectations.


This has bring them much closer towards the unity and started thinking to follow some other way of persuasions. AIGETOA has called first demonstration on 18th July 2007 at Rajghat New Delhi for one day in very democratic way but BSNL management did not pay any heed towards the genuine issues which resulted another demonstration of one day on 15th April 2008 at BSNL corporate office. But management was still adamant not to listen us which has created controlled violence before the CMD office. Any way after this violence we have been able to make our presence in the mind of BSNL management.


Now BSNL management started giving us time to meet but was still adamant to resolve our issues which resulted historical four Days dharna from 1st Dec 2008 to 4th Dec 2008 at corporate office. This proved eye opening to BSNL management and committed to resolve our issues by keeping in abeyance the MT notification. BSNL management under the instruction of Honourable MOC formed one committee headed by Shri R K Batra PGM (IR) to deliberate our various issues but with past experience we had learnt that some unabsorbed ITS officers like GM (SR) was fully biased. We have been able to keep him away from the said committee. GM (SR) has gone on long leave and till his absence from corporate office, committee was in very right direction even hon'ble CMD has given open statement to implement time bound functional promotion for executives in the month of Dec 2008 itself which has also been appreciated by other executive associations.


In the deliberation with the said committee, direct recruits had started their demand with separate cadre for them as they are different than others in many respects but with the concern of the BSNL management that they should find some practical proposal which should be beneficial to all. 


AIGETOA has formed it’s own HR committee comprising 10 high talented members. They have conducted detail survey in different PSUs and gone in depth of DOT history. Considering the practical situation in BSNL and on the recommendation of our own committee, AIGETOA has decided to dilute the stand of separate cadre for direct recruits. AIGETOA has taken several internal meetings to come out with inclusive growth proposal which is beneficial for all along with our beloved company. Finally summarizing all the facts and practical difficulties and their solution this, AIGETOA again got a chance to meet with whole board of directors including hon'ble CMD on 19th May 2009. After marathon discussion of more than 3 hours meeting was end with happy quotes of our hon'ble CMD Shri Kuldeep Goyal which is reproduced here “Career progression proposed by AIGETOA seems to very logical and good for company as well as all executives”. He also told us to make unanimity with other executives associations so that implementation can be easier. He also instructed Director (HR) to talk with other executive’s associations with respect to the proposal.


We had approached to other executives association to make unanimity on the proposal without any prejudice. It was going in right direction but it was our unfortunate that GM (SR) didn't stop playing behind the curtain. As he is the most loyal of our hon'ble Director (HR, he managed him and overtook the situation by provoking some associations with reason best known to him. Suddenly we find that these associations have started applying more pressure for STS regularization to create more complication and threatened management to not move in any other direction than STS regularization. Now situation was totally reversed, BSNL management who were appreciating the proposal of AIGETOA w.r.t. career progression became once again adamant and final recommendation of Mr. Batra committee could not come out so far even after his retirement. In between they created some other anomalies like pay anomalies of 2005 batch in very planed way so that they can make it as negation point. AIGETOA had tried it’s best to avoid any agitation again and perused BSNL management with all efforts but all in vain. Finally, AIGETOA has served notice giving sufficient time of more than 50 days but it was the limit of adamancy of BSNL management that they did not even feel to call AIGETOA for discussion. Finally AIGETOA has decided to go and talk without call just few days before of agitation. Firstly, GS and president met hon'ble CMD BSNL alone to know about his personal views and why he is feeling so helpless even he was satisfied with our proposal and appreciated the same. Hon'ble CMD words reproduced here “I personally feel that your proposal is very ideal and need for the company, if it would have been my own company I had implemented it without any ifs and buts, but in BSNL no one is committed to involve in administrative changes as it will require some hectic administrative work” when we asked why they do not want to involve in changes if it is best for company? He refrained to speak over the question. Same has been clarified by GM (SR) in the meeting with him. GM (SR) said that as per the management views most of the responsible officials are working on deputation and their future in BSNL is totally uncertain. Chances are more that they would not opt BSNL. When we said as per our notice we are also demanding the same that only absorbed officers should be posted in responsible post in corporate office he replied that every one knows how compatible they are?


Yes, Management was ready to resolve some of our demands (as they think) but for which they were ready to resolve are not our real demands but right and responsibility of the management like pay anomalies of 2005 batch and EPF. We will not bag for our right but we will abduct. Birth of AIGETOA is based on at par career progression for executives and will not compromise with any issue.


Finally, AIGETOA has gone with it’s proposed agitation named “Operation Sacrifice” but management did not feel to invite the AIGETOA which again showed their adamancy. Anyhow, after intervention and positive assurance from Hon'ble Minister of communication and considering the public image of the company AIGETOA has decided to defer the ongoing agitation which was at the peak of participation.


Despite having "young and hot" blood and historical presence of more than 4000 members from all over India members have shown their great patience by standing out side of corporate office and Jantar Mantar, at both the historical occasion while all other agitation used to be inside the corporate office. BSNL never dare to salary cut for any agitation in the past by any associations but they have deducted salary of AIGETOAins.  It was not our cowardness but this shows the amount of our sacrifice for the genuine cause. It is a common practice that management wants performance oriented work culture and associations do appose but it is only BSNL were AIGETOA demands performance oriented work culture and management opposes. With the chronicle, let you decide Are members of AIGETOA are really arrogant? Are they militant? Are they inefficient? Are they uncultured? Are they not the part of this company? Don’t they have any right to think about their career? And many more........... 


But in future we will be all of these only because of nitwitted BSNL Management.....