Updates on All India Conference of AIGETOA at Mysore from 17th June 2016 to 19th June 2016

Joint Open Session of AIGETOA & AIBSNLEA held at Mysore, 17th June 2016:

As scheduled, the joint open session of AIGETOA and AIBSNLEA was held on 17th June 2016. Prior to the Joint Open session, a procession from MarutiMandir to Senate Bhavan, University of Mysore was held wherein CMD BSNL Shri Anupam Srivastava, Shri N.K. Gupta, Director (CFA) and Shri Nagaraju, CGM (Karnataka) along with Shri Ravi ShilVerma, All India President AIGETOA, Shri. Prahlad Rai, General Secretary, AIBSNLEA and Shri. P Venugopal, President were taken in a chariot showcasing the services offered by BSNL. More than 1000 delegates participated in the procession with BSNL banners and display of products and promotions of BSNL services. CMD and Director CFA were very much happy to be the part of procession and appreciated the efforts. Click here for Glimpses



Open Session and Seminar on "Role of BSNL in the Telecom Sectorof India" commenced with Ganesh Vandana, beautiful dances Pushpanjali, BhoShambho Shiv Shambhu Savyambho, NrityaGiri and Veer Bhadra dance by the students of University of Mysuru.

Hon’ble Chief Guest Shri Anupam Shrivastava, CMD, BSNL, Guests of Honour Shri N. K. Gupta, Director (CFA), BSNL Board, New Delhi along with Special Guests Shri P. Nagaraju, CGMT, Karnataka Circle, Bengaluru, Shri K. L. Jairam, Principal General Manager, Mysuru Telecom District, Prof. Shri K.S. Rangappa, Vice-Chancellor, University of Mysore, Shri A. M. Gupta, GM (SR), BSNL C.O., New Delhi our CHQ President Shri P. Venugopal, Shri Prahlad Rai, General Secretary, Shri Ravi ShilVerma, President, AIGETOA, Shri Amit Roy, AGS, AIGETOA along with other eminent leaders of trade unions and sister Associations namely Shri P. Abhimanyu, General Secretary, BSNLEU, Shri C. Singh, General Secretary, NFTE-BSNL, Shri V. Subbraman, General Secretary, TEPU, Shri K. Sebastin, General Secretary, SNEA (I),Shri A.K. Kaushik, General Secretary, TEAM, MTNL, Shri Kishan Singh, General Secretary, AIRBSNLEWA,Shri S.S. Nanda, General Secretary, RTOWA (MTNL) were present on dais.

Open Session & Seminar on "Role of BSNL in the Telecom Sector of India" formally inaugurated by the Hon’ble Chief Guest and the Guests of Honor by lighting the lamp.

Shri H Y Andeli, C.S. Karnataka AIBSNLEA welcomed Shri Anupam Srivastava, CMD, BSNL and Shri N. K. Gupta, Director (CFA), Guest of Honours, VVIPs and all other dignitaries, Senior Officers, General Secretaries of other Unions/Associations, CHQ office bearers, Circle Secretaries, Circle Presidents, CWC members, delegates, press and media representatives. He mentioned that the gathering will discuss the role of BSNL in the Telecom. Sector of India during the seminar and during the AIC.

Felicitation of Chief Guest Shri Anupam Shrivastava, CMD, BSNL, Guests of Honour Shri N.K. Gupta, Director (CFA), BSNL Board, New Delhi, Prof. Shri K.S. Rangappa, Vice-Chancellor, University of Mysore, Shri P. Nagaraju, CGMT, Karnataka Circle, Bengaluru, Shri K. L. Jairam, Principal General Manager, Mysuru Telecom District, Shri A. M. Gupta, GM (SR), BSNL C.O., New Delhi and other celebrities on dais by presenting Mysuru turban, shawl, garland and memento.

The Senate Bhawan hall was jam packed with even hundreds of the guests who could not got seat in the meeting hall are viewing the program on LEDs provided outside the hall.

Prof. Shri K.S. Rangappa, Vice-Chancellor, University of Mysore, in his addressed mentioned that he is thankful for being honored for inviting and to become a part of the seminar on Role of the BSNL in the Telecom sector of India. He has remembered the progress of the science with an example of computer started in 1982 and compared BSNL with it. He was happy to spare the auditorium for the seminar. He remembered the condition of telecom service prior to 30 years and the progress as on today. He appreciated that BSNL is providing services in the nook and corner of the country including villages. BSNL is providing complete telecom solution to telecom enterprise business. He also mentioned that the resolution in Telecom from manual telephony to wireless upto 4G and VoIP. BSNL has changed a lot to meet the requirement of the citizens for the benefit of its customers. BSNL also has a customer grievance system and the same is regulated by TRAI and requested to discuss about how to increase the customer satisfaction. He opined that the professional experience of the executive to use it for the benefit of the growth of BSNL and benefit to its customers. He also requested the delegation to discuss the ways and means for the growth of BSNL and wished the seminar a grand success.

