Talent Mapping - Know where your talent lies...
In today’s difficult business climate, knowing
where your talent lies and the key strengths and attributes of every
person in your organisation could mean the difference between getting
through the current downturn or not.
When margins are tight, companies will naturally be reluctant to invest
in major recruitment drives or employee development programmes. But one
thing you should not neglect is the development, training and nurturing
of staff that you see as being integral to your future business and
central to your getting through these difficult times. One way of being
certain who these individuals are is to introduce talent mapping.
Talent mapping is a process which charts every individual in a company
according to their skills, competencies and capabilities and literally
displays where they ‘sit’ in terms of their ‘talent’ within the company
in a visual map. It analyses their ‘talent’ and the potential – where
they can add value to the business now and where they could deliver
value in the future.
This is of course a great process for a company to undertake as a matter
of course, but in a downturn, it is an essential one. When times are
tough, businesses need to adapt their plans and respond flexibly to new
situations. This is when managers need to know who they can call upon to
help them and which skills they need immediately to get them through.
Equally, they need to identify the ‘dead wood’ or those
individuals whose skills are not required during such times. For
example, a CEO might decide that it is more pertinent to improve
financial management and credit control rather than invest in new
business development at such a time and will need to plan resources
carefully to reflect this change of direction. It will be important to
also identify any skills gap and then decide to train internal staff to
fill the void or recruit externally – again, talent mapping makes this
process easier to manage.
But many companies do not have a formal talent management programme in
place – how would they go about talent mapping?
Identifying your talent :
Firstly, companies need to decide on what ‘talent’
really looks like within their organisation and what ‘talent’ is needed
for the current and future business strategy.
We all know
that everyone has talent or potential for something, but this generic
approach is not good enough; the important factor is to decide how
talent will be used.
Is there any dead wood in the company? What skills
would be needed in difficult times? In this uncertain economy when staff
cut backs might be needed, these questions are essential. Companies who
are certain about the people they want to be part of their future will
have a greater chance of success.
Each individual should be assessed in terms of their personal
capabilities, motivations, technical expertise and experience, so
managers can easily determine their ‘value add’ now and in the future.
This process also makes it easier to see which skills are missing and
the people that need to be brought to help manage more difficult times.
Many companies use external providers to help them set up their talent
management programmes. These experts will bring an objective view point
and guide companies through the entire process, teaching them how to
spot talent, create profiles for individuals and set up talent maps
showing how individuals can be developed throughout the organisation in
a formal and structured way.
should not be static – it needs developing :
Once talent
is identified, how that talent will be developed within the organization
should be considered. People cannot remain static, they need to be
nurtured and developed to motivate them, keep their morale high and get
the most out of them.
An external provider can set up an assessment
strategy for companies to determine the skills, capabilities and
motivations of every individual. They will help map where people sit in
the organisation in terms of their talent and their potential for moving
within the company and adding value to the business.
This process helps companies shift their focus from short term goals to
focus on the bigger picture. It helps them plan a long term strategy and
determine what talent will be needed to ensure future business success.
The programme should be fully supported by everyone in the business from
the CEO downwards and incorporated completely into the business
Line managers need to be coached on how spot, nurture and develop talent
programme and they should be incentivised and given the time needed to
invest in their staff so their team realise that their career
development is a major business priority.
The process should be communicated to everyone. It is a good thing if
employees know they are being assessed as working towards a career goal
is motivational. Remember, employment is a two way contract – if an
employee has bought into career development plan you have promised to
deliver, they are more likely to remain in the company to see it
Talent mapping will position every individual in a company in terms of
their skills, attributes and capabilities and it will clearly chart how
they should progress. Managers will be able to see when employee
development is needed so that training and development and career
opportunities can then be given to employees in a timely manner, before
boredom sets in and motivation slips.
Key to the success of any talent management programme is the willingness
of business managers to allow people to progress within an organisation.
They need to think about the business strategy as a whole and how much
more valuable these people will be to the company having experienced
other departments and having moved out of their comfort zone.
By following these simple steps, companies can not only start to recruit
the right people, they can develop people properly and ensure that their
most valuable people assets will be part of their long term business
Here are my 10 Top Tips on talent management:
Understand what talent you require - what skills, knowledge, technical
expertise do you require to make the organisation a success.
where your talent lies – work with experienced talent management
consultants who can help you identify talent.
where your organisation wants to get to – be clear about its current
and strategy and objectives and what is required of your talent to get
you there.
flexibility - circumstances change both internal and external to the
organisation. Be ready to alter your talent strategy to meet those
your talent appropriately – be prepared to move your talent around the
organisation in response to the challenges facing the organisation
both internally and externally.
that talent is not static; it must be developed – map every individual
in terms of their talent and skills and how they can move and develop.
the programme from top down – make it an integral part of the business
and coach line managers delivering the programme – make it a key part
of their job description.
and recognise your talent - there should be clear alignment between
performance and reward and recognition.
Communicate, communicate, communicate – everyone should know about the
programme and where their talent lies within the organisation - this
will improve employee retention and boost morale.