SNEA : a deterrence on the resolution of issues of DRs
This association appreciates SNEA for pursuing the standard pay scale for JTO (E2) and SDE (E3) but strongly condemn the way it is pursuing. This is the association who is ultimate responsible for these anomalies.
At the time of IDA pay finalization in BSNL, SNEA was the major association. We were the member of this association only. This association has agreed for intermediate pay scale for JTO (E1A) and SDE (E2A) despite knowing the fact that MTNL has given standard pay scale i.e. E2 for JTO and E3 for SDE and all other PSUs are giving minimum E2 scale for graduate engineers. AIGETOA is the only association who has taken up this issue right from it’s inception much before 2nd PRC.
After 2nd PRC our demand has got strong support as DPE as well as GOM has strongly denied any intermediate pay scale in PSUs but SNEA was the first and last association who has written several letters in support of intermediate pay scale for JTO and SDE instead of supporting AIGETOA for it’s basic demand. With support of SNEA letters, management dare to propose intermediate pay scale by giving provisional lower scale which had been pending more than 2 years in DOT.
When SNEA failed despite of it’s best effort to introduce intermediate pay scale in BSNL and DOT has out rightly rejected, SNEA started crying for E2 scale for JTO and E3 scale for SDE. If SNEA would have supported our demand this issue would have been resolved much before at the time of healthy condition of BSNL.
After long struggle of AIGETOA when management realized our demand and agreed for E1+5 increment as an interim solution to protect the pay and to find out the way for standard pay scale i.e. E2 for JTO and E3 for SDE, again SNEA became the hindrance on the way of resolution by one or other reason. It is the fact that even management is proposing E2 scale JTO and E3 scale for SDE now than final approval may take several month from DOT and then DPE, till date young brigade of BSNL will remain deprived of their pay protection.
Now another drama starts from SNEA by suggesting management that financial implication for providing standard pay scale to JTO and SDE will be more or less same on account of early time bound promotion. They should understand that finalization of E2 and E3 scale and First time bound upgradation is two separate issues and it can not be compromised with each other.
This association has already taken up both the issues right from it’s inception and management has shown positive approach in our several meetings to resolve the discrepancy in first time bound upgradation by giving in equal span of time i.e. four years in respect of every executives. Most of the executives are already getting their first time bound upgradation in 4 years. With this suggestion not only direct recruits but promottee executives will also be equally deprived of their rights. In this situation, suggesting management to finalize E2 and E3 scale on the cost of time bound upgradation to minimize the financial implication is totally illegal and uncalled for.
If SNEA is really concern for the financial position of BSNL, there are other scope like stopping pension contribution, implementing CRS, stopping promotion of underqualified employees etc which will not only resolve the financial implication but will prove advantageous in many areas of the company.
SNEA has been
trying to divide direct recruits in batches we should be aware of
their vested interest. GS appeal all the young executives do not be
panic and remain united. This association will not compromise in pay
scale as well as time bound upgradation. We have kept ourselves
working for the company for last one and half year and tried to
resolve the issues through mutual negotiation. Anyone should not
undermine our unity and struggle power. This association has witness
several breach from the management during this period now it is near
to critical point, so get ready of creating one another history of
struggle if the need arise.