Shri P. Venugopal, President AIBSNLEA welcomed the dignitaries on the dais. President has expressed his gratitude to the CS and CP and the entire executives of Karnataka, especially DS Mysuru and team. 

Shri Ravi ShilVerma, President, AIGETOA CHQ appreciated the efforts of Karnataka Circle for the wonderful arrangement of the function. He stated that BSNL is reaching throughout the country and no other operator dare to reach to the rural parts of the country. The vision of the BSNL management is very clear and the executive also should have clear vision and to work hand in hand for the growth of the BSNL to implement the strategies and policies. He stated that for the executives, leader is only the CMD & Board of Directors and the management. He also expressed that the recent trade union action was need of the hour. BSNL is providing the selfless and cheap services continuously for years together. He mentioned that the cheap rate of the GSM services by the BSNL has only allowed common man to use the mobile services. He mentioned that the BSNL which was making profit earlier has gone at loss due to the policies and now it has started turning around due to the combined hard work of employees and management. He appreciated the actions taken by CMD BSNL and the BSNL management to reach to the common man during the time of emergencies and natural calamities. He also mentioned that he has faith on the BSNL management to settle the HR issues like pay scales by considering the HR as a resource for the revenue. He requested CMD to consider the financial outgo on account of HR issues as investment in Human resource and said that RoI in this investment is definitely going to much -much Higher. He requested CMD to use his good office and settle the maximum HR issues by getting approval from DoT.

Shri Prahlad Rai, General Secretary, AIBSNLEA expressed his sincere gratitude to CMD, BSNL, Director (CFA), BSNL, and G.M. (SR) for sparing the valuable time in spite of various meeting at New Delhi and making convenient to attend the said meeting. He also express his sincere thanks to Prof. Shri K.S. Rangappa, Vice-Chancellor, University of Mysore for sparing the auditorium for the conference. He also welcomed all other trade union / association leaders on the dais and the senior officers, delegates, press and media persons, etc. Thereafter he explained all the HR issues in details and highlighted the progress made so far and requested CMD to settle the HR issues urgently.

Shri Amit Roy, AGS, AIGETOA in his address stated that BSNL has contributed is 100% in changing the telecom need of the country. Telecom in India is synonymous of BSNL. BSNL has playing crucial role in the development of the country like digital India. He mentioned that while joining we were expecting Pay, Promotion and Pension at par with other PSUs. We are striving hard for standard pay scale instead of intermediate pay scale of E1A and E2A. All other PSU have changed their intermediate pay scale and he expected that under the dynamic leader of Shri Anupam Srivastava, CMD, no grievance will remain pending. He also requested to implement Khan Committee recommendation and CPSU cadre hierarchy. He mentioned that the CMD and Director CFA are taking the converted PSU of BSNL towards contemporary PSU. He expected that CMD will get the clearance of DoT to implement the E2 and E3 pay scales. Now BSNL is in operative profit due to the positive attitude of the CMD, Director (CFA) and his team. He expressed that instead of 30% superannuation benefit, only 3% has been granted by the BSNL and expected that the BSNL management will make efforts to contribute at least 12% as assured after actuarial analysis. He requested to fulfil the promotion by introducing CPSU cadre hierarchy. He also requested CMD BSNL to direct Personnel section to make preparations like VC and options calling for the LDCE passed candidates urgently so that after getting clearance from the court after the vacation, promotion orders can be issued immediately. He requested to consider Rule 8 transfer cases while recruiting new executives and also requested to clear the waiting list in view of the promotions from TTA to JTO.

Shri K. Sebastin, G.S. SNEA (I) in his address expressed his gratitude for inviting him for the open session. He on behalf of the SNEA wished the success of the AIC of AIBSNLEA and AGM of AIGETOA and expressed that the conference will come out with strategy to make the BSNL services better. BSNL CMD and Director CFA is having various innovative ideas and Hotspot, FTTH on affordable rate is being provided by BSNL. The IP traffic is provided only the BSNL in the country. BSNL is in the reviving situation and management is having vibrant and positive decisions and it is the turn of the employees and executives to support and make the SWAS programme and great success. 3rd PRC will definite. He also stated that the present management is taking various initiatives to settle the HR issues. Working together for the betterment of the executive by the all three executive associations is required and he also stated that though there is a difference of opinion amongst the executive associations, there is no difference as far as the issues of the executives are concerned. He expressed his confidence that together we can settle the issues.

