No pesky calls from 9 pm to 9 am (Source : Times of India, Dated 2nd Dec 2010)

NEW DELHI: Telemarketers can no longer take umbrage at the National Do-Not-Call (NDNC) Registry.

With the NDNC providing virtually no relief to phone users, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) on Wednesday changed the rules of the game and mandated that only those who register to receive promotional calls should be accessed by telemarketers—and that too between 9 am and 9 pm. So, come 2011, and a call or a message from a real estate agent or a fitness equipment seller will not interrupt your sleep.

Besides, to alert you against pesky calls, a new number series—starting with 70—will be allotted to telemarketers. Likewise, a unique SMS header allows for easy identification of commercial SMSes.

The stricter regulations also envisage a higher penalty of up to Rs 2.5 lakh and the telemarketers, who are found to be repeat offenders, face the prospects of their calls being blocked.

The NDNC Registry had limited scope, while the new process allows consumers a wide choice of either completely blocking all commercial calls and messages or choosing to receive SMSes from certain segments such as financial products, real estate , education, health, consumer goods and automobiles , communications, tourism and leisure.

Customers can register by calling or messaging 1909, which is a toll free number, and registration will become effective within seven days against 45 days now. The good news is that all customers who are already on the National DNC register need not register afresh and all commercial calls and messages to their number will be barred.

Registration of telemarketers with Trai has also been simplified and made online . Those who have already registered with the
DoT need not apply while those who are not will be registered immediately after online payment of the registration fee.

Scrubbing of numbers which used to be done by a centralized agency earlier, causing delays and other difficulties , has now been replaced by a system where telemarketers are required to scrub the data before sending the SMSes/making the calls through their service providers network. In addition, it has also been made mandatory for the service providers to filter the data. This two-stage screening is designed to stop unsolicited calls/SMSes.

Telemarketers have been restricted to 100 text messages a day and Trai has ensured that they are required to enter into an agreement with the service provider before they get telecom resources. As part of the agreement, the telemarketers are required to commit a deduction of Rs 25,000 for the first offence going up to Rs 2.5 lakh for the sixth offence from the security offered by them. Thereafter, the telemarketer will be blacklisted and will face disconnection services for two years.