Shri A.M. Gupta G.M. (SR) in his address mentioned that such a huge gathering he is seeing in BSNL at the first time. He is privileged to be the part of the function and extended gratitude for inviting him and extended thanks to the CMD and Director (HR) for allowing him to attend the gathering. Last year was the year of innovation and ideas, as we have introduced many new schemes like night free calling. Our HR unit also has change due to the presence of CMD. On behalf of the CMD he mentioned that first is the employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction is second. Many issues are under the active consideration of the BSNL management. Since membership verification is notified clarification on much HR issues cannot be explained. He also stated that solving the problem is like appearing exam, easy problems will be solved first and difficult issues will be solved later. He wished the conference a grand success and expected that new ideas will come out the conference and wished best wishes for the conference.

Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS BSNLEU on behalf of the BSNLEU and joint forum of BSNL unions and associations wishes the conference a grand success. He stated that the executives and non-executives of BSNL unitedly conducted various struggle against the anti BSNL and pro-private policies of the successive government. He mentioned that the employees and executives have to struggle to stop the anti BSNL activities of the Govt including the cancellation of various Tenders and to defend BSNL. He mentioned that never BSNL has seen such type of imitative earlier which is being taken by the present BSNL management. Many heroic struggle has been done by the executives and non-executives for the procurement of equipment. He appreciated the initiative of BSNL management for free roaming and night free call. Forum of BSNL unions and associations has conducted one month full campaign for promoting the newly introduced schemes which is never and anywhere seen in any other PSUs, where executive and non-executives going to market places, railway stations and Bus stands. Now we are introducing the SWAS that is Service with A Smile. Except BSNL, no other executive or non-executive association of any PSU is telling its employees to improve the services. The growth of mobile connection in BSNL has been increased drastically as compared to the private operators, which has made TRAI to declare that BSNL is the fastest growing mobile company of the country. He stated that more than 80% of the executives are going to retire before the next PRC that is by the year 1.1.2027, the wage revision coming into effect from 1.1.2007 is the last pay revision those who are retiring prior to 1.1.2027 and the pension will be getting by the retirees purely based on the forthcoming wage revision. In case the wage revision is not received in 2017 it will have its effect for the entire life of the executives. He mentioned that he is confident that the present BSNL management will take care of its employees and wished best wishes for the success of the conference.

Shri B.K. Singh, Inspector General of Police, Mysuru in his speech mentioned that Mysuru University is the 4th in the country to celebrate its century. The discussion on the role of BSNL will definitely bring out great ideas. He mentioned that he has started his carrier in DoT and subsequently joined the IPS service. Many things have been changed in the BSNL in the last 30 years. He mentioned that KSRTC is the only transport corporation making profit in the entire country. A single decision of the Karnataka state Govt. directly providing diesel and petrol to the KSRTC has made such situation of the KSRTC. He mentioned that many Govt. decisions have made the BSNL to the present scenario. People believe that the Govt. Corporations will never cheat its customers by wrong billing. The faith of customers on the BSNL is great and the management has to make its own marketing strategy and to create a good image.

Com. V. Subbraman, General Secretary, TEPU in his address mentioned that speaker after speaker is talking good about the present CMD and his Board of Directors, unlike other function where every speaker is blaming the management. He has requested all the executives to take lead and the non-executives will follow them. He also mentioned that BSNL is always different as compared with other industries.

Com. A K Kaushik, General Secretary, TEAM, MTNL in his address has expressed his gratitude for inviting him to the function. He re-called the remarks made by the Vice Chancellor of University of Mysore “Where no network is available, BSNL network is available” and such type of appreciation from the Vice Chancellor of Mysuru university is sufficient to motivate the executives. BSNL is not a profit making organization and is providing service and no organization is providing services like BSNL. The loss of BSNL is due to the wrong policies of the Govt. as mentioned by Com. G.S. of AIBSNLEA in his speech. Due to the wrong policies of the Govt., MTNL has drastically come down. He mentioned that BSNL and MTNL are providing service to many sector. Both MTNL and BSNL is in loss due to the wrong policies of the Govt. He also stated that it is a fact that people are having the trust in the Govt. Company. Due to the Govt policies, the BSNL management is handcuffed as compared with private operators by and supporting the private operators by cancelling the tender after tender. He mentioned that for the growth of any sector Govt. has to pay attention and make policies to help the companies. Various decisions taken by the Govt. is not being implementing like merger of BSNL and MTNL. Appreciated CMD BSNL for making the pay parity of BSNL with MTNL and requested to implement it with retrospective effect. He mentioned that approach and attitude and intentional trust can develop the organization. He appreciated the approach of the AIGETOA and requested the CMD to take Human Resources as assets instead of considering them as a liability. The same employees have been working in DoT and making the profit and only the policies of the DoT is responsible for the loss to the BSNL. He requested CMD to explore and extract the HR and they will make miracle in the organization.

Com. Kishan Singh, GS AIRBSNLEWA in his address stated that the Policies of the BSNL management has to be adopted and work accordingly so that Pay revision can be taken which will have impact on the pensioners also. He mentioned that after joining of the present CMD and his policies BSNL has started turning around and requested all to work together and make the BSNL a profit making organization. He requested CMD to take one representative from the Retired officers’ association so that they can express the difficulties faced by the pensioners to the committee considering the BSNL MRS scheme. He also mentioned that only metro cities are having panel hospitals and small towns are not having any medical facilities for the retired employees of BSNL. He expressed thanks for inviting and giving an opportunity to address the conference in Mysuru. He requested to attend the G.B. of the retired officers and make it a grand success.

Com. S.S. Nanda, General Secretary, RTOWA (MTNL) expressed gratitude for inviting and giving a chance to address the gathering. He mentioned that only AIBSNLEA is taking care of the working and retired executives. He mentioned that G.S. AIBSNLEA is helping one and all for settling their grievances. He requested CMD BSNL to take care of MTNL on issues in case he gets any opportunity to head the MTNL.

Shri N K Gupta, Director (CFA), BSNL congratulated every one for making BSNL revival. It was possible only due to the hard work of the employees. Mainly due to the implementation of Phase VII GSM tender. He requested to keep the BTS run throughout the day. Secondly, the revenue of CFA is stabilized and now growing at the rate of 1% to 2%. Thirdly, BSNL is able to control the expenditure and lastly the hard work of the employees had resulted to continue to keep the energy and efficiency to increase the revenue. BSNL revival was one of the main achievement of the present Govt. which was projecting in the Medias. He requested everyone to maintain the trend. The Telecom. Industry is not a technical industry no more and should have sufficient product with a policy for procurement to meet the requirement. At present the mobile revenue is growing @ 10%. The decline of landline in large scale is one of the main concern of the BSNL and requested everyone to take care of the landline. He suggested the scheme of franchise model to arrest the decline in landline. Wifi Hotspots are being provided at various important locations in the country. He further requested to make use of the FTTH services. He also mentioned that Wifi franchise are being introduced to provide connectivity to the uncovered areas. Making use of solar power is also one of the new policy being introduced. Make a moto of 10% revenue increase. He also mentioned that no telecom sector without BSNL and we will continue the service of BSNL in the telecom sector. At last he made slogan “long live BSNL”.

Hon’ble Chief Guest Shri Anupam Srivastava, CMD, BSNL in his speech mentioned that he has come here as friend and not as a CMD. He mentioned that he came here to support the cause of Director (CFA) WiFi project. He appreciated the executives. He also mentioned that he came here to take promise from Mysuru BSNL to become profitable in the next year. He also stated that he was aware that he could meet all the leaders of the BSNL in this platform with unity in diversity. He also mentioned that he has come here to see the University which has given three Bharat Ratnas and to meet a Police officer who earlier served the DoT and to see the loyal customers.

He mentioned that while taking the decisions, the matter is discussed with all the leaders of unions and associations and exchange the views of both unions and management. There are miles to go and it’s only a beginning. He remembered the days he worked in Mysuru. He shared his experience when he joined the organization in 1981 and the working condition of the organization. He stated that he learned many things from the first officer with whom he worked on joining the organisation. He mentioned that he is lucky to have the executives like every one present in the auditorium. Many important decisions have been taken by BSNL recently even though there was conflict on many issues. We are here today as a fresh unit. Whatever decisions to be taken will have to take today is the approach of the present BSNL management. The roaming free service made BSNL to revive CM revival by adding one crore with MNP positive, CM revenue increased. Night calling free service was the idea of Shri N K Gupta Director (CFA), which has arrested the decline of the landline.

We are here to take BSNL further forward and the financial results are encouraging. This year the operative profit is going to increase and within 2-3 years, BSNL will turn into profit making company. He mentioned that he is confident that with the present work force of 2,10,000 employees, BSNL can turn into profit. He stated that the only asset of the BSNL is its HR.

The idea of introducing the SWAS is very important in reviving the BSNL and appreciated the unions and associations for the idea. He stated that he is confident that the employees and their families will be benefited with the revival of BSNL. He thanked for inviting him and giving a good experience of attending function and addressing the gathering.

Com. Sundar Raju Circle Secretary Karnataka, AIGETOA expressed vote of thanks to one and all for making Open Session a Grand Success.

The Session concluded at 22.00 hours with National Anthem followed by Dinner.